HomeMy WebLinkAboutResolution 306A Passing of Resolution No. 306 .... ....-.--..---.-.-. ._-- 58 ~J' ./, ,,4' J' 1]-/ / 1:..'0-& I~' / cOU;US,:HON HESOLU'I'IONNO. 30611. (;.Y I' ~ . · '4-/ ./ .}. ..\/ A RESOLU'l'IOll 01" THE CO:":I.u::;E:;rON OP TEE CI'l'Y OF BOZE!IA1i F'INALIY PASS:~NG y ~/'~,~'TD ADOP'l'ING COlJITaS~nCJl.r HESOLUTION NO. 306 j';j:'lTl'LED: "A HESOLU'IIHHJ 01:' ,. 'J1liE COMTUSE;IO~! O}:' 'I'HE CITY OF BOZET1A]'.j LEVYIEG AND ASSESSING A SPI>'TAL AS~JESSr,:J::N'l' OF TAXES UP<)N ALL 'l'HE PROPEWCY IN SPECIAL nIPnOVK~ENT LIGETII1G DI8'l'nIC~L' 'iW. lno r-'n T'iT"RAY!F[P'''Y (r-:O) PEE CENT OF 'rim C08r1' .1 .)l'.. ... .", _ _ 1 __ 0 O}i' LIGII'TIN(} liiAIN s'rREI;'I' F'EOT,1 IDA AVENUE rIO F01JFi'J.'H AVEl1UE, \"II 'I'I i J: N SAID SPECIAl: n1Pj-WVEI:EFT T:T(~FTT]:NG DL;TIUC'r I~O. 100 0 l' rl'~-::E C I '_L'~( 0 F BOZE;,'li\.}\]- FOn TJII~; Yj,:AR 1935".. I 'tilIEHEAS, the Comm:Lssion of the Cl ty of Bozeman did on the 2/Dth da:;'- of September, 1935, at a regu.lar session thereof d_uIy pass Commission Resolution No. 306 entitled: "A RESOLU'l'ION OF THE Cor.nnSSION OF TI-fE CI'I''{ OF BOZE:."At: LEV'{ING AND ASSESSIl'TG A SPECIAL ASSF:~;;mi!ENr:L1 OF rr AXi<:B TTPON ALL rl'ITE PHC)P"'":H'CY Jli' SPECIAL r(pnOVEr',U:~lTT IIIGHTING DIS'I'H:rC'l' NO. 100 TO DEFRAY PI }"l'Y (50) PER CENT OF rNIE CO~:;T OF LIGIPl'ING 1.111.1).( S'rm::Ji'I' FRon reA A'J1i;Nur: TO FOUFtT'f-I A VENUE, VII1'HIN SAID SPI':CIAL r;JPHOVEMEN'I' LF}HT1NC:DI :'-;'l'Rl C'TI NO. 100 OF THE CI'l'Y Ole ROZE"lAN FOn 'l'llE YEAH 1935". WJ-r.2REAS, sa:Ld Cornmis 81 on Hesolu.tion No. 306 was duly siGned by the ],.'Iayor an:: the Cler)'~ of the Conmlission, and was filed in the office of the Clerk of the Co~nlssion on the 20th day of September, 1935, and ever since has been on flle in said office, subj ect to and for the inspec tioD of all ocrsons intere/':: ted; and WHEREAS, the 4th day of October, 193b, at 7:30 o'clock P. M., at a 5B .' . . I I I I . . "-_. ., ____.n__.____ .no_. ._.... _".."....._...__....____. .. .. t)o I I - I -.....-...-.....-.- ---....".--."'. --.-..-..-.. -.- ()l ... i' I, Carolyn Westlake, Clerl<:" of the Commission of the Ci ty of LJozeman, hereby certify that tl'.G foreGoinG Resolution Ho. 306A was published by title in the Bozeman Daily Chronicle, a daily newspaper of general circulation, nrinted and published in said City of I'ozeY'1an, in the issue of October 8, 1935, ,and that due proof of said publication war; made and filed in my office. I IN v,;rrl'l'!ESS V\lEEHEOF I IIereunto set my hand and affix the seal of my office this 8th day of October, 1935. ,/...---- /; ( .' !~-ILll-/ .J. jA,,, . ,y( . - .__. f the CO''1mission I I