HomeMy WebLinkAboutResolution 298 Maintaining SID for year 1935 11 p~ n"'I\l1 and Cbeclt.ed. --2...:,j.3..-:.~{ .3 COT.:i,;rS~;rON }m~;OLU':;"ION NO. 298 A .__ _"hO_.. "---. "h::f:.l_'''_'_h__ A ImSOLTJ'l'IOJ': 0'1' TItT; COL;;:I SSJON 01,1 'l'ITE CITY mi' BOZET,:Aj; Ll-:VYING AIm t.s :;:;'.,; C; ;.) I liTe} I~ s J?:-~,~ C I .:\l~, A S ;.)~ .~) ;):~,~I~J:,.;rll () I,l rl' .::\)~',E~~) lJP () IJ /~IJ~ ~,.L"'IITi~ P r.[() P 'E~RrI:{ I I.I SPJ_';CL\L n:eiw'r:r.:!'FT :C;IS'l'lU I ;'';' S OJ<' I'HE (; rl'Y OII',-'OZlC,TAIT, COUIFl'Y OF (J-!~J~~::""jVI'I},,!-, Slll/\rr~~.~ ()1? :,"~O~,,~r..l.1/\": J\., ~"1~Ol:[ rII-I}!~ L':.J.C\...Ilr.l11.;I,:'A'1.',!Cl~ C-':/ P,/~,"fD,,(Il"[GS ~eo D.E}"RAY tEE CO:';'1' Or' L:AEJ7Alln;n TIiE PAHI\'.IlJGS ,,':rCFrn: SAID SP:;~C:LAL L;)PF?CVT.ll':'~IT'l' DI;;)'l'lU /i'3 (;1" 'I'EI: C;I'I'Y OF:-\ozr::/llUJ :;-':'011 'TIU: YEAH 1935. I ','n:]i;:Frr<:A3, the City Cou~ncil a 11.(1 the Com:':lission of the Cj_ty of T30zeman have here- tofore duly "meI roq;l),larly passed COUJ,cil and C:o:n.m:Lssion Hesoll)_tions creat:tng S-Jocia1 Improve"::.ont D:1.strjctc: \'li thin the City of 30zcman, clefini-"',:3 tb.o boundaries thereof and Drovldinr~ for the maj nteno.nce of Darkin!;s tbercin, and for the assessrrrent of the cost of maintrdning tile mlrl:in?s as set forth in Ho:nlutiorl::3 horeinafter referred to; o.ncl H"I ,",.,~) , I. -, t' .. 1'. . th. t., b 1. .', . 0 <:, . 1 I t "'. t . t ,; ::,',i\.! b, .~le Dar ;~I.l'.r's rn . J.n one .. oune 3.r~1 e S 01 sa~cG uDOCl a. rnprovemen lJ1S. I'lC .;s have been C8_recJ for andmairt'J.in.ed durini:': the year 19~35 as contempla tee':! in said ResoDltioDS, in accordance with te~ns and condJtlons thoreof; and ';nmHEAS, said Snocl al LYlprOVemon t .L!is tric ts for tr18 ma:lntonance of parkings and the ResollJ.tionrj crea tin?~ t11e same, the total frontai':e, or the area, of the property within sald districts to be as:::J8ssed, t11e total cost of sn.:ld maintenance with:ln said_ districts and the allOl..wt charr?oa1)le to tlw property therein is here:bmfter set _forth. nO'."l., 'I'~-ERE;"OIL~, Dll.rsuant to tho provisions of Section 52<12, Political C0(1e, H. C. ;,:., 1921, and said Council and COllmlission Resolutions, crec.t1n'" said SDccia1 I In,"')rovemen t Dis tl'i c ts, and providir{': for the ma:lntenance thereof; '.,n J'rr' }').. '~'(-)LV'.;'[) f:;:in ]"[' Ic' J-P-;"7~-'~tTU' 0'1)-I-',"'...."P"1'1'1" ]3V rrr"]'"' r'OF"I("'IO'l' r,p '1'}::1" C'I'lnr OF I.".,I...J __...I.... ,l U -I.- ~""'.J." .,. _~. .~) .,...1._JJ..l_.",J.L ,l"jJ.....Ill...J"..J ...1.. 1.._) j ...,1..... ~)\.) 'J .....)." . ..1,.1 j ___ .. ~20/:ET.l:r;, ~~'.'.:'\'r-:" O'~l ;, C'])'I'J\3:A: Section 1. Thnt for the YA~r 19~5 the City of Gozeman has defrayed the cost (.::;2585.30) of maintenance of T)al'ldn~s in the severR.l Sneclal I~:lprovcnent Districts, Dursuant to Resolutions creating tho same, and that the entire cost thereof, tile total nlJJJ1bor of linear feet, or area, of :0ropert;;r to be assessed, and the r'J_te Del' linear or square foot, is 3_S follow8, to-wit: j,laintenance of ParL:J.n;:: District Ho, 6, created by Council Reso111tion No. 306, on South Vll11son Avenue :['1"0;,[ ;;ab:ocJ.-:: Street to College Street, a total frontage of A7h~'~ ,..,..., ]l.n"''-'r -Pee..t 't-l.l= DlllTI of' '<"'5,1 Jo "t "n an"'ro'.-.I"..la;-e.... 1->...LO. pe.r -f'roYlt l'"'OOt of I~(,.)~JI[,...I" 0 ( ~ . \,....'-"- _L ... .' .'. \....1 1J ". 1 'it'V J:. ~ j l:.l (.1".,. i:;' .: ,~,-, . ....:.....J,.,.:, C l.... ell, ~, ...L J.. ' ;',) .08137. r.a:"Lntenance of Par1c"Ln[J JJistrict Eo. 9, created by Council Hesolvtion o. 325, Lindley Place. hO Assessment. Maintenance of Parki, District No. 16, created by Council ResolutIon No. 356, Babcock StrE{ct from Blacl: A\'enue to 'l'racy Avenue, a total area of 93773 square feet, the sum of $24.3G, at an anproximate rate per square foot of $.0002598. ;,la:lntcnance of2arlcl:':lr~ Distr:l'ct 1<0. 17, creat0c1 by Council Resolution 1;0. 35E), Grand Avenue from,Babcock Street to College Street, a total area of 581401 s~lare f' t tl -p .'(')"'6' t:7 t - .".. t .f t f" 000"068 J. ee, ,10 sum 0,. ;,,~O.. ,)0, a an apnroXlmn. vO rR. e pel' s quc.re .00 oJ. 'j ... . I I'.la:lnten8.nce of P8.rl~i.nii District Ho. 18, created b7 Council Hesoll;tlon 1;0. 357, Tracy Avenve from Babcock Street to Dickerson Stre~t, a total area of 457732.2 8 quar~ ~ e e t, the SUr.1, 0 f, _:' l~O. ~:' ~ t a~ a n:roxima te rate p or s ~uare " foo t. of,':. OO~~852 . L:,a.LYltenmlce of 1 arl...LllC) J)Lotr.Lct ,..0. 01, created b7 COI,nc_Ll He",oh.l.tlon c:O. ,)<35, Flack Avenue from Babcock Street to Colle ere Street, a total area of 267393 sqU8.I'e feet, tbc sum of:';246. 07 , at Em apllrOzim3. to rate per square foot of :;;.00091('35. 1-2 J,'laintennnce of Parkiwi District ":0. 45, created by C01.lnetlnesohlt:Lon 1io. 4;32, T-' ~ - "'} "'\"'" t t ..\-, nt I .t t .j '" r''''O()(J .J!,ip:l".ith .I'\.vonue t'ro:m I\.OCl ,)(;1'eo - -0 ].IlCyerSon '.) 'ree~, a~o -a_, area 01.. UO ..' square . -" ..' t ., .'" ()OO'7'" h" feet, the sur:1 of ;;:40.21, at an o.'t;mroximate rate per Sl1'-tf're too' 01 '1)0 ,t.)b. '.:air.t enance of P ,,,rlcl.ng Di'3 tri c t Ii o. 4g, crcD.ted [)7T C01.u;cil Ee,Jolu'c:Jon I'T /1'''" .'......'--t'.- ^vor'J'"' -"'r'0'-1 "'''''1'1 ;.',I-]"^,,t- t"O li'c)e)-' Q.Lrc"o'" "to'!"l] ")"c,q 0_[' 11l"JOiJ ~'.:o. '~c0,""..', ...IJ._(,')..I.1. "I"l 1.~. ;.. l\.,.'J l.. ,;,j. il;..-:',..,..L ~v.~,:,J\J } 1... ,,\.., Ul.,I " IJ, 1::.:.1.. .)(. ,. C.I.. ....:.... .,- .) - ...~ squnre feet, the sum of j129.73, at an approximate rate per square foot of :,;).0011173. nil1tcnance of Pnrkin:::; Dis tri e t J1 o. 50, eres.ted b;r Counei 1 He,30lc,tion ',:0. 474, I 'nli1'C1,.. Avo, no. fro.m"Sto... r;r Street to c..aev....?l an. d,,' Stroc .t.J, a .. t. 0 l;al . 8;1'eo. '. C.-.)f 37CJT;~t .~.:.'. quare feet, the "'lH,l of;~149.15, at an aTFJl"OXll11ato rr'1to nor square foot of,:.000.j9,)S. ':vIa:1,r,tenanee of l' arldne; Dis tr:l. c t ::0. 5:2, er82 tod b;t C:01.1.nci1 He S011:ction do. 476, Babcock Street from I'ifth Avenue to El :'~-;_tl1 Avenue, a toto.l area 0.., 17~')11c)0 s q'.laro fee t, the 3um of ::~7(). 64, at an ap-Jro:xlr;l8. te rate per sq'1lpre foot of :;~. 0004,::];2. ?il'1in tenanee of ;' arkjllE" Dis tri etf1o. 57, ere a ted by Councll I'(esolution TTo. ;;,29, Cleve13Jxl ~~trcct from "iJl:p_:50n AV8[11)0 to SCVO'rl b:L Ave,-,ue, 0. t01:-alr-ron tsp;e of 31g2 linear :Ceet, the sum of :;;~~~?2.54, at an npl)roxLnate rat,,) ner front foot of ,.068037. :,Ia:tntcn aneo of ? arl:ing Dis tric t ITo. 6t)., erea'Jed n-} Courcil H02oh;tlon 1<0. t3~")t), 'iIillson Avenue from Collt'i"C ~)treot to C10velarel Street, a total frontar';C~ of 1260 linear feet, tho sum of ~l09.05, at an approxi~8te rnte pOI' front foot of 0.08655. Malntenanee of Parkin~ 0istrict No. 72, created by Couneil Rosolution ~o. 564, Collerye Street from Grand Avenue to Seventh Avcnl1e, a total area of 513794.7 square feet, the Grun of $173.07, at an nnproxlmate rate per square foot of ).0003386. j',Taintenance of ParJc1..np; District 1'io. 77, created CouneLL Hes01u.tlon No. 576, Ej""J:ht1', Avenue from Dickerson Street to TTrtrrison ~)treet, a total fronta;;:e of 1971 linoar'ect, the ~>tun of :::)109.10, '::.t an ni)prux:lr:"U1tc rate per front foot of :'~:.05535. \.Iaintenanee of Park i.liC: Dis tri c t ~Jo. 86, crea tccl by C01.meil FI_e so1'11..t1..on 110. G20, south side StOI'Y' Stroot from S:txth Avenue to r::t:'::~Lth Avenue, and botl!. ~)ides S1xth Avenue fro;n Stopy, Street to College ~)treet, a tot8.1 frontac:e of 2/12CJ.2 linear feet. the sum of ;:3133.70, set an apnroxima to rate par front foot of .? - 05511. r:;alntenn.nee of Parl(;nC~ I)istrict :No. 90, cre'J.,ted by Councll ]{eG011Jtl.or1 o. 63G, eD.st side Seventh Avenue from Story Street to Colle-e Street, a total frontai:e of 034.2 I1neal' feet, tilO m:nl1 of ,)51.87, r,_t an rroCrOXilY'2"'.:e rCttt'; per l'ront foot of :!' 05h h2 I '.;,J. '- ut.) -.,~ .. ~\.~ .. _ ". ... . _0 '1),. ...... f."~.' ,- (':' ~. "". r ".." L ,,\ ','- i -.. 'r'; .,~ f""o ... -I--~ . "'l." .'Jr, .~ () _.' :,~al:nte~;anee 0.1, ",lrl~Jn., D.I_.:,tr.Lc,t 0., lOr, e'~_,eal,cd r),l C?une.l:,l .M,,",O..lll.l'lO.tc '-,,). o5u, . )',ast ;;tor:' ;ytl'oet Jrom 'l'T';1.CY Avonu.e to Lozc:'p_n ',roek, a to-caJ. iront"e;c cf 12b9.D 1:Ln(';or feet, t])O m.1.m of .'~O, 'J_t an ap'.Jrcc:inaLe rate pOI' front foot 01"'.07056'7. i,iaintenanee of P arldng Dis tri e to. 114, cr,;at;cd Iy\( C:ounc:i 1 ,{eso lution No. 722, west siele Grand Avenue from Col1ego Streot to Artialr Stroet, a total frontage of ~30 line 0.1'" feet, Vie s,un of :;';C2. 67, ot an approz.i~.'!D.to rn_te Del' front foot of ,i _ OC739. ;:air_ ten8.nee of P i1r1dn::'~ Dis tri c t Lo. 117, crca ted h\' CouncLI ;'((;301ut1011 -i: o. 719, 'I'raqr Avenue .r'ro:cn DickersOl: Street to Collcrw ,Street, a total 1'1'onta;,;e of 1348.2 line 0.1' feet, the sum or:;;5/!-.;)9, at an f',T)nrox:Lrnasc ra to Del' front foot of :::;.04079. Thi_ntena!lCe of Parkin~': District No. 151, created by Coul')eil HesollJ.tior: ];0. 810, ea,;t; sldeL"ii'th Avem;e 1'1'01:1 01i'..-e ,Street to Kocb Streot. a total aref::1 of 111189.06 square 1'c et, the :onl.m of ,)2'<J. 5[j , at an ap";:Toximntn r:Jte pel' sq1wre J'oot of :';;.0002'75. ',:nlnten8T,ce of Park:1ng Dis tri c t I,o. 189, ere,c;_ted b" Courei 1 He :Jclut:lon 0 - 1004, e' '" " ~- <' " co "" n. ,.,,, n l \.~ .. D - C" 11. ," (~, -1.. ,-, . t.L '~--'- - (, 't-- ,,-- .1--- t.. l f' ., t < c f C,p)(' ,..>]....,J "'j,C,,CL .I venue 1_rom ,0 e.-e UvlCC ,,0 l\.rGJJ.ur 0 rc.c;v, a o (,a___ _1'011_ cli,~e 0 930 1i11ear feet, tlJe SUi":'. of ;;~:64.98, at an apnrozlrnnte rote per front foot of -;6.0C9D. ::a,intcnanee of P8.rk:tn;':~):l.str:1.et No. 25C, eroated by Co,nm:l.s;;ion Hesc,l'ut:ton j;c. C'."), S,i.=^~th Avc;nue, Cleveland to Garr:i01d Street, 8. totn.l frontac'o of 1362 linoar feet, tho m.Ui1 of ,.386.31, a t an aplJro,xima 1::0 rate Del' frUj1t foot of :!'.>. OC3:S7. Section 2. 'I'hnt, to defray the cost of :,latntenaneo of ?ark:1.1))'S within said Special I"IDI'OVemont Districts for tll_e year 19~35, tY'ere be, and t~..ere is llereby levied arid flsseS:C1Cd a tax 1.mon all ti-le Dropcrt,e in f:rCJY',t of D.nd 1Jorderinp: on sald I Special Im~rove0ent Distr,iets as set forth in Schedlrlos Ono to Twcntv-cne, :i,nelrJf31 'Ie, here to atto.e~1ed ~rnc1 n1nc1e a pn:..':b llereof; tJH-\t a part:l. eular clescri Dt1 on of en"ch lot and Dareo1 of laneL wit'() the name f the ov-mer and the sum asaesf3ed af~ainf3t hj_ or i t, i~; set forth L-~ aS~3eS~J2.~ent lists hereto attached, marked Resolution No. 293 - --.- - ..-........- '13 , .~ It (jc;,',cdu.le s One ( 1) to [l'nen tv-one ( () J ) II RH" '113." e R pD.rt thcTeoC; that t1'.1.e soveral SUL1S t.,J_.. G" ,~,,)_ j L u. . sot opposite t:lC rcame s of' the owners and the described lots and parcels of l'nd be, and the sarle r~.re :,ereb:r lev:1.cc1 ancl o.sscssecJ npon nHel a'-:aln~,t said lots and parcels of lanel; that t.:,e se'lcraJ sum;:: be collected :['1'0"1 tho rec,pecti ve ovmOr3 of said loto and Darcels of land descrJ,bed in C}IO snic] nssess~orlt J_lsts~ ~3c}ledulos One ( 1) to 'I'Wa)l t;T-' I one ( ~J ) incJtF1:l va. 2.D reqllired b7 la'll; ::hat said SU111S [)haIl be psicl QY,cL the . '~ , collection thcreof slla11 14 'i':~1n t t'1e 31)oclo.1 li'provc:1.un l~ DiD tric to,; rlnd t:,10 ~\e :..:01,1 tiorw crca t~..n:; tl1.0 samo, and t:,10 a',lOunt of t'l,e as,Joss;''1ent,; are as follow:,: l'Taintonnncc of Parldnr; Hosolution A~lOU"t of 1)1 u tr--5, e t r:" 0 .. :.,'~ () ill ..~s ~~l C S S,::~10 n.. t 6 306 ':~ 354.10 16 356 24.36 17 :35E'j 2;)1::). IS3 I 10 357 130.55 31 385 246.07 15 432 48.21 40 435 129.73 50 474 149.15 52 476 76.64 57 529 222.54 68 539 109. ':)5 '/2 5C4 1'73.97 77 5'76 100.10 36 G20 133.70 90 G36 51.37 IC)? C~58 S8.90 114 722 62.67 117 719 .Og 151 310 30.58 189 100~ 64.90 256 6S 86.31 --"~--- -...............'--,,~,--- ,::.i 258t=J . ~)O fi'hat, soJ,c1 CO:l :1_3 ,,>1. on Ecsolution I:o. 20U is now on filo in t"LO office of tho Cl'31':: of t:10 COE1>:.i.;J:Jion of t}Jc 38.l.e': Ci_t:T ofT',oZcr:l::nl S'i1"L1jCCt to :U,1c:noct10n for a T)el'.1-'ii(j" Of';'ive (")) (1'1""', by (J"1'{ .porsoninter0':,t;o,j. th"Jt i'r'id<:J" t::'c eL}> CJav' of _ -'_ _,-, ... I., .".. I -' '\ ~ ...C.~,i I.... , .. I.;:.~.. ~ _'. _ ,. __ ,J.I" ......." .,,,.'--" ' -- L.,,' ., - .,J.. ",,~.' . ~)e-;twn::-er, 19(J=, at ,/:;,)0 olcloc;: P. "" c1' ec1U!<l'_1.D..,' n.c 0. rc;:';u1a1' ~3Cs;L1,or! of tile C 0':::::1. [; ;,d 011 oi' Jl;" 10 C i t of! 0 Z Clnr, , C Cj'.T:l."t. :3 :3 :ton C;'''l[.l);l;) c r, (; :U:; ',':- : D,11 '-;-11 1 1 clil~t;" h 9, S I been. 11c;,31 8.tod as the t:i:LO ancl n1nco \'l'en and VJllorc sa:l.cl~,:o:,~'.\:;;3 ion '\;:i1.1 :icar ann ......"'\'"10('1 ',....., '.j""'l"!,"' I q"1-1 '1-)'~:::, -- .,("~ .'!-..t'-)!-. vh'1i""'\"'.,)' i'.~" .'.'."1 '."r.... .I.~"..-'\ L"i.' ..,~ ..'I.lc," 1."\,"'<:~".1 .~:! ~..".'~ .~ ,-"-,, u L I)U}J. al '.,' anJ L.. _. .,'_ 0 L' ,J to C t.L 0 1....., t" .:. '.'., '.' ''-''''''.:''; e : ,tel,,,:_ '.' ""~ 1.,~lC .r- J. .1,11 ;,' 8.0'~ ";'i. (] d,J.cl . 8,dontiol! of ;"o.:1(j Comr::J:;:;i,on:-':c~;olnt:l.(mo. ~;~ ;1-(1 t':,() lC'I.T:rJ_n,": o:C' ~J;,jd flS::':C:;s::J,;lOnt; 0.1')(1 t"Ii1t, c\rd_cJ ~'c::.'(;lul;j,on \':111 be finall-;-,t )X\;3c,e(! and adoo:cd at sa:Lc: r'G,"-::i,'lar :~~ C ~:) ~:,) ,:. () 1"1 0.:: ;.:).: i (1 I\'~; 0 '1":1 :L~J ~_~ i 0 r', Sll ;~) j 0 e t to [) 'l:J C :"} c (> 111) e e t j, () rj Cl. cO .": (3" o..1-,:.(3~;! c] '-i (:~~....; t~: ::1,~) rl1.rl"'1 iJ G mc,de 11.!JOn 0 ,iectlon.s ):',:1,,0 ane] ,,-'l.led wi tJJ:L 1 !)le:1VC3 cla;n,; lLni.t as nrovidecl by lETw. ALL DCr'30nS i'ltC,L'C:,toc.J_ arc ref'erTcr} L~o t:je :Je-'cl'fll Coullcil and Comm::;~;ion HO;JohltloD:3 ere::: tl t:.~c t:: c af'ores aid ;3')00ia1 I'ccnl'o'.re:'.lUn 1. ,Dj :'; tri,: ts, clef1L:i-:if" tll.e IJoLJ.nch',rie;] tliercof :1n1J pl'ovi:..Ung for t:H, 8.GSC::;;J:1CTit 01 the cost of ,JD"icl-'-a:i.ntenar;ce of Parkin':s f()r further rJDrt,1_c:ul::1r~:\, all of s[),:~d I\oec;olntJons bel on fj,lo in thc ',ff.1.ce of tIle Clor1: of t;,,() ',';o'ri'nis::31-0fl of t~:;o C:U~',\r r::>foZemo.ll, at L;ho C:Lt:r;~8. 11 of said C:lty, and sub ,1 oct to t,c in~)r)oction 0:::' aLL ncr~;ons intero::3tcd. .:' -'-,," ,1-'..,' '" 0 ~ -1-' d. < ~r i'"'''''' '" ,- . In'i"" /' ...ialJeCl Lo.-J_0 (~';tLo.:1 ,d.,\ 0 '-'ll_I,U0l"... .J., . ;;)'h_!o /~ / ~'J!i ./ ~c,,- ~I ." h..... .'It-? . . .'C_ --- ~ ,~----_..--- -:,,'''}~.- "j'.:'. ~"',,"I .:J. (" 'I'".' 'I"~. ('"~ 0"~ ~'''I \J <:.-1,.., O,l t""C .,O"Jr,lJ..", 0.L'-.hl. I, Carolyn \,'ostlaJw, Cl<,:;1"; of ti-e o:IQu.l,ssion of tJ1e City' of'I":'o~3e~nf?cr,, I o l' (;l.,.r I,' ce'I'tOli"',." t","t 1,1'0" 'Jc'(-)'I~or.'''O'l"''~'-'. -"O"'-""Ice. .lOti re" :'~0":"1,ol0c"~I"'" '~'c"--<:\l'llj--oJ,"'.r" 0 9';)""')' ()l" ,t"ilp. C..~t'r,' ()]"'. ~ __ '..f ...)",..(,";" 1..-'.:..", .'."0 (.J .J...l.c~, _. "'"/n.. .......... .,l..,\_. wl....),.l_'.,.,~1. j,L ,_~I..J .""",,' ._,_u..'--'.... "........~ '- '"..,,~.....J'..1_ ,i ,,-- }-"OZ ',nnr-'0 -,ms p'J,b1L3'flce} at; ler\:':th in the'j'_';:;C)nal'l Lrdly Cl:ronlcle, a dn:1_1y nevrspape1" of enc:rs.l c:lf'Gulat:i.on, nrintoc.l o.nJ pa>11s,:ed at stJ,id City ofoz,o:na:', in t:_'\O :Ls:::mo of AU':1FJ t ~>1:. 19~)5, and t}-tat due proof 01' saJ.cl p '~~licat:1.on "'Ta,'; i:mclc a:rd f'led L'l r,ry , ' ! r'--"i ~ e OJ.. J.". c...;. . \, IT'" '''.1 'r"'c'c. c' c' ',,' """c".", -', '''''t- '.... t . . t "'-1 ' ", ". +-lx[ 1 ~ " ('. t' . ~c" ., ""',uu ",",ltL'''' , ILcreun.o so' my ,lane am 'Ul;(,~~~OL 111.:," 01_,lCO -rllS "'\ ?,!1_ -1 -, '-,-\T" f\ 1 ,"'11 ,. - ,.. 'Z r, - "It",l c,.".,. oJ. ,.l,(",,~,t, 190'-'., .... " ',' .~,' ~ '_-, Eesolutlon tiO. 2,-)3 ~,~ t , J.!"'.;J ---- --- ~ -.--