HomeMy WebLinkAboutResolution 303 SID No. 298 41 Froor ~a.c1 COlvrrnSSION RESOLUTION NO. 303 a:Q(1 OhuCked $, '- A RESOLUTION OF rrl-m COBIHSSI01J OF' THE Crrry OF BOZEMAN, l'.';ON'IANA, -..._--- .k._~_.4 :::s ~w~......""..... -.l::f,_;i:_~ . D:B~CLARING IT '1'0 BE 'l'HI~ IN'l'ENTION OF SAID COMT.1ISSION 'ro CREATE A .--....--- SPECIAL H1PBOVK1FI1T DI~)TlnCT TO BE KNOWN AND DESIGNA'I'ED AS r'SPECIAL .C~PF\OVEL1I;j\Trr DIS'rRTC'l' NO. 298f1 OF SAID CI'l'Y, T:O R rl'IIE PUR- POST,; Or" CONS'1'RUCTIHG CURBS. GR.ADING AND PAVING 'NITH GRAVEL ROAD TUX 'rap, OH GHAVEL PLANT MIX TOP IN PLACE, 'rHAT POHTION OF nOZ=~<AT] AVENUE, SOU'T!.r, BET'Nr~E'N S'1'ORY AND KOCH S'1'HEE'l'S, IN SAID I 4') I~ Improvement District No. 298 is the grading, paving with gravel road ~lx top. or gravel plant mix top in place, as may finally be detormined, and the construction of' curbs, and including engineering, inspection, and all incidental expenses. Section 5. Approximate Cost. 'l'l1at the ap1woximate estimate of COf:1t of the aforesaid irnprovements lncludin!,,~ all items mentioned in Section 4, is $4559.64. I Section G. Assessment of Cost. Assessment shall be made on the front foot basis and the total frontage of the land wi thin said, proposed distr:tct to 1le taxed. for the cost of said improvements exclusive of streets, avenuos, alleys, and. other Dubli.c places, is 737.35 lineal feet, and an annroxirnate estimate of the cost of said improvement to be specia11y taxed and assessed against the land therein is :));6.184 per lineal front foot of said land, provided: That from the total cost of the construction of all the improvements herein contemplated as finally determined upon complc)tion thereof, there sr.mll be deducted such part of' said total cost as shall be represented b;T any contribution thereto of labor, service, and/or Jnoney by Public 'Horks Adminis tra tion, 'Norks !'rogress AdrrL1.n:l.stration, or any other federal or state agency or administration -- 43 - ~ Section 8. SDecial Assessment. That to pay said bonds and any interest thereof, representing the cost of such construction as finally deter:rdned :tn the manner spec~ified in section 6 hereof, a special assossment shall be levied a~ainst all of the land within the boundaries of said proDosec1. Special Improvement District No. 298 as hereinbefore defined, each I front foot bordering or abutting upon Bozeman Avenue, .sou.th, within said district to be asses:3ed and tazed for its proportionate s1-lare of such entire cost, exclusIve of s tree ts, avenues, alley~;, and otller public places. Section 9. Payment in Installments. r1'h_a t such asses8ments and taxes shall be payable in eleven (11) install- men ts, extending over a period of ten (10) yea rs with not to exceed six (6) percent armual interes t on deferred nayments commencing with the year 1935; provided, 44 NOTICE IN rm COhE:ISSIOH EESOUT'l'rON NO. 303 NO~I::r:CE IS ImHEBY GIVEN '1lhat at a regular meeting of the Commission of the CIty of Bozeman held on B'riday, August 30th, 1 93 5 , Commis sian [{esolu tionl(o. 303 was DaBsed and adopted. Said Hesolution declares it to be the intention of the Comm_is- sion of' the City of Bozeman to create a special improvement district to be known I and designated as "Special Improvement District rIo. 298" for tile purpose of con- struct:tng curbs, grading and paving with gravel road mix top, or gravel plant mix top in place, that portion of Bozeman Avemte, South, between Story and Koch Streets. 'Llhe boundaries of sedd proposed distr:Lct as shown 'oy said 'Resolution on file in the office of tlle Clerk of saj.d City C01mnission, are as follows: "Beginning at a point in the north line of Story Street 57.i';. feet west of the west line of Bozeman Avenue, thence northerly along a line 57); feet distant fl'om and Darallel t 0 the west l:ine of Bozeman (. " Avenue a distance of 402 feet more or less, thence easterly to a point in the north curb line of 'Koch Street iS7'~;. feet east of' the east line of Bozeman Avenue, 'thence southerly along a line 57}t feet distant from, and parallel to, the east line of Bozeman Avenue to the north line of Story Street, thence \vesterly along the north line of Story Street to the point of beginning If By said Hesolution the City Conunission also declares its intention to assess the entLre cost of the constructlon of curbs, 4r;.. . ~) "From the total cost of the constru.ction of all the improvements herein contemnlated as finally determined upon the comnletion thereof there shall be deducted such part of said total cost as shall be represented by any contribution thereto of labor, services and/or money by Public '{,'orles Administration, Vlorl:s Progress Administration, or any other federal or state agency or administration by whatsoever name called!!. and assessment per lineal front foot of' propert;T within the boundarios of the proposed I dis tric t as herelnbei'ore described shall be deter;TIlned and made upon the basis of such total cost as the S:::lme may be reduced by any labor, services, and/or money contributed . toward such constrlJ.ction b:T Public V!orks Administration, Works Progress Administration, or other federal or s tate agency b;T whatsoever name called, all as aforesaid. Notice is hereby given that protests must be filed in writing within 15 days of the date hereof'. Notice is further hereby given that Friday, the 20th day of September, 1935, at the hour of' 7:30 P. M. is the time, and the Comm::.ssion Cha.mber in the City Hall of' Bozeman, 1.10ntana, is the place when and vIll.ere the said Cj.ty Commission will hear and pass upon all Drotests legally made and filed against the creat:Lon of said proposed district and the extent, character, and/or purpose thereof. Dated this 3rd day of September, 1935. By order of the CC1TI.Tnission of the City of Bozeman. oj I,,<'/~ ') ,. y /():' ,.' d-d.-.f...2j;._ ._.,___ ,. l I, Bethyl Cla.rke, Acting Clerk of the Commission of the City of Bozeman, L10ntana, hereby certify that the foregoing Notice in re Co:rmnis~don Resolution No. 303 of the City of' Bozeman was published at length in the Bozeman Daily Chronicle, a daily new,c:paper of general circulation, printed and published in said City, in the issues of Se., tember 3rd to September 7th, inclusive, and that due proof' of said publication was made and f'iled in my office. IN WITNESS WHEREOF I hereunto set my hand and affix the seal of my office this 7th day of' September, 1935. //....'.- ,-) {! ~.. .." / 1" :? ,/ .1..:: q-/:"'.( A /F / ./ rl: of the Commission I Resolution No. 303