HomeMy WebLinkAboutResolution 302 Creates SID No. 297 3G ~<-?!:I> ' 'f iI> " i\ eft' .A 1:>/ .p~'" . / ~#' (, I.t;"-; COl:UHSSION RESOLUTION NO. 302 ~ \. . 2/'Y'/ ;.... A RESOLurl'ION 01~ THE COMtlISSION OF THE CIT~::~ OF BOZE]'/;AN DECLAEING I'l'; '1'0 BE /' , THE INTEN'i'ION OY~ SAID CO'll.1ISi:!ION TO CI:ENl'E A SPECIAL II.1PHOVElilEl1'l' DISTRICT ", 1):'0 BE KNO\',fN AND D:':SIG-NA'I'ED AS "SPECIAL HIPHOVE1\n:Wr DISTRICT NO. 297" OF SAID CITY FOR 'l'IIE PUHPOSE OF CONS'llHUCTING CONCHETE SIDEV!AI&S, CUHBS, CRO SSWALKS, G n.AVEL, OE CH1JSYLED ROCK, BASE AND STJITABLE BLACK 'rop pAVE- MKNT 01'1 FIJi'TII A VE}TUE, SOUTH, BErrWEEN COI,LEcm S'.J.1l1EET AND DICYERSON STEEE'I', AND '1'0 SPECIALLY ASi3r;ss 'nIB LNTIHE COSrl' AND EXPE1'13E OJ:" ALL 'rIm AFORESAID CONSTRuc'rION AI<:D BIPHovm,iEN'rs (EXCEPT AS SUCH COST Il,1AY BE lillDUCED BY LABOR I SEHVICES AND/OH JiI()KE~~ CONTHIBU'TED 'l'lmHE'TO BY PUBLIC WORl:S ADtlllHS'l'RA'l'ION, worum PROGRESS ADJ.IINISTRATIOi';, OR ANY O'l'HER GOVERNMENT AI, Ar:-EFC~,{ OR ADI'UN- lSTHA'l'ION BY WEATSOEVEH NA1\TE CALLED) AGAINS'I' 'THE PHOPl':h'I'Y V~rl'FIN SAID DI3rrRICT 011 TIm FRONT ~'OOT BASIS 1J1mER AND BY VIRTUE 01,1 TII}': PHOVISIONS OF SECTIONS 5225-5277, REVISED CODES OF MONTArA, 1921, AS ANE":D'ED. Whereas there has been filed with the Clerk of the Connnission a petition signed by George P. Dier and others, in due form, and Whereas the City Commission has had this matter under consideration and " there seems a poss:i.bility of securing Public Works Administration funds for this project, and Whereas the Co~n:,dssion of the Cit:-,' of Bozeman deer.1s this project to be a necessary improvement, and V'Jhereas September 3rd, 1935, has been set as the f:i.nal date for filing application under Public Works Adm1.nistration. Now, therefore, BE I'l' HESOLVED BY 'ilIE CCHitMISSI01T 0;:' T:]~ Crry OF BOZET,'[AN: -. 37 the constru.ction of necessary crosswalks and culverts and combinations tlJ ereof , the excavation for and constMlction of gravel, or crushed rocle base, the placing of a top or wearing course of crushed gravel or rock, plant, or road, mixed with a suitable road oil or cut bacl;: asphalt (as may be determined after consideration of price and quali ty) and including engineering, inspection, and incidental expenses. I Section 5. Approximate Cost. That the approximate estimate of cost of the aforesaid improvements including all items mentioned in Section 4, is ~~lO, 639.00. Section 6. Assessment of Cost. rrhat the total frontage of the land within said proposed district to be taxed for the cost of said improvements, exclusive of streets, avenues, alleys, and public places, is 1283.6 lineal feet, and an approximate estimate of the cost of said improvement to be specially taxed and assessed against the land therein is :;~8.29 per lineal front foot of said land, provided: that from the total cost of the construction --.-------.. .. 3H 3oction 8. Special Assessment. That to pay said bonds and any interest thereof, representing the cost of such construction as finall~r determined in the manner specified in Section 6 hereof, a special assessment shall be levied against all of' the land within the bo:undaries of said proposed Special Improvement District No. 297 as hereinbefore defined, each front foot bordering or abutting upon Fifth Avenue within said district to be I . . assessed and taxed for its nroportionate share of such entire cost, exclusive of streets, avenues, alleys, and public places. Section 9. Payn1ent in Installments. 'l'hat such assessments and taxes shall be payable in eleven (11) install- ments, extending over a Deriod of ten (10) years with not to exceed six (6) percent annual interest on deferred payments com-:nencinp: with the year 1935; provided, that payment in full of sltch total assessment and any accrued interest thereon may be made at any tlme after such total assessment is detorm:t ned and levied in the manner by law provided. Section 10. Pa~nnent As sured. 'l'hat the prompt and full payment of said Special Improvement lJistrict No. 297 bonds and the interest thereon as hereln proposed to be issued, has been assured and nrovided for by the creation of a Special Improvement District Hevolving F'und established by the levy of a tax of one half (-~:) mill levy on each dollar of the taxable valuation of' all taxable oroperty within the cor- porate limits of the City of Bozerrum, Montana, pursuant to the provisions of I Chapter 24, Law~) of the 21st Legislative Assembly of the State of T'IIontana, ........- 3~} NOTICE IN RE COMMISSION RESOLUTION NO. 302 NOTICE IS HEHEBY GIVEN 1'hat at a regular meeting of the Commission of the C1 ty of Bozeman held on Flriday, August 30th, 1935., Cmnmission Resolution No. 302 was passed and adopted. Said Hesolution declares it to be the intention of the Connnission I of the City of Bozeman to create a special improvement district to be known and desig- nated as lI,special Improvement District No. 297" for the purpose of constructing concrete sidewalks, cur b s, crosswalks, gravel, or crushed rock, base and suitable black top pavement on Pifth Avenue, Sou tJ:1, between College Street and Dickerson Street. The boundaries of said proposed district are as follows: "Beginning at a point in the south line of Dickerson Street 100 feet west of the west line of Pifth Avenue, thence easterly along the said south line of said Piftb Avenue to a point 100 feet east of 40 and assessment per lineal front foot of' property wi thin tho boundar:ios of tbe propo~""Jec1 district as hereinbefore described shall be determined and made upon the , basis of such total cos t as the same may be reduced by any labor, services, and/or money contributed tov.ra.rd 811.ch construction bl.,T Public Worl-:::s Administration, Works c -. Progress Administration, or other federal or state agency by whatsoever name called, all as aforesaid. I IlJotice is hereby given that protests must be filed in writing wlthin 15 days of the ..::1 a te hereof. . Notice is further given that Friday, the 20th day of September, 1935, at the hour of 7:30 P. M. is the time, and the Cormnission Chamber in the City .i:-.lall, City of Dozenan, Y,lontans., is the place \vhen and where the said City Commission will hear and pass upon all protests legally ::nac1e and filed againDt the creation of said proposed district and the extent, character, and/or purpose thereof. Dated this 3rd day of Septer-iller, 1935. By order of the Cormn1.s sion of tl:.e City of Bozeman. ,) t:U Ac ting on1J:rli s s ion State of I'.10ntana 55. County of Gallatin I I, Bethyl Clarke, Acting Clerk of the COYirrnission of the Ci ty of bozeman, horeby certify that the forer~oing Notice in re CornrrJ.ss:ion Hesolution No. 302 of the City of Bozeman, was published in t}-:te Bozeman Daily Chronlclo, a d.aily nevlspaper of gencr'L:tl circulation, Drinted and publislled in said. C1 ty, in the issues of September ~)rd to 7th, inclusive, and that due proof of said D'ublication was made and filed in my office. nr 'NITlJESS W:-IEEEOF I hereunto set my hand and affix the seal of my off:lce this 7th day of September, 1935. ) l/ / -./:- :' ,. -'-'j ~ ~ot:-'}~-f=. /C/ ([->f~-h ---1-h / Actin,,:: lerk oT the Commission Ii I Resolution Ne. 302