HomeMy WebLinkAboutResolution 299 Street Sprinkler Districts, Year 1935
1>J'otJt R(!o.d.
cO;'.,:[SSIOH RE;:;CJLTJrlIOli no. 299
aM Chuc1!ie4.
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Pc rn;;30I;U'nO,; OJ:" 'lTL, cor,;;.1IS:~IC1J UTi' rl'J-E~ CIT'(
Ur. ZEh:AH LEVYING I\\'D._ .
"",e"",c'I7('C \ <'''~''''TAT 'C"-'-'['<"','''-;,-" (P 'l'\V'"
1T"')('''; '-'I r':~IT' pr,{,7"JTn:.(".,y IY _.iL-l:"[
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"~~.'..!'; l.. ):.1 {. ./1. 0 _ J. \ ;.I.~ ~1.'lL.....",~ 1.1"': ,.~ "';: \..,11 J.~1 1.. U -- .... _.n....~........tI~
~J;_l'.~l""{,:~,',:J' "r_L\ ;:::)pr{I, ~~:,,::,'}'.~L I.~'.~G.
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C:' AI, I, Ni' I'" ,
;~~ IT :,"/11'1'<
~~prinl'.:ling Dif3triGt 'i\;O. V>,j" created b~/ Council riesoll1,tion TJo. 769, South
Willson Avenue fr02 1st a~ley south to Cl~veland Street, a total frontaze of
5921.37 feet. the 3ur;1 of ;;;;80.11, belnr'; 75;{; of the entire 8.Jllount, or at an
opproxi:late r:l.,tc per fre,nt foot of :).01~:)53.
::Jrlrin':11ng District ro. 135, created by Council Hesol'Jt:ion o. 770, South
Grand 1'X.venue from, Is t alley south ,to College Street, a tot'Jl fronta(je of 4614.42
"'", . 't tl., 0 '" Of' ,.,1"7 C IC b'C'1' . " r15 ';;, f' -'-1__ .0 L ~ "" "., , t' . t. <,..,," .' yn ~.
l'_.,O ,,10 >..>lL,l 'I(VU...) 1, 'Jeln-, /.' 0... '-dIe en u.J.r 0 a.10un" or a an cIpT)lOXl..".,fll,e
ratc~ per front foot of ;,;;.007923.
~~pri:nlclinr~ Di:3trict ::0. 13C, crcrd;ed by C:oun:;il rtGsolu~lonLo. '/?l,I"llrd I
Avenue :C'rom L~ain ~)tl'eet to D,abcoc]{ ~;treet a:n::l. from 011'1e ;Jtreet to C1c'Jeland
("t~ ..t '0 -1 -'C. '-.tJ" ,\, f'. ": 1, 1,. (,~- .....J. t U"l"'" Qt',.J-. . t- ,1-'1 ..,,~ "';"C(".
'J le8 , ",nc ,cOUI ,. lVCntl.e ...r?lTl ,u8.ICOC", uureol., 0 J,vC u leCl', ,1 ,0..,<3.. .L10IL,,) C
I'. -- I:"..' r:""" ',~ --1' (.. '-. -- ":~(}~:) (, l" ,. r",.... ;:"(;" .e. ,- , ..~ 011I ~ ........1 ,J~ -. .-::r'.' r::t'
.).L 61.-,0.4e) fec'G, 1....18 ",urn of ",!,(,u.1J.. .JO.Ln" 7e)!) 0, the en"Lre [l".o1'.nl-,., 01 ,~t c,n
aY)1)roxilnate rate per front foot of ;::;.004~)74.
SDridd.inC D:i.strict }:o. L57, created Conncil Re~301ution No. '772, i'~ort11
Wallace Avenue from Liain ~3 trect to ~I'8.l'Jaro.cl~ Stl'eo t, and 'l'armrac}: S tree t from
\'Ia11nce Avenue to T:.P. Stn.tion, a total frontaC"c of ()/1;1:2.2 feet. the sum of
$40.70, ~eins 75~ of the entire rnnount, or at an apnroximate rate Del' front
foot of ).00G318.
S"Orl(;~linn' District :::0. 138, crentecl b~:- Council T\'esolution }.jo. 773, I~orth
r-: q 'r i" ' '''',., l"'t 1J .C" -'-' t ,.,t "t ,,'t ,. "1' 1" . t"n'- 1" 0::.:>19 5.
1r"c:, ",,/8n1',e 1101.1, ,-, .8. ...e., norvll.. 0 oj. '-' roc, a ,--,0.,8. .I rOD "'",8 0 ",u. _.
feet, t:ce Sl1211 of' ,).10.Z;O. be:Ln~\ 75~; of the ent:.cro anount, or nt an :l..,.:)Y.,...)rox:Lmate
{I ",' . ,I
ra \-.0 ner rOllt .Coot 0::" ,:;.0142::3.
,3nr:111}-:J.:L-,g D:1.strlct Fo. 12)9, creatcd by Conncil hO::301ution o. 77.1. South
Sixth AVCIlTle frO:'l Olive 0treot to ::;-l:;or'.T Stroet, .~ totD.l :C'rontn.:o of 179:3.? feet.
"' .,';
t;'lC 3lun of1S .13, bejng 75;,' o:C tho or, tLr8 a-;;lOlJ.nt, or n t an 81),)1'oxima te rate
nor 1""]"0" .t- foo't- of' ,::~ 0004' ('3
I' J ...L "" '. ..I..,. .." '/. ,. <,) ..\.J .
0pr:LnJdin.c:" District 1:0. 140, created b.t Council He80ll',":i.an j~o. 7?f), SOlJ_tll
Eir:~htl) Avenue frol~ll:~d.n Streot toT:arrlson Streot, a total .f1'on'l;a:;o of 5,172.35
feet, the sum of :)G7.'7:3, being 75;') of the entiro amount, or c.t an apnrozi'r:atc
rC1+:" or f'-~ont f"oot 0.:.", 010,;,r,r::
- '."- J I.~, P -- J. ." ~ ,...1.. '1;'. .:... t,) (..J 0 ..
"""-"'1-1.c1" ,,"","c,t.. ,1- c, 1/'1 ""'<~"'l' (, . "'I ""'0 ".t-". 0'7"" ("
,j,JJ..n.,",-.LDh ",.lu r..LCv ,0. I, CJ,CduCC oy"oune.!, 1\(",,0 ,J,lOl1 o. ( u, ",,-cory
Stroc:t frev'll 'i.irt"lC\r Avon.v_e to ci.11Lird I.vom.Je. a totf;ll .Cr()nt:,:'"....o 0:" 1727.5 ,feot, t'ie
"',' 1 m 0 1', .";n h)' () 1,. ", ':1 11(~ Y"7 r:;::/ Of ,1:;1'1 p OJ:1'\'J' 1" c', a:"l (")'11'1' .L- or '" .t.. <:11'1 '~ ''''':)rc) V" rrl<:l t. '"' 1'''1 ,,- ",-, "'..)0" I"
~~l,.".J.1 .: J......~., 1.),...._'. "() 'JI" ~,.~. ~_,_ ~ "J.,lo. .'," 1." ...... ~ '.._. '.,;:/' ...n...1......,,'> ,I....... ~ ,-,,\..JV '
front ,Coot of .~;.OOf)!,). . I
Sprinkli"r:~ Distr:1(~t ].10. 11):2, croated 11 Counc:U Z'{CfJOllltion rIo. '7'77, Story
;)tr ct an,1 Z'-och, Street bO~\'I8Cn, S:i,xtJ~.} AV01~',10 ~nd Ei:~;lJt~J. .I\.v0n:10, a ta'.',a1 frontage
of 2140 feot, tne SltJ! of :,'12.07, bfnn'" 7::"; 01 the entLrc aL,-OlF',t, or ;] t an
n'n')rox'lW1(> '-e. I>" to )'01" -t:'l'o""I""o()<- 0.(.'< ", OOt':GL1
L...I,. Y" :", .' "-'.I J.O.. l-, - ,_:", ..1,1 ,J. ..i... ,..~ l. ,J J. . LJ ..L . v::.t .
SDrj.nlc1:lnr'; District reo. 14~~\, cret:ctc(] by COlJ,ncilr\osol"'cltion i!o. 7?D,
ClovelancJ. Stroet fronVJll1son Avenue to. Soventl: Avenue, a!';otal fron,tage of
'7"] !:'>0 -"', C. .t" ,t.1.... c.: lY' pl:'0(, '? <' 1, ,. ::' r"rc,-.,,'-' i-I'" .. - t," .:> G" ",.,- '" t. .' _
,-!_..,)C,.LO v, ',.,I.e ,_'l__ll oJ'",;i'~j..)u,..)e.u2:: {,,),., c,,_ .,1C ell "lore '_:C 111 OU , "", 01 ,,1 an approx
u:l':lte rn.te ')01' franc loot of ,.,:.0064.
0nrln;.:11.ng)istrict Fo. 14,1, crollted 1J,.' COlmcl1 Hesolution :Lio. '7'7SJ, Olive
SI~re' C' t rl~()T"1 ('f '1"'"' ''" (1 A-ve']'lllO" 7-.0 S -~l Y' t't., ^ "\101"11'e ,., L-o t c,'l f',' l'OJ1'C- <0 (Te e) f' 0? G,'~) -F'U" (" .1- +:.'j-1(' S1'ln
-, -~ ... ~ ...... ,-.- .;...:+"..,. J, ," _,_ V ..u",.:L.." ,,1"1 ~.-t.., c...... j -c:..:.. ~. .., .. c,''\.(:> _'. {-...J.....,; f"_! ....... ~ U" I.J. .,j A.... j
,"1" .,:11.'/9, 'he:ing '/t)i' o_C' tllU entire a:::ount, or :'t an .'JDpro;:::LmaLc rato per j"r:_,nt
foot of .005212.
(". " 1 J . '". . t ., . ] c' () .... .. 0 1. .. , "J' " . 1 ". .'. ,.:" c" ,-" , , ] 1
u!)r 'n~--lnE; 1/18 -rJ.('.'c u. .u., Gren.l~eu IY \)oun,G.L _ HC:JO U,ClOl',),O. '::\.,Jb, ,-,0., er~e
,'Jtrc,:)tCrolil 'Tracy Aven'to Jco ,F'011.l'th /~venuc, n ~:oi,;lll rroiit~:::..:':e oj' 20;25.1 ,:,oet, the
('1 1 .(.'"''' ',',1 14. r; !-; """ .1 ,.... r"" 7 r:- c:< ..p ',~ I' :::. t,... -'+ ...\ , ~~ -:'~ ') ~" .l~ r ""1 .::) .;: ':' " "',r.tI ":' i a 4- , 11 t.::\ ,~
.~lJn 0..1. ',(- ,_....iv, 00.L11:, c.)/u 0.'- '0....18 Cl1.,J.1C Q.:.I10Unv, 01 ,1, cl1~ "".:.J,)IO......LL,.,,e 18. C pCI'
front foot of .007382.
SIJrJ.1kLLng District lio. IGl, crcated :;y C;outlcil~(osolution ITo.=)['i?, liortTl
ChurcJl Avonuo :C'rmn :,:s.:i.n ~) tr(~e t to Poach Streot, a total fron toc'e of 4038. G[) feGt,
the sun of ,:2;). 5,1, bcinr:; 75>;) of t}'!C) ontire; a'nmrnt, or at an anproximate rate per
front foot 01').006324. '."
SprJ_n:J,lnr; Diatricto. 1G2, created by Counc,LL nesolution );0. ;)0[3,
l1:coc1: ~'~ tre ct fro:'n r~o ;;0:1['.': ;\ venue toF'if tll,\vo::I' 0, 'F"iCJ ~"iftlj:"ven' 0 from~~a l'coc1<;:
(", ",,," "'r-. "'"." "+"'-"c"'" ."- .1.<"1 ~", 't<,.., ", 4(.~()(j" h'" .t L.,_,.. c. '1 f ''''80 '''0 l'~,,",",""
uc,rCCL IJ\.., ;"C_J_,l ,),,1\, ,\-', ':., vOGd_" J,ron d(')e oJ. u,,.J .,) lee, Gj"O ..,1.1...1 0" '"J "....) , <Jel.tli;.j
75~:; of' tL,8 enLire ,;:u,~01l'lt, or at an approx:L':mte rate per front ,Coot cf;i;.0190~).
S~)r1.IlldiL~'~D:tstI'ict No. 163, croated b7cr Cound,1 HOclOltltlon 1:0. 859, I
C.'lJrt..i.,",<' St.rect..f'l'Otn....Thirc1 AveYllH' to 0i~-tl-, Avc""ue '1 totCl1 i'l>or.ltai"e of' l"j?G r; L.,pet
-~ ,.W "..J.. ."- .". .'1" -+_'1".--' ....1.. ~,... ~;.., c~ ..... ~.__.. {C.r._~ "... '_ .~.". ~~, ,
tile .::mn: of;10. ']G, being 75;;:, of tile en tiro a:'Clount., or ,~d; t,::..n IlD:n'o,zimate rn tE: per
frollt foed; of ,::j. 006C:55. .
'JD1"'.' ',,'Ii -,.r'l <0< t -' t ] (,.'4. ",",<"< t. (0 b'v n . > '"I i' ~ ...,] ,1-" 1" (\GO l,'," ftl'
'" l..,l: __11',.1_>..> rJ.c 0..-..1, C1 e,,, O,) ./ ",OlUC,L .to,.:;I.,.\,.11 ..,1.0_.., o. '))., ,L., 1
/\.VemI8 fro:',- Olive LH.rc,;c;l:; to Kech :~;trect, Q total fronta!;e of 1161.52 i.'eet, t}w
SlJ.m. of ,::;g .17, boing 75;; of tLo 'mt:ire am,OlE1,t, cn' n. t ,,-n 8.rmroxi!<::,- to rate nor fron, t
foot of " 007~;. ..
Rosol :1tion No. 299
:Oi:Jtr:ict 1:,0.
19~~ .'
created by Council Hcs01uJ::;:ton '.0. 992, OLi'lEO
from Gr~nd Aven~e
l,. _ f.'I ,II., (
to Clmrcll Avonue,
a total fronta8G of 1795 feet,
the sum o,L;,d .10,
75;~: of
a;,wunt, or at an opproximrr to rate pOI' front
foot of '11).00.'1513.
~)iG trJ.',: L l:o.
created b;," C01J,11.cil Hesol1Jtion T;o.
Cllr~tis s
Street be tVleonT:)1ac"
8rD (~ '-i:1"; i r c1 :'
a total
of) 1 ~.?27
Sllln of "~r)~~..43,
7f'i,' of
en tire
an anDroximate rato ~J
er frent foot
;: . 004>j .
~;pr i11.]-:li
jn.Ji 8 tl~j, C t ~,"; 0 .
1 cu.
e I' 0 CL .~ 0 c~ ~'J:'
Council nosoll.'.tioIl_':O.
;:Jpr 1nl(lin:"~ Di3 tr:i. et::o. 2;",6, ere::ttcd by Ci t~,/ Cm:mrl s si em He sol;ltion Lo" 10,
A1Ccrson street' from.ii11son Avenuo to l:leventll Avenue.i!o Iu:,::;ess.nent.
0"'r~ --,lrll" 11" Dl"" t1....j C t 'i,-C") 0'"). rl r> .l~e.' a~'e' d 1-)'1;7 ("J.... 1-,., C' O'-'W'll" S: <:,.~ (-,,11 F'e "oJ l'tl" ()I' _",: 0 11
J' ~.. '.L:" ,':; u ._ ....,. I:-",,~ ,\..... I.r \.... l~) ,,,.I ...,,'\.' .I ..[IJ.I I-..,}_L ".~ ... s..J ~,~ l .,'. ,
Harr:l.son Street :'po:n. Tr"ey Avenuo to 4r;hth:\vOH1W, a total fro:nLa(-'c of .,,:,53 ('eot,
"10 asseSi3mCl'.t.
'c., ~ "-'1'""":'- "," "t '"c,.t 1'.,' 20'8 . t. ,.'1 l.~.,. (".".t. r< ...,.. ",,.," .j:> c; 1 t.'. .. F If)
,..)~)r-,-JL. l".:" lJl,) 1]" ,.,0...,,), crca ,CCl ),..1..y \IO''l,ll..h:>].on \0...,0 U ..1..',...111.-,,0. IJ,
SO" Cbu.reh Avenuo from T.:.ain ;:;tro(d: to Stor:rr Stroo t, 8. total frontw':e of 3,1:57
i'.. .1" .tl---:> '" '," f ',,] q 4,,:> h -' . ," 7~~.'/ f,' t,.,.. . t". '," . -'- t . .", -~'"p" J.. , t., I
0.,0", I.' c.. ..., ,.1,,\ O. "..v. "J.., _ o-,-n;., <..'f.! 0 ". .....B en ,1.1 (3 a.",oun v, or 8. an apT).L Of.l".,a l,O r a." ,0
" ,It-. r- r-" h'" " ,
pOl' fror-c foot of ',1-' 0 OO,':G':Ju.
SpriJ'3r:11nC, jJistrictJTo. 2[:\(" cro:c,te~:l h'I ':;:I./:;'v C01:l,:lssi.on =~esolut:lon o. CD..
~:;01",-th Sixth Avenue, Cleveland to Ga1'field Streot. Ii 0 aS8CSS;'10n t.
('e. C.ti C"n 2 tr., t to '1,.[' . c'.. (, 1- ,'-f'" C. (rlr::) "'r e. .,t Of' t' e ' c.'t 0-('
...J _ .~. /J .,'H (ie.. ray oC'1,.n l':,\ .l V . ,J ~,c e}. ~ n co,-, "'-
spriY11:1in" stx'co'I;::; vr:1.th:i.n GaId strc:ct 30rlrJdin," district~; :Cor the yos1.r 1925~:~ thoro
be, romc] U)crc is 1-Jereby, lovlecl Etnc1 as:.:C:3i3ed a tax l)]Jon all the Dropert-;t ir\ :f..'ront
of and >ioJ'derlnr; on said ,J tract 3:)1'1n":1.11'1" cns tr:l e ts as so t fort:, in ::~chodulcJ3 One
tc ';01"""';' (,10) '~"'C'll,<""r(' "''''r'e'~o t~"-r,1.C"'''' .1.... ~o ,,~t )-""e .f'" t.l t " ,.t." 1
) I".' _LL . ,.c'-'..I. \, " J.h" u a, l,o.,....l,...: c..nc ",aCt a D,'1 . .),_.1 0., 11a, J. par 1. e....1- ar
dODer:i.-ot1on of each lot and pflrcel or 13.ncLwi th tho namc or tho cvmol' and the sum
o.r:J:',cGsecl oGains t him 01' it, is set fortYl in aD~')Oss:mcnts lists }':c:ceto o.t;~.ached,
ma.. rlro d n 5 C,., er1'11l 0,,' <, 0'10' t 0 :)or t'.,7 It ",,..., ("'l }"""', () a. Y. )" l' .l- }"lO'" 1"0' 0 .j'" ".. '-l. ,,[ :'1"0" "c" v,:' l' a. 1 "11""" <, "e~-
....,. ,".'"", _._ . .,'.. Jj...,) ~ ...... '.}' Cl,..I..I..,. ,!li~... .,J !~,.:......../" ..... l...,."(.",,,..,1' I..,J",L .) ....... c v,.ul~,) Jo...)J~
orJDosi_ to thenamcs 01' tho ovmers, and tho der3eribo(; lots am::. pareo1i~ of' land, bo
a:ncJ t110 8a:'.1.O apo Lcrel)~T lW.'ioci nnc} 8.3 0:3c;od llpon anc~ ar~m_PB',; ,~Did 101;;J 8.ll'j :J['Tcels
of 1,'lnc1; thD t tho several sur,1C, 1)0 col10 c tGd fro:-,1 tho 1'0,;1--,0 C ti ve o-wnors of sald lots
and parcels of la.nel deseri1~:ed in the said as,H;;8Sr-1.01:t 11[; [:,8, SeJJ.odi:10s One to 'ort:y,
:1.:neluGi va, as reqnirec.l by 18. w; that said GlenS shall bo paid ''it1j. tIlC co11oetion I
tliereof:' shall ho 1;la(10 :u~ the man~lor am: in D.ccOr'cln.ncc wit:l, tIlC law '~o'Iernir:'" tho
col-leci~ion or "")oe'; '11 l'"'Pl""VPr.1ent i-"'yE'''" tJ1a-l- 1'<1-1],1"0 to '''a". """eh a"c''''''''''eni-'' v'hel'
.._---' J ,J., v,. -..(, ~ ,/,1,." ~,.~ _J,..J..,.! ..JI,.,<......:.. J0, ,,',,' U _'.("..' ,. .~_'_ >,...c:.';.~ w.,.., l. u,)'....,IuhJ,~.l .,.)1.,) ~,..., ..L
SaJi18 sJ-Jal1 bOeOl:10 dUG and T)QJT8.ble SJ18.11 111".1:e i,uch Der~;on and sue:: lote and Darco1s
of lane] liablo to t}:d Dcnalt.ies DrovicJ eel b:rr tJ"o 1m! roln. ti vo to del inqllGnt taxes.
Section 3. T1:a', l~l\.e rer';111f'll' sei.1sion of 'l;110 COt:1mis,;ion or the City of Eoze;':1an
to be }-,old on t},e C3th da-:\, of ~Jept8mber, A. uO, 100D, at tho Cormn1.s'd.on Char,t"f:>er.
Cit7 '~all ~"uilciinc, ,0. and t:1C sarne ir3 heroby clesi-"natec1 as tho t:l.me and olo.ee at
whicb o"i);joetions to the final 8.dontion of this hcsolut:i.on will bc heard hv the
C O,ID:li s s ion"
~;ectio:n 4. That the Clorl: of tlJe C:ornlnis:'3:1.on be, and she is heroby ordered ami
;l:i.roe~;e'--' to ') "b11'_'.11 :i.n the :=o::,'I.n. Daily :-;hroniclo, a dai1::-- n,3V1Spo.pcr, printed o.nd.
pu:~.~l:Ll'cc:. In the said City of I\OZenlGn, a notice s:L;nocl b'v' tho Clor>: of tho :':01:111\13-
s5-on, flncl ;:;t[" tin"; thc.t a rcsolut.Lon levyi1w: a rmeei8.1 ass8ssl.1cnt of tr,zes to defray
"'e--v",...,"-',.,._-f'-.l'J() (75) .,. 0'1' co. 11t- o1~ .t-, '" .( ,..t .<, ",. ~" 1"li ,',' "'t t-,., -' t1".. ",.,..:' "~'I-" ,-'--
.:> ',uU, ,:.. ,J > .., .,1"" C).) OJ ",01J.n... n...::> ree ,0 In to ,:>,.......lQ c),rCev
I,' ,,' . . ., , . ~ - ..
Spr:LrJdin;: D:i..stric ts .:['01' tlie year 1'0'35, is on:'ilo in tb.o offiee of' the ClerI: of' the
Co'misido:':, subjeot to lnspeetion j-'o1' a noriod or- five clays; t};o.t said T10i.:,icEJ s1:1a11 I
stat;c the t:i.l:tG a~lCl nl8.ce at w::'d.eh o')'icct:ions will '1"10 hn3.:ed bv th.e Comrni3s.ton to
the final odoption of th:Ls He~JCll)t:iO~1; that it shall 'be Fl1.bl~:)he:J ~,t ler!.s-!~ five
(~o.y" before tho1ato sot 1T'C tlle ('oJnmls,Li_on for hoar:i.ljg of objeetioDf';, cmcJ tile
finll 8.doptiol1 c" th.ti1 n.c[Jolution,
Resolution No. 2SQ
Passed by the Commisslon of tho City of Bozer13.n rl t a roguLi..r session thereof
held on the
23rd day of AU1.Wt,
.;,). ~
- 2i~
>dc;, r
," '/J
~/ / ..
, .
-' ,I I ,1,:/
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/ /,' 'A- / /
ClerI: or,' the CorC!ll1ission- -'-
- - ---.,~ ~ -...... -
.,s.DOPII'IOlJ cm,':. 'ISSIC11' RESOLU'.i'IOlJ
L r.~ v-:[ I '1'~' c.
AS::.) T~~ ~') ~-;~ :!'
01" SEVE::;rI':{-PITS PEH CJ;:::'.L'; CO~;'I' Spm:li.,:I,IJ<Ci ,:;'i'HK';:'I'S.,
StHl::::<i1' ;jPT!rj\:.LJjV~ DI::;'.'riI C';'E)'i'OH TIn: YEAh 1935.
'r') <, t
Said Commission f\cGolution ~,io.
l,OVl on :C11c in the
J 'C" ,
CIe rlc
of t:.le
~';o::'J'1.is colon 0 f
C 1 ty of E'ozemrui
insnectlon for a period
of f1ve
( 5)
by any pcr:'.:on intercs ted,; t hat~';r:Uia~/,
6th c1o..\" of Septeml),er,
HK') ~),
7: :50 a' clocl'
\) ..
' "
s c.j.c'l da~T at
a rcr':ul[lT [JossioD of
tIle C orrrrn1s s ion
, .,
tIlo City
iJ,OZC, 1,'J.ll
:.:lon Charnbor,
01 t;,' .iiall;:;ulldiD":,
desic;'nated as
tL'le and pIneo vlhon mid where
said COJ;~mis 81 on v1:111 l.1e
Das::; u.pon any and
illl objections
th:"t may bo made
to t:::le
final 1)as~;r\.'::':o
acloption of
s2,id COl11Jtl:LS slan EesoL1.tioni:o.
the levyl11f:'; of
sa i C1
as :;es sment;
said Resolution \'1111
be finally nasGod and adoptod at
said rC'TI,lnr sessioD
said Co:mds 81 on,
S1.1 b j c c t