HomeMy WebLinkAboutResolution 304 Creates SID No. 299 4() Cot','lT,.uSSION RESOLU'J:ION NO. 304 1'/ ',/; A EESOLU'rI Oil OF 1'lill cm,n;I SSI 011 OF THE CITY OF r,OZEj!IAE, 1,10 N'rAN A, DECLARING 6~ I ~/, IT. TO BE 'l'HE nrrrmnI01:r OF SAID cmrUSSION.. TO CHEJ\TE A SPECIJ\L D,1PW'Vt!:T.mN'l' to- , , DIc1rl'RI(;'r rne B"'" 1\]Tovrp 'NH DT'cJnNAmED ,\0 ""prCIM I~lPHOV"Tq'"'rr r'Ic'TP" T "TO ~ \9/ <:.,." . '-' "\ ,,' .l) l'.. ,'. .L~ j\ 1) .;:.'.0..,]..,.l' 10 ,,) ..,', . ,.J " . 1.0",,';"11) j......J ,J 1\. I>" .V 299" 01<' SAID CITY -:COR 'l'Ir:!:eurzpo~m OF PAVING OLIVE: Srl'HEI/I' BE~J.'WEEN BOZLIiIAN ~/ -&' AVTi'C~FE (~OU(1TT' '\.'\~D THACY Av'r;'\iTTF ('('"lJT!! pr ('All' CI":'Y WT'l'>-T PLAr'l' HTX " I " ",- J. ~ ~ kJ - ".I.. .L." , ) J.. .J _ "",.j I j... MJ, 1....).)" J, v l\l j..,J .J.J ~,. ..., J-,1, J f ".. " / / OILED :.ll\.CADN,T P AVE TiIEUT . AND '1'0 SPECIAl,LY A83::':SS nm ::IJ'I'IHE COST Al'1D , E'T-:C'TC'Ti' OF IY('TAIlr'Tri '-"ATD PAVFHE"~T (EYCFD1' (1.(.' "ue;' C('c'" T'A'IT' F'EDUC".'D ~ '" , 1......1 \:. '.".,.L....J \." .. J U J ...J., _1 ,] 0 ~L.. .J.../ ~ 1 :.. I .,,J.I. ,j, I...,) 1...). -' 1 i. .J ,_) u 1 1 ~ L ""L_ j J..:.......I \ ." J l.:J BY I,ABOH, SERVI CES, AND/OH T.l0NEY CON'l'RIBU'l'ED 'I'HERErrO BY PU3LIC'NOHY:S 1 AD:~' NIs'rRNl'I:Oh. WOH1':S PIWGHESS ADT!I:UH~J'l'nA'I'ION, OR ANY O'I'HER (}OVEHNLfEWl'AL AGENCY OH AmUNIsrl'RNl'ION BY r:IIAl'SOEVER HAilE CALL:2D) AGAINf;I' 'I'1:[E PHOPFR'IY WITIUN SAID DISTl{IC'r AS HEHEINAF'r::;R DESCI:UEED ON 'rEE AREA BA;:IIS vrLTH THE CORll[EH L0'1'3 PAYING DOUI3LE THE AS3Esm/~EjJ'l' m,' rrEi: INSIl)E LOT~; wr~HIN SAID AREA, UPON 'l'EI': IASIS OF EACH CORNEH LorI' WITHIN SAID DIS1'RICT AS PFWPOEJED HAVrT(' 'l"::Tpny (30 'I PE'ET ABU'I"l'ING ON OLIVE S'I'REE'r, ALL UNDER AND BY VIR- .li,T .'.L.. \1. TUE 01" rer;:: PROVISIONS OF SECTIO~'JS 5225-5277, INCLUSlvr: . REVISED CODES OF I:1rN":ANA, 1921, AS AT.n-.::tTDED. Ylhereas thero has been filed with the Clor]{ of the Cor,imiss:lon a petltion sig;ned by R. S. Dawes and others" in due form, and Whereas the City Commisslon has had tl!is matter under consideration and there seems a possibility o.f' securing Public Works Acnn:inistration funds for this pro j ect, and 1Nhereas the Commiss:i,on of the City of Bozeman deems tJlis project to be a necessary iI.rprovement, and ':Jhereas September 3rd, 1935, has been set as the final date for filing application under P1.iblic Vlorl~s Administration. Now, Therefore, Be r'l' RESOLVl,:D BY fl'I-J:E cm,nUSSION OF TEE CI'I'Y OF BOZE;.iAN: Section 1. Declaration of Intention. I 1'hat it is hereb'v declared to be the intention of the Corrnnission of the Ci ty of Bozeman to create a special improvement dis trict to be 'known and designated as Special Inprovement District No. 299 of said Ci ty for the purpose of malclng t:,l.e i~l'provement:::; wi thin said special improvement clistrlc t hereinafter described. Section 2. Boundari e s . rrhat the boundaries of said SDecial IrmJrovement District No. 29rJ to be created shall be a s follows: "~leginning at a point in the east line of 'I'racy Avenue 150 feet north of the north line of Olive Street, tb.ence easterly along 4'7 Special Imvrovement District No. 29D is the construction of oiled macadam pavement on Olive Street between Bozeman Avenue, South, and Tracy Avenue, Sou t};t, with all necessary gradinG, crosswalks, culverts, and combinations the reof , and all work necessary incidental thereto, including engineerine; and inspection and the like. Section 5. Approximate Cost. I 11'ha t the approximate estin:ate of cost of the aforesaid improvernents Including all items mentioned in Section 4, . ':'5375 t";5 l S ~p~_ ir a III Section G. Assessment of Cost. 'l.'hat the total area of the land within said proposed district to be taxed for the cost of said improvements, exclusive o~ streets, avenues, a11e~Ts , and public places, wi th tl,e area of the corner lots doubled, is 214146 square feet, and an approximate estimate of the cost of said inprovement to be specially taxed and a;:;sesrJed against the land therein is ~1;0.0251 per square foot of said land, provi dad: that from the total cost of the construction of all the improvements herein contem- plated as finally determined upon completion thereof. there shall be deducted such 4H Section 8. Special Assessment. That to pay s aid bonds and any interes t thereof, representine: the cas t of s"Ltch construction as finalJ.y determined in the manner specified in section 6, hereof, a s-Oe cial as sossment ahall be lev:ied agains t all of the land wi th.in the bOLmdar:les of said pro1Josed Snecial Improvement District No. 299 as here:inbefore defined, each square foot of area within said proposed special improvement 1 district, With. the area o~ the corner lots double~, as aforesaid,. to be 8.ssesf:,ed and taxed for 1. ts proportlona te share of such entll's cos t, excJ:usJve of streets, avenues, alleys, and nublie places, the corner lots to be assumed to have thirty (30) feet abutting on Olive Street. Section 9. Pa~rment in Installments. '1Ih8.t such assess:ments and taxes shall be payable in eleven (11) install- ments,extending over a period of ten (10) years with n ot to exceed six (6) nercent annual interest on deferred payments conrrrrencinrs with the year 1935; provided, that payment in foull of such totnl assessr1ent DIld any accrued interest thereon may be !:w.de at any time after 81).ch total assossY:lont is determined and levied in the manner by law provided. Section 10. Payment Assu.rec1. 'J:hat the prompt and full payment of said Special Improvemont District No.299 bonds and the interest thereon as herein proposed to be issued, has been assured and provi:led for b'" the creation of a Special Improvement District Hevolvinrs Fund esta.blished by the levy of a tax of one half Ut) mill levy on each dollnr of t11e I taxable valuatlon of all taxable proDerty w:lthin the corporate lim:U:;s of the City of Bozeman, j'llontana, pursuant to the provisions of Chapter 24, ~aws of the 21st Legisla ti va Assembly of the State of 1,.'10ntana, 1929. Section 11. Time For Protests. Tbf1.t the regular session of the COl'nnissj"on of the City of Bozeman, State of Montanl}., to be held in the Commission Chamber, Cj.ty Hall BuildinS, Bozeme.n, Montana. on J.i'rida-;r, the 20th day of September, 19~,)5, at 7:30 P.'iI. of said day, is the time and place dosigna ted when and vrhere the said City Cormnission will hear and pass upon all protests duly and regularly made and filed, as required by law, against the creation of said propN:ed Special Improvemont District No. 299 and the extent and character thereof and the purpose thereof, or either thereof. Section 12. Notice. 'rhat the Clerk of said Commission of t11e City of Bozeman, State of Montana, be, and she is hereby, directed to give notice of the adoption of this resolution and of the public hearinc. on. protes. ts againat the proposalS.. hereOf.'. all as required by law. I. Passed and adopted by the Commission of the City oft~ozeman, Montana, at a regular session of said COHL'1nssion held on the 30th dav of August, 1935. Attest: /} )j /1 . _.~... ... I ,L."; .) / . ..., (:X-tt -1 _~ / .._~_ Acting erlc of the CommissinD 1/ Resolution ~o. 304 49 NOrl'ICE IN RE cm/!f:rISSION RESOLUTION EO. 304 NOrrICF IS HEHEBY GIVEN That at a regular meeting of the CO:m.n',isslor. of the City of Bozeman held on F'riday, Augus t 30th, 1935, Commission Resolution No. 304 was passed and adopted. Said Resolution declares it to be the intention of the C0111..'11is- I s:ton of the Ci ty of 130zeman to create a special improvement district to be known and deslgnated as !I~)pecial Improvement District No. 299" for the purpose of paving Olive . , Street between Bozeman Avenue, Sou th, and Traey Avenue, South, in said City, with plant mix olled macadam pavement. The boundarles of said proposed district, as shown by said Hcsolution on file in the office of the Clerk of so.id City Co::rrnission, are as follows: "J3er;innlng at a point in the eazt 11ne of 'l;rac':r Avenue 150 feet north of the north line of Olive Street, thence easterly along a line 150 ,::'eet distant from and parallel to the north lino of Olive Street to a point in the west line of Bozeman Avenue, 50 Commiss'ion of the City of Bozeman will not pass a Resolution creating the aforesaid Distr:ict until the aforesaid application has been a:yprovecl, or othcr satisfactory arranr;emen ts arc made. Al thOllgh as~rllred. and believinc ttm t if this appl:tcl1 tion 13 apnr07ed the Public >'Norks Administration will grant 45), of the total cos t, the City of Bozeman is without power or authori ty to enforce the grant or the payment, and all interested persons are here'by expressly so notIfied. Notice is also given I t:!:lat if the aforesaid application shall be denied it is the intention to malee application for like aid from oUler federal and/or state agencies if any such may make a like or sLnilar grant. Not1ce ls hereby giver' that nrotests mm;t be filed in wrIting vl:i.thin 15 days of the date hereof. Notice is further hereby given that Friday, the 20th day of Senternber, 1935, at the hour qf 7:30 P. M. is the time, and the Commission Chamber in the City Hall, C1 t~T of Eozeman, T,Tontana, is the place wher and where the said City Com- mission 1'/5.11 hoar and Dass upon all protests legally made and filed aga:tnst the creat:lon of said nroposec:l district and the extent, oharac tel', and/or purpose thereof. Dated this 3rd day of Sentomber, 193.5. By order of the Commission of the City of Bozeman.. / _ "_"Q~ A /i(/n__.__ I ler]\. of the Commission I Eethyl Clarke, Acting Clerk of the COlrrrnission of the Cit.,y of Bozeman, ,