HomeMy WebLinkAboutResolution 290 Create a SID No. 293 ..- -----.- ..- .------- -.---.-- PrlJof' Rel<\1 and. Ch(;ckQd, 4l--) . ...m__%/?:(JJ___m~ ..... tJ 1 _..._.)......._~._.L- ._..u._ .__ __ - __...._ __.___ .._ - u_._______.___ ______.._._ _ ______.___________________._______ -- ----.---.---.-, CQ},TNIISSION RESOLUTION NO. 290 A RESOLUTION OF rEI-ill CI'J."Y COMMISSION OF 'rHE CITY OF' BOZEMAN DECLAR- ING IT rro BE THE IN'fENTION OF THE CITY OF no ZEMAN TO CREATE A -------..... ---...-- 4 ~~-) 2 ,) ,a1 .. ... .... . _... .....__._..u._ ..__ of an ord:dmance, pursuant to this Resoluti.on of Intention; and the City Manager is hereby directed to cmIse Notice of this Resolution to be served upon all persons whose property abuts upon that portion of Sixth Avenl~e between College and Cleveland Streets, Seventh Avenue between Harrison 8: Cleveland Streets, Harrison I Street between 3ixtll and Seventh Avenues and to give notice thereof by publication, all in the manner and form as urescribed by Section 5494, R. C. Montana, 1921. Passed and adopted by the Com~ission of the City of Bozeman at a regular session thereof held on the 28th day of June, 1935. -2L ~ --11d.~ , Mayor NOTICE IN HE COWI}:TISSION rmSOLUrl'ION NO. ~90 OF' THE crI'Y OF BOZEr,lAN DSCLARING TJ-m INTENTION OF THE CITY 01" BOZI':MAN TO CREA'l'E A SPECIAL IMPROVE- MEWr DISTRICT TO BI~: KNOVrN AND DESIGNAI'ED AS SPECIAL H'IPROVEIlml'rT DISTRICT NO. 293 FOE r:['HE PURPOSE OF CONSTRUCTING SrrREE'l' CURBS, OILED MAC AD Al\'l OR GRAVEL OR PENOLITHIC P AVEM'j':Wr AND SrrORIfl SEVfERS ON SIXTH AVENUE BETWEEN COLLTWE AND CLEVELAND STREE'f1S, SEVEHTH AVEHTTE BETWEEN HARElSON & CLEVELAND STREErI'S, HARlUSON STREET 48;) ---." --- Room of the City Hall, Bozeman, Montana, is designated by said Resolution No. 290 as the time and place for hearing ob,jections to the action proposed to be taken by said resolution and the adoption of an ordinance giving effect to the same, and when and I where any and all persons whose property abuts on that portion of Sixth Avenue between College and Cleveland Streets, Seventh Avenue between Harrison & Cleveland Streets, Harrison Street between Sixth and Seventh Avenues, may appear and show Caus e , if any they have, against said proposed improvement. Objections may be made orally or in writing. This notice is given pursuant to the provisions of Section 5494, R. C. Mont. 1921. Dated this 28th day of June, 1935. By order of the Commission of' the City of Bozeman. -~?!4~ At~:-- 6/// >--- (- / I Carolyn Westlake, Clerk of the Commission of the City of Bozeman, Montana, , I hereby certify that the foregoing Notice ir: re Commission Resolution No. 290 of the City of Bozeman,