HomeMy WebLinkAboutResolution 286 SID 290 ProOf n"l'\d nn rt Cll CCkiJd 4(i7 . -- !/I~/~ r .... d~;Z'U.U_h' I t-_&_-"'-- l --- -- COMHISSION RESOLUTIOn NO. 286 I r ~BR I I 470 ~ I I ~. 1 I p~epa~ation of plans, specifications, maps, plats, enginee~ing, supe~intendence, and I I inspection, including the compensation of the city enginee~ fo~ work lione by him, I I the cost of p~inting and adve~tising, and the p~epa~ation of assessment ~olls, shall I I. I be paid fo~ by special imp~ovement dist~ict coupon bonds o~ wa~~ants, Lo be d~awn I against a fund to be known 8.8 "Special Irflp~ovement .Li€hting j)ist~ict No. 290 FundI!. Said bonds o~ wa~""'ants shall be in the denomination of one hund~ed dolla~s (4PIOO.OO)-- 0"'" f~actions o~ multiples the~eof, and may be issued in installments. Such bonds Or wa.,.,.....ants shall bea'Y' inte't'est at the 'Y'ate of six pe'r'cent (6i~) pe'l" annum f'!"'om the date of thei'!'" .....egist.....ation until called fo'r' .,.,edemption o~ paid in full and. the inte~est shall be payable annually on the fi.....st day each yea'1" afte..... such ~eGis- t.....etion as exp'1"essed by the inte'1"est coupons attached. the.....eto. Such wa..........ants 0..... bonds shall be .....edeemed by the Di'Y'ecto'r' of Finance of the City of Bozeman when the'r'e is money in said Special Imp,..ovement Lighting Dist.,..,ict No. 290 Fund. aiaLlable fa,.. such payment. Section 8. How Wo~k Shall Be Done All wo.....k and labo'r', and all mate.,..ial of eve"'y kind and desc~iption, ~e~ui"'ed fo'" the imp"'ovement by this Resolution authorized amd di.....ected. to be made, shall be p,..ocu.....ed, p.....ovided and e'Y'ected by the City of Bozeman in such manne"" as the City Manage""', unde,.. dh'ection of the C1 ty Commission, shall deteT'mine, pu.....suant to the I" autho.....ity the~efo'1" g'1"anted by Section 5261, R. C. Montana, 1921, as amended by - ...- Chapter 143 of the 20th Legislative Assembly of the State of iilonte.na, 1927. Passed and adopted by the Commission of' the City of Bozeman, ~'.1ontana, at a "egula'r' session the.....eof held on the 8th day of Feb'1"ua,..y, 1935. .4/f~ Vayo,.. I, Ca'1"olyn Westlake, Cle~k of the Commission of the City of Bozeman, ~ontana, I he~eby ce.....tify ihat the fo"'egoi~ Resolution No. 286 of the City of bozeman, was I PQblished by title in the Bozeman Daily Chronicle, a daily newspave'r' of gene'r'al ci't'culation, p.....inted anu published in said City, in the issue of Feb,..ua'1"Y 10, 1935, and that due p'r'oof 01' said publication was made and filed in my office. IN WprNF,SS WHEHEOF I hereunto set my hand and the co.....po'1"e.te seal of my office I this 11th day Qf Feb"'ua"'y, 1935. /).~ / L ~ / / ,/ ! / --/ . / /' ... ~%~t0at~.Q C1e'r'k the Commlssion ---... f' ! I i I I