HomeMy WebLinkAboutResolution 305 SID No. 295 ..:.,;' 1'>- " 11 ~ ! 51 .., '/<.;. 0/:3,/ COl/tMISSION RESOLUTION NO. """"",.,~,~......_\.:J. 'f .1. 305 . .......__ A RESOLUTION OF T~m COMrUSSION OF' 'rHE CI'rY Or;' BOZET:IAlJ, T/ION'I'ANA, CHEA'l'ING A SPECIAL n]PHOVmmNT~nSTRIC'l' OF SAID cr'l'Y TO BE KNOVvN AND DESIGNATED AS SPECIAL I;',lPROVET,TENT DISTHICT N1JMrmR 295, FOR 'l'lIE PURPOSE OF' LIGHTING WIL- LSON AVENTm, ~30UTH, BETvmEN 'I'HE SOUTH LINE OF VfE~)T MAIN S'rREE'l' A~;D THE Non'rH Lrm OF CLEVJ:i:LATJD STH?~ET IN SAID crrY punSlTAWL' '='0 AND Iji COlJF'OHT;II'rY wrrH COtJIlISSION HESOLUTION 1'~0. 293 OF SAID CI1:Y COJ.,1]',HSSIOH AS PASSED AND ADOP'J1ED BY SAID Cr'l'Y cmEn ~;SIOJT ON THE 23rd DAY OF AUGUS'I', 1935 . I mmREAS: 'l'11e City Commission of the City of Bozeman, Montana, on the 23rd day of August, 1935, pHsse':} and adopted Commission Hesolu.tion No. 293 declaring it to be the intention of said ConID1ission to create Special Improvement Lighting District Hu:nbor 295 of said City for the pur~o~;e of lighting Willson Avenue, South, between the south line of west Main Street and the north line of Cleveland Street, in said 59 ~.,.J Beginning at a point in the south line of West Bain Street 90 feet west of the intersection of said line with the west line of Willson Ave. South; thence east along said south line of I'Jest 1',1ain Street to a point?5 feet west of the east line of l.1ot 10, Block A, of Story's Addi tion to Bozeman; thence SOllth- erly to a point in the north line of the alley in said Block A, said point being 9.1 feet west of the east line of Lot 13 of said Block; thence Bo.st along the north line of said alley to its intersection with the cast line of Lot 16, of said Block A; thence south along the east line of said Lot 16, and said line extendGd, to the south line of \Vest Dabcock Street; then ce eas t I along the sald south line of West Babcock Street to tho west line of the alley between Willson and Tracy Avenues; thenc e south along the west line of said alley, including vacated ---......----. 58 total cost is finally determined upon the completion of such installation, said fiGure Ibf ;ftO.96 per street front foot being approximate onl:,r. Section 5. Assessment for Maintenance. An estimate of the approximate cost of maintaining such lir;hts and slJpplying the electrical currel'.t therefor for the fir~)t year is nine hundred ninety-one and I 58/100 (i~99l.58) dollars, three-fourths (3/4) of which shall be assessed against the property embraced within said DistrJct on the street front foot basis, and the estimated yearly assessment per street front foot is 12i; said lights shall be main- tained 8.nd electrlcal current therefor f'u.rnished, by contract, as required by Section 5261, R. C. LIon tana, 1921, as arnended by Chapter 143 of the Laws of the 20th Legis- latlve Assembly of the Str>te of T.lontana, 1927, and the estimated assessment per street front foot as herein recited may be lower or hi<l:1er as the cost of maintenance and electrical current is finally determined on the basis of such contract price, the figure of 12i per street front foot as in this section stated, being approximate only. Section 6. Payment. h4 {)~ warrants shall bear interest at the ra.te of six per cent (6)'~) per an11U1>l from the date of their re[~istrntion until called for redemption or paid :'I.n i'tlll ~md the interest shall be payable annuall;/" on the fir::;t day each year after such regis- tration as expressed by the interest coupons attached thereto. Such warrants or bonds shall be redeemed by the Director of Finance of the City of Bozeman when there is money in Said Special I. mprove.men t Lighting Dis tri c t IJo. 295 Fund I available for such pa;,r:ment. Section 8. How Work Shall Ee Done. 1\11 work and labor, and all material of every kind and description, re quired for the improvement by this Hcsolution 8.uthorlzed and.. directed to be made, shall be procured, provided < and erected by the City of Boz.e:mn_n in such manner as the City lllanager, under direction of the City Cor[]nis:::don, shall determine. pur- suant to the authority therefor grant.ed by Section 5261, E. C. I',lontf:ma, 1921, as f:unended by Chapter 143 of the 20th Legislative Assembly of the State of I.'lontana, 1927. Passed w-d adopted by the Commiss:i.on of the City of Boz.em.-'3.n, !i10ntana, at a rer;ular session thereof held on the 6th day of SeDtember, 1935. 44~) At t o.$-t-: / I IT. - ~ it Uj \< / .. I . .. /. ...-- _Lll/!::J- ... ~. .. (~ -~:;..~ Clerl{ o~Pghe Commission I, Carolyn Westlal{o, Clerk of the Commission of the City of ~)OZemal', hereb:r certify that the foregoing COlmnission Hes01-uticn ~w. 305 of tile City of Bozeman, vms published by title in the BozernfLn Daily Chponicle, a dai17:T neVlSpa~)er of general cirm:_la tioh, printed and published ~i.n said C:1 ty, in tllG issue of SeDtembor 10, 193b, and that due proof of said pl.:tb1 :lc8. tlon Wa~3 nade and filed in my office. IN VJITNI:~SS W~mR1WF I hereunto set my hand and aff1x the seal of my office th_is lOth day of Septmnber, 1935. ,'--.. . ~/. il.. ..~c // ",.' ,'I . II ., ,.,' .- :."LL_~L/-.U_- <--,<".Lil::L .tLJ!.:..-::.- C ler1: of! theCofrnn:ts sian . I Resolution No. 305