HomeMy WebLinkAboutResolution 297 City Taxes Levied Proof l(NHl 7 ..nil CnC)" 11;<:'/1 J. - 1.3 ::.'j~_...... __... .....w.~.,.~~ COI.~;,;ISSIOl,r RESOLU'l'IOH 11'0. 207 I l " -,-- ~_...~;.'t "___.L.._.... ..- A I{;-'~ Ej')L U~L'I 01 UF rnm cO:,r,;IS~;rUN Oli' 'nIl, CI'l'Y O? ".O/;E:'.'UJJ D:;;TEHI.'J1JHiG I'HE A~.:.:lr::'i:: (;1" C1:Y i.'i!)ES ::"01\ ALL PURPO::T:S T' SO:: Lr:\/IEU AIr;; l\SSES- R IV. 11!.lo. t , rnu'Sllant to tho provlsions of 3ec 1;" on 50/1::3, Political Code, I.':) C.~'.." ,l. H121, tj'1ere :i..~3 llOre:]\' levied and aS3e~3:3ecJ on the tls:;esi3ccble value of tlJ.o taxable })ronert':r wi thin the Cl ty of I~io z C;I),lL\.'ti , ~::jtEt te of ;':ontanq.. for the currant fiscal year 19;35, for "t~,,'l e 01)rp03 a of provlcUn;' bn.ncl concerts for the entertainment of the ne01')le 01' SD,id City, a sT)eclal tax of I T1}-:ll') c e - t 81'~;. tll S (0 ;:e) :,::111 . .), on CtlC}l (Ic :~lar of the assossed value of the taxablo property of the C;1 ty 0 (' c', 0 zeman and tlle .'~one:,' deri ved therefro:rn shall ~'e paid in t,,: the Band ',ncert Fund of -- """,," !} paId into the HeJ\lnclin,cr, Ci ty ;ond l'\md (Scner Eoncl II'und) d ']1, r b 1 an _ snn.... ::e (lS -lJrc::ec as provided by sajd Ordinance; VIII. Tho t , p:lrs,1.ant to t;e nro"lsions of Section 4, Cha'tcr H)8, L:;CiIS of :.; ontana, 1 C1.~,) ~;~ ~- , there :1. ,3 rlOI'C:)'.( levi cd and. as;~ C,-:1 ,}od UDOJ1 "tIle assos::}cd vnlue of ( all) t~:Le taxa:)le I :)ropo>rtv" w12-1,jn '-1")(3 li"'i"" of V,e ('1~Ly of j'o"'e'nan for the yoar 1935 a special Lax of 1'"-' ',t.". I, ~ - GJ._. .. ., u~,. "Ii. Wt-.,) . +_ 1...; _L L...il ,I.,) t,.} .11. . Unc ( 1) :.J.ll Dr! tl.;c dollar o:L' ;::;UC(' a;:;scs;::;ecl valur~tion :to1' the purpose ai' acql1.iring, os t[-'..b1 i sh inr~, . . -... -- ........ ..-- iO I, G,'-crol:m ':G:;',~18.1,c, ("lor]:' of C;'18 C:onrnlssion c1' tIle: Cit:r of [,oze)n'!,n,~lcrcb';{ certi1'y tl:::.at the rOl,,';n;olng Cmnmlsslon Hcsolution ~:(). i2'Y7 of tho City of :;()ze>~1F'n, \'.J8J, D1J,"li:3Jlod b;r ti tIc :i,:'i t'IO }),OZCTilUll Da::ly Chronlcle, a chd.ly n~'W3,mncr of r;eneral circulation, nrinL',ed ar:d p'illJ1ished in said Cit'y of Eozeman, in tIle issue of ,l\n;';ust 11, 19~)5, and t1',c"t dno proof of said Dl)';llico.t1.on was,lQdc; and 1'110l1 in :ny o1'1>ico. I .",-':"l ~.~ .1"-1"',''''-"\("'1(-''' ',"T~""l"':""'~/'l':I -.. 1. ~, " ,,' ,-I "I 'j , ..... ._' - ,r, .L1.':'", 11',1"k),j , ""l.l",,"l,{J,~ljL', 1. J,,1, ave nerouuto see 1Jl:rnanu and afi lxeu the seal 01 my ofCice tlj,G 12th do.:r of Au:~u:Jt, 1935. ~ I / , I ~- , ' /y k_~- __ {~l-&:~(tJ&~'". Clerk off''''<the CO;l1r;lission - Ii {" I I Resolution 1;0. 2C)?