HomeMy WebLinkAboutResolution 311 Removal of Noxious Weeds 84 ~0b " ~ J>~ ,/ ~69' >1]/ ../ co:n,:I~)~)ION IrESOLU'l'I()liiiO. 311 ,p ~ /,,{ / *,' ,,'/1' A m';SOr}T~L'IOl'J:',c Ill:}': COl.F\TI 331011 O!~ T>E C I'l'Y OF BO i: AN L~;IJY- f"~j.. / I "i'.1G f1-ITr) 1\~:~ SJ!~S;~I II! (~;. J.l ~~::~}?}~C 11'1-1.1 11.8 ST~~~3 '. II' CJIi' 'I'Ax:.k~S lJPO~: CET(I'AIH /' PHOPEJr'l']-::i:S n.; '_!~Jn': C1 'I"{ OF plymA!';, C01Jj':I'I'Y OF Gj\.!\TA~i:II:, ;:', 'Nt'I: OJ:;' I:IO 1-1':' All1\., 11'0 DiJNj1\.Y 'ITE': CO ~~rI' OF :::X'l'I~,IF:n,iA'l'IOI,1 ANt) HE:iTO'fAIJ OF' NOXIOTTS 11S pon 'I'm'; yi:AE 1935 PT:H~): 1F'1' '1'0 '.L'IIE PIWVIs:rCiJ1S OF OHDI"::/\' CE NO. 42::3 EN'I':L:';:LED: "AN OI{IHkAIICE DEFIHI1TG- AIm PHO- VIDIT:C >'(IH T=:i.E PlTiiISET1E-rL' fUn) A'I,ArrEl,IE:'j' c,-- CEH'l'AINNUISA1JCES. II I 'NIITi:n T': AS, the City Council of the City of Bozeman heretofore duly and re- ~ularly passed Ordinance No. 428 entitled: II All OlfDI11Al!CE DEFI-.i!lNC AlID PB.OVlT)1!'iG I,lOH '['lIE PUlTISJIT!IEn'1' 1\.):1) AnATEllTi'~TT OF CF""PAIF "ITJT"'fi!CIi""U and l. . ,I ~..... ~ ' ".,.J,I.\_ Ii 1\1, ",~,_'"-) 1....1..'" .J _.JU , H;3 when same shall become due and payable shall ma}{o aU.cll r,orson and such lots and parcels of land liable to the penalties provided by the law relative to delinauent taxes. Section 3. rrhat tl18 rerwlar session of t11e COTIlrnission of the City of Bozeman I to be }1eld on l~ho 4th day of October, 1935, at the Cornmission Hoom, City ~all BUilding, be, and the same is horeby designated as the th:1e and place at which object:"_ons to the final adoption of this Hesolution vJ'ill be heard by the Commission. SecU_on 4. That tho Clerk of the Commiss:1.on be, and she is hereov ordered and directed to publish in the Bozcnan Daily Chronicle, a dally newspaper, printed and nublised :In tho said Ci ty of Bozeman, a notice sirned b\C the Clerk of the Conrrnissj.on, stating that a resolution lev,<rlng a special assessment of taxes to dei'ra:y the cost of exter"'nina tlnF~ and rerlOvinr~ noxious weeds from certin properties in the City of Bozeman for the year 1935, is on file in the office of the Clerk of the COnt111s3ion, subject to inspoction for a period of five days; that said notice shall state the time and place at \yhich objcctior;s will be heard by the Commission to tile final adoption of this n.esolntion, that it sl1all be publist\od at least five days before the date set by the Corrrmlsslon for hearing of object1.ons and the final adoption of this Resolu- tion. Passed by the Cormni ssl:m of the City of Bozeman at a regular session thereof held on the 20th day of September, 1935. I Sf) NO'l1ICE ---'---- lfi':AnING, FIT'JAI. ADC)P'l'IC:U COYt'HSSI HIm:', UJ'l'} OT; NO. 311 T,Ev'rl Ij G , ~)r}<CIJ\J, A,s,':ES,~);:~E; 'T' '1'0 1)J(;-'1 AY 'i:,~i: (;03'1' OF EX- 'IJFFtI~INNll iir;- AND ImI.lOvrrc ITOX::-OFS 'NEEDS Ol~ CErerLJ PHO- P]J;H'I'IE~) IIJ ':[']<:';; C1 'i''[ OF HO:::;';:,',:AI. :.;'on '~T[J:;; Y:':AH 1935 NO 'J:1I CF IS TIEREB'T /, II/EN, tlwt at a rep;lJl8.r session of the Comm:lssion of the I City of BOZe];lan held on the 20th day of September, 1935, Comm:lssion Hesc'hltlon No. 311 was duly passed and adopted; tlla t said C01';11ni3310n 11os0111 t:lon No. 311 levies and assesses a special asc,essment of taxes upon certaIn properties in the Ci ty of Bozeman for the year 1935 to defrElY tb,e cost of exterl'r:inat:i.ng and removinG noxious "'reeds for the 7TC ar 1935. rrha ~" said Comrniss:i_ on Heso1ution No. 311 is now o:n file in the off'lce of tb.e Clerk of the COTITI11iss:lon of sald C:L ty of Bozc;nan subject to lnsD8ct:1on of all persons interested for a period of five (5) days, lJ~r any person Interested; tl:a t Friday t':le 4th do.y oJ' October, ID~'i 5, at 7:30 o'clrck P.~., oJ' sald day at a ree;l.1lar session of the COTtK:1is s1 on of the City of Bozeman, Conunission Room, C1 'by Hall BUl1cUng, has boen desip;na ted as the time and place when and where said Conmtlasion will hear and pass lJ_pOn any and all objectioni:J tJ}a t ma:v be made to tho' final pas;:Jage and adon tion of sald Cornm:tsslon Heso111tion No. 311 and the 1evyinr~ of s aid assessment; and that, said Hesoln t:lon will be f:Lnally passed and adoptee, at said regl'_lar session of said Co~:mnis s:l on, subject to such corrections and amondments as may be made npon ob- I ..