HomeMy WebLinkAboutResolution 295 SID No. 293 1 j""j"'l)(',; ~~\<.:,~,' an'J <'4"d.".l J -I ~':'~_~'H"" ........10..... -#. r_ ~, CUT,: IS~jI Ol' mno' 'Pii'IOlT NO. 295 /.' y. Z.~.. - ........ 1IiI......1I'... .."'..-"'....... . A HI:~-;OLU'~:rOlT () '< rJ'~~j~ r;lI'"Y CO?,IL'lTS,'3ION OF 'rIlE CI'I'Y OI" 80Z=',' !\l~ 2 a penol i. thl c to'!], t1"le City Co":misslon vra;3 unanil:1Uusl;r roq1J.ested hy all those pr()sent to call ror ]':lds for cut bacl{ aiJphal t mn(:adam top m; well a'~ oil macadam, - .... gravel and -penolithic lmve:nent; o.n(l VI. VjITE FCL:l~S: It i'tJrtJler ar)oefu'lng that all of tho proceedinGs for the creation of said elL.it-rict bavc been lm'lflll and re{;111ar, now, therefore. I '~~J:: 111 r(:.,JSOL'\jrI:_I,~~:' I\Y 7I1I~ CO..:,'''.''~I~J:.;'..L()'J<; (")F: ~,L~~'~r'~ CIIII~~ O~.!i r)o~:'~J..!:rl:~J,~': Sectlor1. 1. 'rhat Special I mprovemen t D1:::1 tr:l c t r:r 0 . 2~,);:) of tlte City of :-c~ozemar:, St:::lte of ~,iOn"~~ana, "be, and tIle s mae is hereby created for tl1c pllrpose of makine; the impro ve- ments hereinafter :lescribed. 3 Section 5. '1'- 8. t the Clert of' tho C OlTlJ'li s s:i on -- e, and sbe ls hereby, directed to publistl a notice invitin8 proposals for the 1'u1'ni shin!" of m8. tcrials t::md the Gain::' of the worL and the l'lal:inr:c of said i~rnrovement in ~;aid Special Improvoment District l-o. {)U 7- (-"./v ref err inn; to plrmo and [~\1)e ci fici'. tions on file, oy'm_011 shine.: 8 alll e i1". two ( 2) issues of .1 tl1o"OZel'1.2.n ])a11y C;hronlele, G_ daily newspa'~Jer printed and DiJ.b1ishod iJ--, tile C::L t'r of ,OJ D Z or: 1.'3.. n . not lcs:~ tlla(! ten ( 10) <In..'; fJ 1Jet'orc the t:t ~:;le such' its will be opened, \'Thi ch ~:l-i'all l~e at 3 mcct:LnfT of said City CO;G:1it1 aLan to bell e lcl on [,'1' i c!_8.y , the lCth day of August, 19::')5, 2t 7:30 o'clock P. -.1 of