HomeMy WebLinkAbout2014 Commissioning Services for Police and Courts- McKinstry, Proposal City of Bozeman RFQ • Commissioning Services for Police fry & Courts Facility lle Of Your Building BOZEMAN, MT 25 APRIL 2014 Ilk- A I � k..n.. — 'TRANSMITTAL LETTER SECTION 1. FIRM INFORMATION Firm Background Firm Workload Firm Experience SECTION Z. PROJECT TEAM SECTION 3. PROJECT APPROACH ' Please note that this response provides the basic economic terms on which McKinstry would be wiping to perform the scope of services outlined here. This response does not cover all of the terms and conditions relevant to a definitive agreement about these services. Nothing in this response approves legal terms such as warranties, indemnification, insurance requirements, and limitations of liability, even if those terms were included in the request for proposal. The details of those terms must be negotiated by the parties and set forth in a definitive agreement with respect to McKinstry's services. CONFIDENTIAL&PROPRIETARY M'� l CITY OF BOZEMAN-RFQ FOR CX SERVICES AT POLICE&MUNICIPAL COURTS FACILITIY CONTENTS off. 198E STADIUM DRIVE, UNIT 1 B02EMAN, MT 59715 OfYourBullding 406,582.7668- MCKINSTRY.COM April 23,2014 City of Bozeman Office of the City Clerk PO Box 1230 121 North Rouse Ave. Bozeman, MT 59771-1230 RE: REQUEST FOR QUALIFICATIONS—COMMISSIONING SERVICES FOR POLICE & COURTS FACILITY On behalf of McKinstry, I am honored to present our qualifications in response to the City of Bozeman's request for commissioning services. McKinstry is confident in our ability to implement commissioning programs that will deliver unparalleled benchmarks for performance,quality,responsiveness, and service. At McKinstry,we are capable of taking on projects of all shapes and sizes. We work in facilities ranging from a few thousand square feet to campuses with multiple million square feet. We use our expertise to execute commissioning projects holistically, expertly, and in a scalable fashion. We also have the benefit of currently partnering with the city on a comprehensive energy audit. McKinstry engaged ThinkOne Architects last summer on a window replacement project at North Hedges residence hall at MSU, and we feel confident in our ability to work collaboratively with that team once again. We have mobilized a highly skilled and professional team specialized in commissioning services to meet the city's needs. Our goal is to deliver superior programs to the city—on time and under budget. McKinstry is excited to work with the city by working as your selected partner to implement a timely and seamless commissioning program that will exceed your financial, facility, and operational objectives. McKinstry has served the Pacific Northwest for over 50 years and has earned a reputation for commitment, focus, and strength in providing high quality energy, engineering, construction, commissioning, facility management, and maintenance services. We are truly here For the Life v,f Your Building. We look forward to partnering with the City of Bozeman to develop and deliver successful commissioning projects. LICENSES&REGISTRATIONS MT- 159968.158737.162393 If you have any questions regarding this submittal or McKinstry's qualifications to provide the scope of work required for this project, you can reach me at 406-214-3501 or timt@mckinstry.com. Sincerely, Tim Tolman, Business Unit Manager Ash Awad, President McKinstry Essention, LLC McKinstry Essention, LLC LICENSES&REGISTRATIONS MT• 159968.158737•162393 1 . Firm Information Firm Background Firm Workload Firm Experience �finstry u.or w.rmu,.i 1 . Firm Information a. .Uesrrihe}vur firm s histurr.Identili mur senior 111anagrment organization.Include hilurA7UUon idenl)&igg the firm's annual Yohime uj hrrsine°sc.ii)runeinl bonding capacities.rind speak to the fines x1ahilitr in the morke!place.Igli)rmalion identllying the firn)s strengths and it eaknecses along sridi special capahilitiec that 11MY he appropriate it)this Project will assist ai the evahlation. Firm Background FIRM HISTORY Founded in 1960 by engineers Merrill McKinstry and George Allen, McKinstry originated as a plumbing and piping contractor. As the needs of clients evolved with the complexity of buildings, McKinstry recognized the need for a contractor capable of solving a multitude of problems as they arise throughout the 50+year life of a building. Today, our competencies include construction trades (mechanical, electrical, fire protection, etc.), facility management, energy savings performance contracting, commissioning and retro-commissioning,measurement and verification,warranty and issue management, utility bill tracking, and behavior-based energy savings programs. McKinstry Essention, LLC is a Washington Limited Liability Company authorized to do business in the state of Montana. McKinstry Essention, LLC is headquartered in Seattle,Washington and maintains offices in Billings,Bozeman, and Missoula, Montana. McKinstry Essention, LLC, at times, contracts for McKinstry Company, LLC, a separate company, for specialized services. SENIOR MANAGEMENT Our management team consists of Dean Allen(CEO,Chairman); Ash Awad(President); Doug Moore (COO); Bill Teplicky(CFO,Asst. Secretary,Treasurer); Ron Johnson(VP); Mike Locke(VP); Brian Floyd(VP); Jamie Pedersen(VP, Secretary, General Council); and Joseph Hagar(Director of Finance). VOLUME OF BUSINESS,FINANCIAL/BONDING CAPACITIES, STABILITY McKinstry Co. LLC and its affiliate McKinstry Essention, LLC revenue over$500M annually. We work diligently to maintain an extensive bonding capacity. Over our 50-year history, McKinstry has been profitable every year save one, which speaks to our ability to guarantee project costs and savings over the long term. McKinstry can provide a performance bond for our phase of the work,if required. Our per-project capacity is$1M; our total bonding capacity is$350M. McKinstry is a financially strong and stable company that is routinely profitable. We maintain unsecured lines of credit in excess of$15M and have never failed to successfully complete a project. STRENGTHS,WEAKNESSES, SPECIAL CAPABILITIES McKinstry's value statement is simple: we listen to our clients,we're confident in our recommendations, we're passionate about our work,we're empowered to do what's right for our clients, and our people are capable problem-solvers. We have been in the construction industry for 53 years and the ESCO (energy Services Company) industry for 13 years. With relevance to this Request for Proposal,we also have the benefit of partnering currently with the City of Bozeman on a city-wide comprehensive energy audit. This additional familiarity of the city n CONFIDENTIAL&PROPRIETARY CITY OF BOZEMAN-RFQ FOR CX SERVICES AT POLICE&MUNICIPAL COURTS FACILITIY u.or no••..!e.os 1 I -. Firm Information buildings,maintenance practices and management approaches will enhance our abilities to provide a tailored commissioning approach to the Police and Municipal Courts facility. In addition, our value includes: • SMART PEOPLE McKinstry is consistently listed as a preferred place to work, and we recruit capable, long-term employees. Our people have the technical knowledge and experience to provide valuable insight on energy management solutions,renewable energy installations,retro-commissioning, and a number of other services. Our customers have access to our array of experts,but can always find a single point of contact and accountability on each project. • MCKINSTRY IS CERTAINTY McKinstry is committed to establishing and maintaining for you a sense of safety,trust, stability, and certainty in your investment witli us. We're dedicated For the Life of Your Building. • COMMITTED We believe in serving as your trusted partner, and are invested in ensuring that the stakeholders in your organization feel secure with McKinstry's approach to your desired facility improvements. We care and think about the life of your building—not short-term projects that fail to meet the needs of the community you support. • FULL CYCLE OF SERVICES &EXPERTISE No other company offers the suite of services McKinstry provides. Other companies focus solely on engineering or architecture, while McKinstry has a wealth of internal resources to provide services like design and energy engineering, commissioning and retro-commissioning, measurement and verification,warranty and issue management, utility bill tracking, and behavior-based energy savings programs. For all of your facility needs, we are truly your single point of accountability. In addition to this important distinction, we have the following differentiators: • VENDOR AND PRODUCT NEUTRAL Many other companies are affiliated with or subsidiaries to equipment manufacturers. McKinstry is different; we are vendor-and product-neutral.We do not sell or manufacture products. We don't have any affiliates or sales agreements with vendors. McKinstry will investigate your facilities and propose the best products for your specific needs—without any pressure to incorporate certain brands or fund research and development efforts. Our ability to be nimble and flexible means that your objectives remain at the forefront of every project. • IN-HOUSE COMMISSIONING TEAM McKinstry's in-house commissioning expertise ranges from basic,unitary-packaged HVAC equipment to large central steam and chilled water plants to laboratory HVAC and pressurization control systems. This also includes security, electrical, indoor air quality, emergency power, CONFIDENTIAL&PROPRIETARY Q!vrft."�p 2 pstr CITY OF BOZEMAN-RFQ FOR CX SERVICES AT POLICE&MUNICIPAL COURTS FACILMY 1-.Firm Information building envelope, lighting, fire alarm detection/monitoring, and numerous other technical building systems. Our philosophy is that proper commissioning/retro-commissioning lowers long-tern operational and maintenance costs, ensures optimal operation through proper training, maintains asset values, and keeps occupants reliably safe and comfortable. h. Provide the status fin-c'loTenl and anticipated Mork within the firm in terms of time and 1)1llYliitlldC'fol'the time antic'il)atedl for this project,as it relates to arailahilitr of key peisomicl and wm,firm.Especially in vier of the tiine�constraints dnrin�>both pre-construction and construction phases identified%or this project. Firm Workload McKinstry is consistently involved in a diverse mix of energy, construction, and commissioning projects. McKinstry's current schedule will not present any obstacles in working alongside the City of Bozeman as outlined in this RFQ. We also have the ability to borrow resources from our national team if needed for any reason. You can count on McKinstry's experienced team to complete project work on schedule, on budget, and with clear communication throughout the process. c. Description of'at least three(3)relevant projec is sinillar or huger to this Project tnchdding.clslenls commissioned.construction costs. dale of c'oluldetion.and if Client contact will,title and phone miniher. Dcveription of recentli.c'olliploed projects that achieved LEED certification.Provide deScription of C:t's respollsihditi-fin-LLIa)cerlific'atioli Imoc'esS. Firm Experience RELEVANT PROJECTS AND RECENT LEED°PROJECTS Project Name/ Systems Construction Responsibility In Customer Completion Date Commissioned Costs Project Contact Gallatin Hall, Boiler plant, HHW $8.2M, LEED Andrew Allen Montana State hydronic system, Gold pending Project Manager University, air-side systems, new construction Bozeman solar hot water 406-994-5970 system for DHW 8/15/2013 and HHW, DDC controls, lighting controls, energy sub-meters, and continuous energy monitoring system CONFIDENTIAL&PROPRIETARY instry CITY OF BOZEMAN—RFQ FOR CX SERVICES AT POLICE&MUNICIPAL COURTS FACILITIY m a n.,rres 3 1 . Firm Information Project Name/ Systems Construction Responsibility In Customer Completion Date Commissioned Costs Project Contact City of Billings, New DDC $I AM, controls Design, Mark Evangeline, Billings Logan controls package retrofit construction, and Airport Facilities International on HVAC air-side energy guarantees. Superintendent Airport systems, CHW Full 406-657-8499 systems, HHW commissioning 10/1/2012 systems verification. Miller Dining Hall HVAC systems $15M,LEED Andrew Allen, Renovation, including air-side, Silver targeted, Project Manager Montana State variable major renovation University, refrigerant volume 406-994-5970 Bozeman (VRV), kitchen ventilation, In Progress lighting controls, plumbing Missoula College, M/E/P including $43M,LEED Mark Hines, New Academic HVAC (air-side, Gold Targeted, Montana State Building, HHW hydronic, new construction Department of Missoula, MT CHW,A/C), Architecture and lighting controls, Engineering, In Progress generator system 406-444-3331 City Hall Deconstruction of $35M, $4.2M MEP LEED team Lyle Martin, Renovation,City Safeway building LEED-NC Gold member. Hoffman of Olympia, and construction mechanical project Construction(GC) Washington of new city hall. 206-286-6697 5/2010 „ CONFIDENTIAL&PROPRIETARY llstt'y CITY OF BOZEMAN—RFQ FOR CX SERVICES AT POLICE&MUNICIPAL COURTS FACILITIY a cr rr w•rmy 4 rnstry MRVMw1y 2. The Project Team a.Resume o17e(ut person designaled Its die•conllmssionigg aathorii.v inchlding dontinentalion that de111ons1rales the lead pervon meets or exceeds the mi1111m1111 qualifications listed above. Team Background Our proposed project team from our Inland Northwest offices brings over 150 years of industry experience. We have Cx expertise in a broad range of facility types including healthcare,higher education, K-12, government and municipal buildings, laboratories, and data centers. Our Cx Team includes experts who specialize in a full range of systems including controls,HVAC systems(including boilers,chillers,heat pumps, air handlers, etc.),refrigeration, lighting, fire/life/safety,power generation, and more. Aside from being well-versed in systems commissioning, we offer expertise in TAB and have an overall thorough understanding of facility operations and maintenance services. McKinstry has also been pre-qualified to provide retro-commissioning services for local government units. K-12 school districts, universities, and state agencies in Montana by Montana's Department of Environmental Quality from 2012-2017. Team Members Experience Concise resumes of our proposed team are below. Lagan Todd will be the lead person on this project. The team's current schedule will not present any obstacles in working alongside the City of Bozeman to complete commissioning and related tasks. Lagan Todd, Lagan has 10 years of industry experience in energy engineering and building LEEW" AP, commissioning. He is responsible for leading the McKinstry commissioning Sr. (Cx)team in Montana. His experience in construction trades,renewable energy Commissioning systems,utility energy conservation programs, energy engineering,measurement Engineer, and verification(M&V), and Cx allows him the capability of making critical Montana decisions across disciplines and through the Cx process from design reviews through testing and reporting,to O&M reviews and owner training. He has (Lead Cx worked with numerous building systems, including: lighting,refrigeration, Authority) HVAC (many system types), data centers, fire protection, fire alarm systems, renewable energy generation systems, geothermal, and co-generation. Lagan has also maintained positive relationships with clients, design teams, construction teams, and subcontractors. Jeff Davis, P.E., Jeff has over 27 years of experience in the fields of mechanical design, CEM, construction,project management, and operations and maintenance with strong Project Director, emphasis in facilities management, energy conservation, and power industry. Montana Jeff's experience includes administration,policies and procedures,budgets, leadership of personnel, operations and maintenance,management of energy and utility systems, and project design, construction, and commissioning. CONFIDENTIAL&PROPRIETARY CITY OF BOZEMAN—RFQ FOR CX SERVICES AT POLICE&MUNICIPAL COURTS FACILITY lfe Ol o.r 1.ie„ 5 2. The Project Team Yeam Nicnib Cl.7 Experience Phil Fallon, P.E., Phil has over 20 years of expertise in mechanical system engineering for a LEED"�`AP, variety of system types including boiler and chiller plants, air handling units, Engineering piping/ductwork and digital controls. His multi-industry experience has ranged Design Manager, from hospital and municipality projects to university and industrial settings. Montana Bill Upthegrove, Bill has over 35 years of experience in facilities Operations&Maintenance in a CEM, wide variety of industries. He has in-depth experience in HVAC and control Project Director, design, installation, and operation in commercial construction. His background Montana includes management of customer relations in large energy projects and supervision in commissioning, retro-commissioning, service, and measurement and verification. Karen Hedglin, Karen has 16 years of industry experience. Her main role is to mobilize staff and P.E., Sr. Program resources to complete projects through all stages. She has experience with Manager, Montana mechanical systems; managing design and construction teams from concept through turnover and move-in; MEP; establishing and maintaining budget, schedule, and quality; and maintaining safety. Domenic Sette, Domenic has 14 years of Cx and industry experience. He is responsible for Commissioning overseeing the commissioning process on projects that he leads. Through Engineer, Domenic's experience as a master status plumber/pipefitter and project foreman, Montana as well as his professional experience outside of the construction trades, Domenic has become highly skilled at all aspects of the Cx process Domenic has particular skills and knowledge in evaluating the design, quality construction, and functionality of hydronic systems. Will Maloney, Will has over 20 years of experience as an HVAC service technician and with Commissioning installation and service of controls systems for HVAC, lighting and process Engineer, systems. Most of Will's experience in controls and service prior to joining Montana McKinstry was with a reputable Montana controls contractor. Will has one year of commissioning experience with McKinstry, and has proven a valuable asset to the Montana commissioning team. Gererny Wolff, Geremy has 16 years of experience, specializing in transitional services, test and Commissioning balance(TAB), and Cx. His experience covers a variety of system applications Manager, such as mechanical and control systems, fire, electrical, and plumbing. His Washington responsibility is to ensure that the system design intents are met while delivering safe and efficient building operations to the owner. This includes but is not limited to HVAC, electrical,plumbing,boiler,EMCS, and other support equipment maintenance and operation. „c CONFIDENTIAL&PROPRIETARY I/1Strjl CITY OF BOZEMAN—RFQ FOR CX SERVICES AT POLICE&MUNICIPAL COURTS FACILITY near rep .,is;. 6 3. Project Approach 3. Project Approach Xorralive aj the(A's proposed approach to this projecl hr phase urchuling a description of all actnYties the(A trill implement to veri4v and docionem that all designed.ct menic and assemblies are planned,desi.Knvd.installed,levied.operated and mainutined through the irarranty period to weer fire Chrner'.c project requirements and other performance reyirirenierrtc set alit SCALABLE STAFFING _ _ ill the cmrstructiorr dacrmtents. "During the design phase try will work with the Owner to determine the level of y Bozeman City Of B Commissioning ( � g CX Program Owner testing required and then McKinstr has established and developed our own in-house Cx Team to develop a staffing plan to y p ensure adequate resources are provide Cx services from design to close-out on McKinstry projects, 3rd party available on an as-needed basis. This approach provides or owner-direct Cx of new construction and renovations, as well as existing the best value for the building re-/retro-Cx projects. Our Cx Team has successfully implemented customer." Cx plans for many projects over the years and has extensive knowledge of TEAM EXPERIENCE project requirements and objectives. • Over 50 years design,build, operate,and maintain experience CREATION OF THE OPR AND CX PLAN • 20 years commissioning McKinstry's Cx Team will work closely with City Of Bozeman project team service expertise members to develop the Owner Project Requirements (OPR) and the Cx Plan • Over 750 buildings in excess p � q of 80 million square feet at the start of the project. These two documents will serve as the foundation commissioned for the successful delivery of a high quality project.These plans are • BCA Certified Commissioning developed using a time-tested approach that includes the follow critical Professional(CCP) • AABC Certified Commissioning elements: Authority(CxA) • NEW Certification(Cx and 1. Document the purpose of the project, goals,capacity for expansion, TAB) quality of materials,construction, and operational goals. • LEED Accreditation 2, Document the environmental and sustainability goals including LEED, DEPTH OF RESOURCES carbon foot printing,targeted EUI, and ENERGY STAR Rating. • 45+Commissioning 3. Review indoor environment quality requirements including temperature, Professionals • 20+Commissioning Engineers humidity,ventilation, anticipated schedules,lighting levels, control requirements, and other owner requirements like operable windows, BENEFITS _ daylighting, shading, and natural ventilation. • Ensure building performance from the start 4. Create equipment expectations regarding brand,quality,reliability, • Maintain system performance maintenance requirements, and preferred vendors. for the long haul 5. Determine who will be operating the building once occupied and • Enhance building health and sustainability develop a set of training requirement to conform to their specific needs • Reduce energy consumption as well as the needs of the building occupants if appropriate. 6. The items above would be consolidated into the Owner Project Requirements (OPR)which will then be used as a reference when developing the Cx Plan. 7. Based on the OPR, the CxA will then work with the owner to establish a sampling rate for the various types of systems associated with the project. 8. For each type of equipment and for each building systems a series of test forms would be developed outlining how the test will be performed,the expected results, and an area to capture actual results. CONFIDENTIAL&PROPRIETARY CITY OF BOZEMAN—RFQ FOR CX SERVICES AT POLICE&MUNICIPAL COURTS FACILITY 7 3. Project Approach 9. Once the sampling rates are established and the test forms are developed, the Cx activities would be loaded into the project schedule. Based on the project schedule the staffing plan will be developed. Staffing level will be such that the Cx team will be kept as lean as possible to perform the work while not impeding the closeout of the project. McKinstly currently has more than 50 dedicated Cx staff members as well as a deep pool of support techs to draw from to ensure the project is staffed properly. NC-COMMISSIONING (NEW BUILDING) PROCESS 1' • i • 1' .• Commissioning Tasks and Deliverables COMMISSIONINGCOMMISSIONING TASKS DELIVERABLES • ■■ - -►OPR Review -►OPR Review Comments • 7i -►BOD Review -►BOD Review Comments --ODD Review --ODD Review Comments -*Attend Design Team Meetings -*Commissioning Specifications • ':-►CD Review -►CD Review Comments • • Develop Cx Plan -►Commissionin Plan ' • . 'Integrate Cx into Pro'.Schedule -+Commissioning Schedule • • • Review Submittals -*Submittal Review Comments Create Checklists FPT's IST's ♦Checklists FPTs&IST's • -*Attend Selective Meetings -*Cx Kick-Off Meeting -'►Witness Factory Testing -+Factory Testing Report - • Conduct Periodic Site Observations ♦Field Reports/Cx Issues Log • -*Review Start-Up Procedures -► ■ -*Review TAB Procedures/Report"►Review Controls P-T-P ► ♦Update Commissioning Issues Log • • . •• - •: • -*Review O&M As-Buiits S stems Manuals • • -*Witness FPT's and IST's -► •• - - .' -*Witness Selective Training -*Update Commissioning Issues Log • •. Collate Cx Documentation -*Commissioning Status Report -*Conduct Seasonal Testing -+U date Cx Issues Log • •• 1 -►Conduct 10-Mo.Warranty Review -*Warranty Report for Owner r -*Collate Final Cx Documents -*Final Cx Report NC-COMMISSIONING FUNCTIONS 1. Review of project submittals, shop drawings, and equipment detail sheets to ensure compliance with specifications. 2. Development of a prioritization schedule for Cx installed systems. 3. Assembly of site-specific Cx forms used for recording Cx documentation. 4. Installation verification of the various systems in the project selected for Cx to ensure compliance with project documentation. CONFIDENTIAL&PROPRIETARY nStry CITY OF BOZEMAN—RFQ FOR CX SERVICES AT POLICE&MUNICIPAL COURTS FACILITY ,.•r nw•.a+.. 8 3. P roject Approach 5. Witness factory start-up and field start-up for all major equipment items. 6. Verification of project balancing and adjusting functions to ensure systems are operating as designed and that proper air and water flow levels are achieved. 7. Oversight of the control system check-out procedures including w point-to-point checks to verify complete compliance with contract requirements. Review the final graphics package prior to owner approval. 8. Implementation of functional tests to demonstrate the fully a automatic operation of all systems and features. Special attention on redundant and back-up systems to ensure automatic operation in a fault condition. Actual tests conducted by installing contractors under McKinstry Cx direction. 9. Implementation and monitoring of BAS (Building Automation System) trends, and/or independent trending instruments, to measure and verify performance requirements. 10. Verification of closeout documentation and operational training plans, as provided by the installing contractors,to provide for operator/owner training and education on the completed systems. 11. Documenting and monitoring of issues discovered by Cx through to resolution or acceptance by Owner. 12. Interfacing with other disciplines on the project that relate to Cx such as fire alarm, emergency power generation, and similar systems. Detailed Structure & Components of NC-Cx COMMISSIONING SPECIFICATION The purpose of the Cx specification is to introduce and explain the various phases and steps that comprise the Cx process. COMMISSIONING SCHEDULE Once the design and scope are finalized, we develop a Cx schedule that can be integrated with the master construction schedule. Project closeout is a very busy time and conditions often arise that may prohibit commencement of Cx tasks during the precise time scheduled. Cx is a dynamic and fluid process; scheduled Cx tasks are managed to fit with site-specific conditions and opportunities. Additionally, the Cx schedule serves as a project resource that prioritizes equipment power requirements for the electrical contractor. ISSUE RESOLUTION Unforeseen issues develop during all projects. Early identification and prompt resolution may be the 0�+;y CONFIDENTIAL&PROPRIETARY 1 fist CITY OF BOZEMAN-RFQ FOR CX SERVICES AT POLICE&MUNICIPAL COURTS FACILITY w w.'." 9 3. Project Approach most important component of a successful commissioning process. From KEY COMPONENTS OF NC-Cx PROCESS g project the moment Cx begins through completion, issues are identified, • Cx plan documented, communicated, and tracked until resolved. • Cx specification • Cx schedule McKinstry's Cx Team participates in the resolution of most issues; • Issue resolution log however,the Cx Team's authority is limited and does not allow us to • Installation verification/static Cx direct work. Our Cx Team will communicate with other team members, • Review of equipment&system provide supporting documentation or research, and track the issues until start-up information • Review of test,adjust&balance they are resolved. McKinstry Cx and Project Management teams strive for • Control system Cx proactive issue resolution. • Functional performance testing • Equipment&system training• Final Cx report INSTALLATION VERIFICATION OR STATIC COMMISSIONING After installation, all equipment and systems are visually inspected to TYPICAL ISSUES ENCOUNTERED_ verify they are installed in accordance with the design objectives as • Equipment damage indicated on the drawings. This infonnation is documented,providing a • Part failures record of acceptable installation as well as a means of identifying • Substandard contractor performance deficiencies. When deficiencies or discrepancies are found, we generate an • Conflicts between trades issue log and notify all team members. After the discrepancy is resolved, • Unacceptable test results we re-inspect the equipment. • Non-conformance with design documents • Equipment access issues EQUIPMENT & SYSTEM START-UP INFORMATION Start-up Cx verifies all equipment is activated and operating in accordance with the manufacturer's operating criteria. This includes all internal equipment electrical components and safety devices. McKinstry Cx will witness and review equipment start-up activities. TEST,ADJUST,&BALANCE The Test,Adjust and Balance(TAB) discipline sets, measures, and documents air and hydronic system performance. Final TAB performance data is recorded onto appropriate forms where it is compared to the designed performance criteria. In the event a system is not meeting the design intent, the McKinstry Cx Team works with the project and design teams to develop and implement a timely and suitable resolution. CONTROL SYSTEM COMMISSIONING POINT-TO-POINT As control device installation and wiring is completed, the control contractor tests and adjusts all components(point-to-point). Point-to-point Cx verifies control hardware and components for proper communication, operation, orientation,range, calibration, and functionality. This testing ensures and documents that all devices are complete, communicating, and functional. After point-to-point,the control contractor performs dynamic testing of the approved sequence of operation. These tests document all logic and control sequence statements accomplishing each specific control function. (Note: Sequence of operations verification is accomplished in the following section—Functional CONFIDENTIAL&PROPRIETARY J s CITY OF BOZEMAN—RFQ FOR CX SERVICES AT POLICE&MUNICIPAL COURTS FACILITY ~awraw" 10 3. Project Approach Performance Verification). The responsibility of the controls contractor is to completely check out and de-bug the installation. It is intended to enhance the ability of the construction team to provide the owner with a complete and operational building. TYPICAL ITEMS VERIFIED • Location&zoning FUNCTIONAL PERFORMANCE TESTING . Make&model . Serviceability&access Prior to this portion of the Cx process, all field-Cx activities have . Connections to subsystems intentionally focused on inspecting and verifying the individual • Completeness components and/or subsystems included as part of the entire scope. Once . Free of dirt&debris • Readiness for start-up static, start-up,point-to-point, and TAB are completed,Functional . Readiness for balancing Performance Testing(FPT)begins. EQUIPMENT&SYSTEMS FPT verifies and documents system performance as a whole. All operating All start-up procedures are scenarios are tested to ensure that each system's performance reviewed by the McKinstry Cx characteristics and corresponding test results achieve the design intent. Team to ensure they meet or exceed the manufacturer's FPT documents are generated directly from the approved sequence of recommended procedures. g Y pP q operation. If needed, additional FPT documents are generated for systems e certain cases, qualified not covered in sequenced of operation(for equipment vendors may perform TRAINING OBJECTIVES factory start-up. example: a generator fuel delivery system be a stand-alone system with no DDC ' Confirm operation and McKinstry's Cx Team reviews all !nay y maintenance manuals have vendor start-up procedures, interface.) been turned over to the proper documents,and work. people. Tests involve verifying the system operation All equipment locations have been under automatic control. Testing is reviewed in the facility.This includes operational accomplished by manipulating variables that will generate a condition information as well as a resulting in appropriate system response. Each test is verified,initialed, summary of maintenance and dated by a Cx engineer. In addition,relative test conditions, system requirements. configurations, system responses, and observations are documented. FPTs All system valves,clean-outs, are written b the McKinstry Cx Team and implemented b the installing future stub-outs,etc.,have y ' p }' g been reviewed and located for contractors under the direction of the McKinstry Cx Team. the owner and representatives. • Complete review of the control FPT is McKinstry's final verification that the installed equipment and system including all control systems are complete and operating properly. The functional components,addressing performance testing phase culminates in Integrated Systems Testing(IST). method,graphics,and systemprogramming. IST is used to verify and demonstrate that all systems are functioning . The contents of the O&M Manuals together as designed. have been reviewed so all parties know what was done EQUIPMENT & SYSTEM TRAINING and how the systems were left. Q A list of"risk items"has been Cx of the facility is not complete until the information learned and reviewed with the owner to disclose potential problem acquired during the Cx process is passed on to the owners and owner's areas and how they should be maintenance personnel. Training objectives are shown to the right. addressed. . A list of emergency procedures and contacts are provided for the owner to use 24/7. CONFIDENTIAL&PROPRIETARY Y CITY OF BOZEMAN—RFQ FOR CX SERVICES AT POLICE&MUNICIPAL COURTS FACILITY (D!W0.AWft# 11 3. Project Approach McKinstry's Cx Team will review the training plan as provided by the installing contractors to ensure that the training is designed to provide adequate operation information. McKinstry's Cx Team will witness and oversee the initial training sessions and may elect to witness others to ensure quality training is provided. /r • • - 16TWel H 1='94101 IM III M41 101011 Its , CONFIDENTIAL&PROPRIETARY instry CITY OF BOZEMAN-RFQ FOR CX SERVICES AT POLICE&MUNICIPAL COURTS FACILITY 12