HomeMy WebLinkAboutFowler Place Subdivision Amended Plat, P14029_9Page 1 of 14 P-14029, Staff Report for the Fowler Place Minor Subdivision Public Hearing Date: City Commission public hearing is on July 14, 2014 Project Description: Amended Plat Fowler Place Subdivision to subdivide Lot 9 of Fowler Place Subdivision (0.328 acres) into 2 single-household residential lots. Proposed Lot 9- B will remain a non-buildable lot to allow for temporary public and emergency access until the streets and alleys are extended south to Cascade Street. Project Location: 308 Fowler Avenue legally described as the Lot 9 of Fowler Place Subdivision, situated in the West One-Half (W ½), Northwest One-Quarter (NW ¼), Northeast One-Quarter (NE ¼) of Section 2, Township 2 South, Range 5 East, P.M.M, City of Bozeman, Gallatin County, Montana. Recommendation: Approval with conditions Recommended Motion: Having reviewed and considered the application materials, public comment, and all the information presented, I hereby adopt the findings presented in the staff report for application P14029 and move to approve the Subdivision with conditions and subject to all applicable code provisions. Report Date: Monday, July 07, 2014 Staff Contact: Tom Rogers, Associate Planner Dustin Johnson, Development Review Engineer Agenda Item Type: Action (Quasi-judicial) EXECUTIVE SUMMARY Unresolved Issues There are no unresolved issues. Project Summary The property owner and applicant Jim and Sylvia Grindley, 320 Fowler Avenue, Bozeman, MT 59718, represented by Sanderson Stewart, Inc., 106 E. Babcock, Bozeman, MT 59715 submitted application to further subdivide one (1) existing lot (Lot 9) within the Fowler Place Subdivision to create one additional lot for future residential development. Lot 9 consists of 14,306 square feet (0.328 acres) and is zoned R-1, Residential Single-Household District. Proposed Lot 9B will include a no-build restriction to retain the temporary public and emergency access as required with the original Fowler Place subdivision. 122 P-14029, Staff Report for the Fowler Place Subdivision Page 2 of 14 Alternatives 1. Approve the application with the recommended conditions; 2. Approve the application with modifications to the recommended conditions; 3. Deny the application based on the Commission’s findings of non-compliance with the applicable criteria contained within the staff report; or 4. Open and continue the public hearing on the application, with specific direction to staff or the applicant to supply additional information or to address specific items. TABLE OF CONTENTS EXECUTIVE SUMMARY ............................................................................................................ 1 Unresolved Issues ............................................................................................................... 1 Project Summary ................................................................................................................. 1 Alternatives ......................................................................................................................... 2 SECTION 1 - MAP SERIES .......................................................................................................... 3 SECTION 2 – REQUESTED VARIANCES AND DEVIATIONS............................................... 7 SECTION 3 - RECOMMENDED CONDITIONS OF APPROVAL ............................................ 7 SECTION 4 - CODE REQUIREMENTS REQUIRING PLAT CORRECTIONS ........................ 8 SECTION 5 - RECOMMENDATION AND FUTURE ACTIONS .............................................. 8 SECTION 6 - STAFF ANALYSIS AND FINDINGS ................................................................... 8 Applicable Subdivision Review Criteria, Section 38.03.040, BMC................................... 8 Primary Subdivision Review Criteria, Section 76-3-608 ................................................... 9 Preliminary Plat Supplements ........................................................................................... 11 APPENDIX A –ADVISORY CODE CITATIONS ..................................................................... 12 APPENDIX B – PROJECT SITE ZONING AND GROWTH POLICY ..................................... 13 APPENDIX C – DETAILED PROJECT DESCRIPTION AND BACKGROUND.................... 13 APPENDIX D – NOTICING AND PUBLIC COMMENT ......................................................... 13 APPENDIX E – OWNER INFORMATION AND REVIEWING STAFF ................................. 14 FISCAL EFFECTS ....................................................................................................................... 14 ATTACHMENTS ......................................................................................................................... 14 123 P-14029, Staff Report for the Fowler Place Subdivision Page 3 of 14 SECTION 1 - MAP SERIES Vicinity Map showing adjacent zoning Surrounding Zoning and Land Uses North: Fowler Place Subdivision zoned R-1 (Residential Single-Household Low Density District) South: County land, vacant East: Fowler Place Subdivision zoned R-1 (Residential Single-Household Low Density District) West: Cascade Subdivision zoned R-1 (Residential Single-Household Low Density District) 124 P-14029, Staff Report for the Fowler Place Subdivision Page 4 of 14 125 P-14029, Staff Report for the Fowler Place Subdivision Page 5 of 14 126 P-14029, Staff Report for the Fowler Place Subdivision Page 6 of 14 Figure 1: Amended Plat of Fowler Place Subdivision 127 P-14029, Staff Report for the Fowler Place Subdivision Page 7 of 14 SECTION 2 – REQUESTED VARIANCES AND DEVIATIONS No variances or deviations are required with this subdivision. SECTION 3 - RECOMMENDED CONDITIONS OF APPROVAL Please note that these conditions are in addition to any required code provisions identified in this report. These conditions are specific to the subdivision. The applicant is advised that unmet code provisions, or code provisions that are not specifically listed as conditions of approval, does not, in any way, create a waiver or other relaxation of the lawful requirements of the Bozeman Municipal Code or state law. The subdivision is being reviewed as a second minor subdivision per the Unified Development Code (UDC) 38.03.040.A.5.a.(3) Second or subsequent minor subdivision created from a tract of record. For the second or subsequent minor subdivision created from a tract of record, the city commission shall hold a public hearing on the subdivision application. The city commission shall approve, conditionally approve or deny the subdivision application of a second or subsequent minor subdivision within 60 working days of the determination that the application is adequate for review, unless there is a written extension from the developer, not to exceed one year. Recommended Conditions of Approval: 1. The applicant is advised that unmet code provisions, or code provisions that are not specifically listed as conditions of approval, does not, in any way, create a waiver or other relaxation of the lawful requirements of the Bozeman Municipal Code or state law. 2. Subdivider shall file with the Gallatin County Clerk & Recorder a no built Deed restriction on Lot 9-B. The Deed restriction shall be placed on Lot 9B to prohibit the construction of any structure(s) within the delineated 30 foot public and emergency access easement shown on the face of the Plat or in a document filed with the Gallatin County Clerk & Recorder. The build restriction shall be in place until the alley and streets of the Fowler Place Subdivision are extended south to Cascade Street. Release of said restriction requires mutual consent of the property owner and the City. 3. Subdivider shall place a 30 foot Temporary Public and Emergency Access Easement notation on the face of the Plat or in a document to be recorded with Gallatin County Clerk & Recorder on Lot 9-B prior to final plat approval. Release of the easement requires mutual consent of the property owner and the City. 4. A one foot no access strip shall be recorded on the final plat restricting vehicle access for any lots fronting onto Fowler Avenue. 5. Water and sewer connections and other service utilities shall not be required at this time as part of the plat; however, utilities shall be stubbed into Lot 9-B prior to the no build restriction being lifted as required by the City Engineering and Water/Sewer Departments. 6. Platting certificates shall contain all necessary wording as outlined in the City of Bozeman’s UDC, State of Montana ARM requirements and MCA Subdivision requirements including a Registered Land Survey’s stamp and signature. 128 P-14029, Staff Report for the Fowler Place Subdivision Page 8 of 14 SECTION 4 - CODE REQUIREMENTS REQUIRING PLAT CORRECTIONS A. None have been identified SECTION 5 - RECOMMENDATION AND FUTURE ACTIONS Project Name: Fowler Place Subdivision preliminary plat (amended plat) File: P-14029 Development Review Committee The Development Review Committee (DRC) reviewed the Preliminary Plat application on May 28, June 4, and June 11, 2014; and as a result, finds that the application, with conditions, is in general compliance with the adopted growth policy, the Montana Subdivision and Platting Act and the Unified Development Code. On June 11, 2014 the DRC recommended conditional approval of the preliminary plat application. City Commission The City Commission will make the final decision on this subdivision application. The hearing date for the City Commission is July 14, 2014, 6 pm at 121 N. Rouse Avenue, City Hall. SECTION 6 - STAFF ANALYSIS AND FINDINGS Analysis and resulting recommendations are based on the entirety of the application materials, municipal codes, standards, and plans, public comment, and all other materials available during the review period. Collectively this information is the record of the review. This analysis is a summary of the completed review. Applicable Subdivision Review Criteria, Section 38.03.040, BMC. In considering applications for subdivision approval under this title, the advisory boards and City Commission shall consider the following: 1) Compliance with the survey requirements of Part 4 of the Montana Subdivision and Platting Act The subject property has been surveyed and platted in conformance with the Montana Subdivision and Platting Act and prepared as a preliminary plat in accordance with the state statute and the Bozeman Municipal Code. Prior to filing of any plat(s) for this subdivision, the plat(s) must comply with the survey requirements in Part 4 of the Montana Subdivision and Platting Act and will be filed in the Gallatin County Clerk & Recorder's Office upon review and approval by City staff. 129 P-14029, Staff Report for the Fowler Place Subdivision Page 9 of 14 2) Compliance with the local subdivision regulations provided for in Part 5 of the Montana Subdivision and Platting Act The final plat shall comply with the standards identified and referenced in Chapter 38, BMC, Unified Development Code (UDC). The applicant is advised that unmet code provisions, or code provisions that are not specifically listed as a condition of approval, does not, in any way, create a waiver or other relaxation of the lawful requirements of the Bozeman Municipal Code or State law. 3) Compliance with the local subdivision review procedures provided for in Part 6 of the Montana Subdivision and Platting Act The hearings before the City Commission have been properly noticed, as required by the Bozeman UDC. Based on the recommendation of the DRC and other applicable review agencies, as well as any public testimony received on the matter, the City Commission will make the final decision on the applicant’s request. 4) Compliance with Chapter 38, BMC and other relevant regulations Based on review of the DRC and the Department of Community Development, all applicable regulations appear to be met when all proposed conditions and code requirements are met. Pertinent code provisions and site specific requirements are included in this report for City Commission consideration. 5) The provision of easements to and within the subdivision for the location and installation of any necessary utilities As noted under Staff Finding No. 2 above and required by Section 38.23.060.A, BMC all easements, existing and proposed, shall be accurately depicted and addressed on the final plat and in the final plat application. Therefore, all utilities and necessary utility easements will be provided and depicted accordingly on the final plat. 6) The provision of legal and physical access to each parcel within the subdivision and the notation of that access on the applicable plat and any instrument transferring the parcel The proposed lots meet the minimum lot width and frontage requirements. In addition, the lots will gain access from internal local streets and not along Fowler Avenue. The final plat shall include a one-foot no-access easement along Fowler Avenue for Lot 9-A and Lot 9-B. A temporary no-build restriction shall be placed on Lot 9-B for public and emergency access until all internal streets and alleys are connected south to Cascade Street. A change to street access and easement locations would be a material change to the subdivision and require additional review before final plat approval could be granted. Primary Subdivision Review Criteria, Section 76-3-608 1) The effect on agriculture The subject property is designated as “Residential” according to the City of Bozeman 130 P-14029, Staff Report for the Fowler Place Subdivision Page 10 of 14 Community Plan. The subject property is zoned for residential development and has not been in agricultural production for many years. Therefore, this subdivision will not have adverse effects on agriculture. 2) The effect on Agricultural water user facilities The original Fowler Place subdivision had a Section Line Ditch located on the western edge of the property. During the 2006 approval process, the Farmer’s Canal Company recommended that the ditch be piped and located under Fowler Avenue. The Fowler Place minor subdivision will not impact the current ditch as it is piped on the west side of Fowler Avenue. 3) The effect on Local services Water/Sewer – The minor subdivision will not have any adverse impacts to existing water and sewer capacities as the current systems will be able to adequately handle the flows from the additional single-household lot. Lot 9-A has existing water and sewer service lines. However, Condition 3 notes that water and sewer connections and other service utilities shall not be required at this time as part of the plat; however, utilities shall be stubbed into Lot 9-B prior to the no build restriction being lifted as required by the City Engineering and Water/Sewer Departments. Streets – Access to the subdivision is from Durston Road and Fowler Avenue. However, vehicular access to Lots 9-A and 9-B will be from the alley; pedestrian access will be from the sidewalk fronting Fowler Avenue. Police/Fire – The property is located within the City’s Police and Fire emergency response area. The subdivider must obtain addresses for the new lots from the Engineering Department prior to filing the final plat to facilitate emergency response to the site. Stormwater – Stormwater was addressed with the final plat for the original subdivision; the additional single-household lot will not adversely impact the existing stormwater system. Parklands – The 2006 final plat addressed parkland dedication requirements including the acceptance of cash-in-lieu of funds for developing an asphalt path on the west side of Fowler Avenue. This is a minor subdivision and therefore, exempt from parkland dedication requirements. 4) The effect on the Natural environment The minor subdivision will have no adverse impacts to the natural environment as the original subdivision mitigated impacts related to relocating artificially created wetlands. A noxious weed management plan was approved by the Gallatin County Weed Control District in 2006. 5) The effect on Wildlife and wildlife habitat The minor subdivision will have no adverse impacts to wildlife or wildlife habitat as the original parcel was located within a platted and improved subdivision. 131 P-14029, Staff Report for the Fowler Place Subdivision Page 11 of 14 6) The effect on Public health and safety The minor subdivision will have no adverse impacts to public health and safety as lots will be connected to city water and sewer services. The temporary public and emergency access on Lot 9-B will allow emergency service provider’s legal access into the subdivision. Preliminary Plat Supplements The DRC granted waivers to the following items during the pre-application process as the final plat, which was filed and recorded in 2006, addressed all platting supplement items. 38.41.060.A.1 Surface Water Waiver granted. No surface water exists on the site. A piped ditch is along the west side of Fowler Ave. Other related issues were addressed at the time of the original subdivision review. 38.41.060.A.2 Floodplains Waiver granted. The development is located outside of the floodplain as determined during the original subdivision review. 38.41.060.A.3 Groundwater Waiver granted. A report was submitted with the original subdivision application indicating groundwater at 8.7 - 9.4 feet. 38.41.060.A.4 Geology, Soils and Slopes Waiver granted. A geotechnical report was provided with the original subdivision application. 38.41.060.A.5 Vegetation Waiver granted. The subdivision has an approved Memorandum of Understanding with the Gallatin County Weed Control District. 38.41.060.A.6 Wildlife Waiver granted. As part of the original application FWP indicated the parcel was too small to provide mitigation for impacts. 38.41.060.A.7 Historical Features Waiver granted. An original search of the Historic Preservation Office cultural resources inventory did not indicate any historical features. 38.41.060.A.8 Agriculture Waiver granted. The property is too small for agricultural uses. 38.41.060.A.9 Agricultural Water User Facilities Waiver granted. No agricultural water features exist on the site. The original application piped the Section Line Ditch on the west side of Fowler Avenue; all necessary permits were acquired. 38.41.060.A.10 Water and Sewer Waiver granted. City of Bozeman utilities are present within the subdivision. 132 P-14029, Staff Report for the Fowler Place Subdivision Page 12 of 14 38.41.060.A.11 Stormwater Management Waiver granted. The subdivision has an approved stormwater management plan, no changes are proposed at this time. 38.41.060.A.12 Streets, Roads and Alleys Waiver granted. The subdivision has access from Fowler Avenue to the west and Lots 9-A and 9-B have access from an alley to the east; no changes to internal streets are proposed 38.41.060.A.13 Utilities Waiver granted. The site is already served by existing municipal infrastructure. 38.41.060.A.14 Educational Facilities Waiver granted. The school district provided a letter with the original application stating capacity existed. The minor subdivision will generate only a single additional residential unit. 38.41.060.A.15 Land Use Waiver granted. The subdivision complies with zoning and the Bozeman Community Plan. 38.41.060.A.16 Parks and Recreation Facilities Waiver granted. Parks and recreation facilities were reviewed in the original subdivision application. A minor subdivision is exempt from parkland dedication. 38.41.060.A.17 Neighborhood Center Plan Waiver granted. The project as proposed would not require a neighborhood center. 38.41.060.A.18 Lighting Plan Waiver granted. A lighting plan was submitted and approved as part of the original subdivision. No deviations from the plan were submitted with this application. 38.41.060.A.19 Miscellaneous Waiver granted. The subdivision will not impact public lands nor is it anticipated that it will create any new hazards. 38.41.060.A.20 Affordable Housing Waiver granted. The affordable housing ordinance is not applicable. APPENDIX A –ADVISORY CODE CITATIONS The applicant is advised that unmet code provisions, or code provisions that are not specifically listed as conditions of approval, does not, in any way, create a waiver or other relaxation of the lawful requirements of the Bozeman Municipal Code or state law. It is the duty of the applicant to submit plans and other materials which conform to all standards. Submittal of inaccurate or incomplete materials may delay review of the application or prohibit its approval. 133 P-14029, Staff Report for the Fowler Place Subdivision Page 13 of 14 APPENDIX B – PROJECT SITE ZONING AND GROWTH POLICY Zoning Designation and Land Uses: The subject property is zoned R-1 (Residential Single -Household Low Density District). The intent of the R-1 district is to provide for primarily single-household residential development and related uses within the city at urban densities, and to provide for such community facilities and services as will serve the area's residents while respecting the residential character and quality of the area. Adopted Growth Policy Designation: The property is designated as “Residential” in the Bozeman Community Plan. The Plan indicates that “This category designates places where the primary activity is urban density dwellings. Other uses which complement residences are also acceptable such as parks, low intensity home based occupations, fire stations, churches, and schools. The residential designation indicates that it is expected that development will occur within municipal boundaries, which may require annexation prior to development.” All residential housing should be arranged with consideration of compatibility with adjacent development, natural constraints such as watercourses and steep slopes, and in a fashion which advances the overall goals of the Bozeman growth policy. APPENDIX C – DETAILED PROJECT DESCRIPTION AND BACKGROUND Project Description: Minor subdivision plat for the Fowler Place subdivision to subdivide Lot 9 of Block 2, consisting of 0.328 acres, into 2 single-household residential lots (R-1). Lot 9-B will remain a non-buildable lot to allow for temporary public and emergency access until the streets and alleys are extended south to Cascade Street. The subdivision is located north of Cascade Street, east of Fowler Avenue, south of Durston Road, west of Christopher Way, legally described as an Amended Plat of Lot 9 of Fowler Place Subdivision, situated in the W1/2, NW1/4, NE1/4 of Section 2, Township 2S, Range 5E, of P.M.M, City of Bozeman, Gallatin County, Montana. Project Background The subject property was originally platted as the Fowler Place major subdivision in 2006 for single-household residential lots. A preliminary plat application was submitted on May 7, 2014 and was amended/revised and deemed acceptable on May 14, 2014. APPENDIX D – NOTICING AND PUBLIC COMMENT The application was reviewed by the DRC on May 28, June 4 and June 11, 2014 and the DRC provided a favorable recommendation on the application to the City Commission. 134 P-14029, Staff Report for the Fowler Place Subdivision Page 14 of 14 Public notice for this application was placed in the Bozeman Daily Chronicle on Sunday, June 8, 2014. The site was posted with a public notice on June 8, 2014. Public notice was sent to adjacent property owners via certified mail, and to all other property owners of record within 200 feet of the subject property via first class mail, on June 8, 2014. No public comments have been received as of the writing of this staff report. APPENDIX E – OWNER INFORMATION AND REVIEWING STAFF Owner: Jim and Sylvia Grindley, 320 Flower Ave., Bozeman, MT 59718 Applicant: Jim and Sylvia Grindley, 320 Flower Ave., Bozeman, MT 59718 Representative: Sanderson Stewart, 106 E. Babcock, Bozeman, MT 59715 Report By: Tom Rogers, AICP, Associate Planner FISCAL EFFECTS No unusual fiscal effects have been identified. ATTACHMENTS 1. Staff Report 2. Applicant’s submittal materials 3. Supporting documentation The full application and file of record can be viewed at the Community Development Department at 20 E. Olive Street, Bozeman, MT 59715. 135 136 137 138 139 140 141 142 143