HomeMy WebLinkAbout2014 RFP Corrective Action Plan Services- CTA, Proposal ------------------------ EQUEST OF PROPOSALS OMPREHENSIVE CORRECTIVE ACTION PLAN ity of Bozema n Sa n ita ry La ndfi 11 / 21 / 2014 - mil CA INDUSTRIAL HYGIENE R O N M E N TS &ENVIRONMENTAL i Rick Hixson,PE February 21,2014 �` • City Engineer,City of Bozeman P.O.Box 1230 ® 20 East Olive Street _ INDUSTRIAL HYGIENE Bozeman,MT 59771-1230 ( &ENVIRONMENTAL ( Subject:Corrective Action Plan Services-Bozeman Landfill Dear Mr.Hixson, CTA Industrial Hygiene&Environmental(CTA IH&E) is pleased to present the attached proposal for professional services related to developing a comprehensive Corrective Action Plan for the City of Bozeman Sanitary Landfill. CTA IH&E is a division of CTA Architects and Engineers,a full service engineering firm that has been providing a wide range of professional services to clients throughout the Rocky Mountain West for more than 75 years.CTA's team of environmental,geophysical, and industrial hygiene professionals provide extensive project experience in Resource Conservation and Recovery Act(RCRA),State Comprehensive Environmental Cleanup and Responsibility Act(CECRA),federal Comprehensive Environmental Response, ( Compensation,and Liability Act(CERCLA),and various voluntary remediation programs. We believe that our team's experience managing and conducting investigation and ( remediation of complex multi-media(groundwater,saturated soils,vadose zone/ unsaturated soils)and multi-phase(non-aqueous phase liquid,dissolved phase liquid and soil gas/vapor phase contaminants)makes us highly qualified to provide professional environmental and industrial hygiene services to the City of Bozeman. The senior members of the proposed CTA project team have more than 75 years of combined professional experience in Bozeman,as well as across the Montana, responding to investigating,mitigating,remediating,and closing complex - environmental projects.At their core,these projects are driven by collecting and interpreting high quallity legally defensible site-specific data to ensure human health and the environment are protected.CTA also understand that these type of projects are affected by factors such as project costs,funding,public awareness and perception. CTA understands the technical solutions developed and implemented in a project of L this scope not only have to protect human health and the environment but also must incorporate financial and third-party liability drivers.This will undoubtedly include L participating and/or facilitating public meetings attended by passionate and concerned ti citizens and providing technical support to the City of Bozeman through the litigation phase of the project,to the extent that it occurs.CTA IH&E is prepared to provide this level of professional service to the City of Bozeman and looks forward to your favorable review of our enclosed proposal. L. Ifyou haveanyquestions,pleasefeelfreeto contact mein our BiI ling s office at406.248.7455. CTA Construction& Environmental,LLC Sincerely, L. 13 North 23rd Street Billings,MT 59101 t 406.248.745 S Tim Mulholland,PE ( Project Manager/Senior Environmental Engineer www.ctagroup.com TimMu@ctagroup.com L r yf J 04 t r^ `� 1. f •- t .. 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LAND PLANNING/DRAFTING/SURVEYING >� . George Bornemann,PLS,CFeds •gip _ ems,(, ;# ytia Drillers 4 CIVIL ENGINEERING %� jM� ' ,.-.`--r " ,•� Pat White,PE p Other Specialized " •�' Subcontractors r _ t 1.+..., 4 CITY OF BOZEMAN SANITARY LANDFILL COMPREHENSIVE CORRECTIVE ACTION PLAN CTA Project Team Team Member: Tim Mulholland,PE Role: Project Monager/Technical Lead Projected Need: Immediate and on-going Availability: Full-time Mr.Mulholland,the proposed project manager and technical lead for this RFP, recently joined CTA with the intent to build the capacity of the CTA IH&E group in 1 the Billings-to-Bozeman region and is prepared to comment full time as needed for the duration of this project.His education and professional experience is well suited for the anticipated complexities of this RFP. His recent experience includes Project Manager and senior technical lead for several pipeline releases and other petroleum spills.Two of these projects, 119 BBL Pipeline Release and Cottonwood Creek Diesel Spill,are summarized in Relevant Project Experience section of this RFP.These projects were included for several reasons.Firstly,they were both conducted under an emergency response scenario where time was of the essence to minimize the effect of the spill,prevent,or eliminate risk to third-party damages,and secondly,to develop a cost effective mitigation and remediation strategy that would lead to site closure. An additional component of the 199 BBL Pipeline Release is that once it was determined that the below-ground infrastructure was going to prevent excavation of all contaminated soil,Mr.Mulholland worked closely with the MDEQ to understand what site-specific data would be required to allow contamination above regulatory screening levels to remain.In this collaborative effort,the DEQ granted closure without additional investigation or remediation. —��- � k The Cottonwood Creek Release was included in the RFP because of its emergency response nature and that the land owner initiated litigation early on in the project. This required that all decisions,even under an emergency response scenario,would be closely scrutinized and had to be legally defendable months or years after actions were taken to protect human health and the environment.The release was closed less than three years after occurring,just as the case was going to trial,which resulted in it being settled out of court. Team Member: Keith Cron,C1H Role: Indoor air quality/vapor intrusion(IAQ/VI)mitigation system design and Risk/Exposure Management Projected Need: Mid-term to long-term Availability: 5-10 hours per week and full time as needed for specific field events/ deliverables Mr.Cron is the IH&E program manager and a Certified Industrial Hygienist(CIH) who will be responsible for overall quality control as well as risk management,and 2 CITY OF BOZEMAN SANITARY LANDFILL COMPREHENSIVE CORRECTIVE ACTION PLAN CTA Resume PROFESSIONAL REGISTRATION/ Montana Storm Water Pollution Preventing AREAS OF EXPERTISE CERTIFICATIONS Plan(SWPPP)Administrator Level Training Managing Complex Investigation and Licensed Professional Engineer:Montana McCoy and Associates RCRA Training Remediation Projects Seminar RCRA and Cercla sites where Safety OSHA 29 CFR 1910.120 Hazardous Waste Y is Operator and Emergency Response-40 EDUCATION paramount to project success Hour Technician and Supervisor Level Bachelor of Science in Environmental Remote areas with extreme weather Training Engineering/Montana Tech/1997 conditions USPA AHERA Asbestos Inspector:Montana Master of Science in Environmental Multiple project stake holders with Engineering/Montana Tech/1999 litigious third parties Litigation Support r Review project files to evaluate if r TIMOTHY P. contractor was negligent in remediation of petroleum spills on behalf of insurance companies Estimated MULHOLLANDPE various spill screediation costs under enarios to determine necessary liability insurance limits SENIOR ENVIRONMENTAL ENGINEER/ RELEVANT EXPERIENCE PROJECT MANAGER • Diesel Spill to South Cottonwood Creek;Fallon County,MT Project Manager and Senior Engineer for a response to a 3,100 Tim has 15 years'experience in the environmental gallon diesel spill in a creek in eastern Montana.Oversaw contractors consulting industry.Graduate research focused on using to excavate contaminated soil,reconstruct creek channel and re- vegetation of disturbed area.Landowner initiated litigation early into innovative hybrid constructed wetlands to treat acid mine the project which resulted in many stakeholders including insurance drainage and recent research and technology development companies,numerous attorneys,environmental consultants,and nearly focused on man-made wetland environments to solve a dozen local,state and federal government agencies. various water quality issues from wastewater recycling Petroleum Refinery;Billings,MT and storm water management to species specific habitat Conducted a series of pilot studies including high vacuum soil vapor creation.Environmental consulting experience includes extraction and ozone sparge as part of a RCRA Corrective Measures Study(CMS).Pilot study objectives were to determine the feasibility of nature and extent investigations,pilot studies,and the treatment technologies to addresses dissolved phase petroleum implementing remedial corrective action at numerous and chlorinated hydrocarbon contamination in groundwater and petroleum and hazardous material spill sites,RCRA residual vadose zone contamination. and CERCLA sites as well as highly controlled safety Alternate Source of Selenium Demonstration,Permitted environments like petroleum refineries,pipeline terminals Hazardous Waste Land Treatment Unit(LTU);Billings,MT and other industrial facilities. Conducted an alternate source demonstration for selenium in groundwater beneath the LTU.The methods included collecting background groundwater,surface water,creek sediment and soil selenium data to statistically determine that the source of selenium was naturally occurring and not leaching from the permitted unit. • Created"Bridging Document"for Petroleum Refinery;Billings,MT Developed and implemented"Bridging Document"as a project manager for a refinery wide CMS that ensured refinery's Standard Operating Procedures(SOPS)were incorporated into the project specific Health and Safety Plan(HASP)and that any inherent conflicts were resolved before field work began. 5 CITY OF BOZEMAN SANITARY LANDFILL COMPREHENSIVE CORRECTIVE ACTION PLAN CTA Resume PROFESSIONAL REGISTRATION/ AFFILIATIONS EDUCATION CERTIFICATIONS Pipe Line Assessment and Condition BS,Construction Engineering;Montana State Professional Engineer:MT,WA Program NASSCO PACP/U-1002-432 University;Bozeman,MT American Society of Civil Engineers(ASCE, Region 8 Governor,2010-2013 ASCE 2nd representative on Pipelines Executive Committee PAT WHITEPE CIVIL ENGINEER RELEVANT EXPERIENCE - St Labre Water System Improvements,Phase 1;Ashland,MT 330,000 gallon water reservoir;booster pump station,1,200 linear feet of 10 and 12 inch water lines;installation of two potable water wells Pat is a Senior Project Manager with 25 years of expertise , working closely with counties,municipalities,agencies, City of Billings Empire Garage Utility Relocation;Billings,MT , Designed and coordinated the relocation of overhead utilities to shared clients,contractors and local stakeholders.He serves as underground utility trench within a confined alley under tight schedule a senior quality review engineer for municipal projects. and coordinated with City Public Works,Design-Build team for Parking Throughout his career he has provided engineering garage and nine separate utilities. and construction administration for miles of road - Yellowstone National Park Sewer System Rehabilitation;WY reconstruction,storm drainage,sewer collection and 3,500 linear feet gravity sewer open cut;10,760 linear feet of CIPP water distribution piping.Pat also serves on the national trenchless rehabilitation;26 sanitary sewer manhole rehabilitations executive committee for ASCE's Pipelines division. - South Billings Boulevard;Billings,MT Project engineer responsible for Construction Administration and utilities engineering design including storm water system, suburban ditch piping,sewer improvements and King Avenue water improvements.The project replaced an aging roadway with all new Water and Storm utilities,sidewalks,and a parallel bike path with student drop-off and pick-up facilities for Newman School. - City of Phoenix Small Diameter Wastewater Collection System Rehabilitation;Design-Build Project 2002-2003;AZ NASSCO PACP Condition Assessment and Raking of 367,000 linear feet of 8,10 and 12-inch gravity sewer;80,000 linear feet CIPP gravity sewer lining Logan International Airport;Billings MT - 14,000 linear feet water and sewer open cut - Two 805 linear feet of 37-inch diameter micro-tunnel bores - 1,020 linear feet of sewer pipe bursting • Highway 93 Water and Wastewater Systems Extensions;Kalispell,MT - 28,600 linear feet of 8 to 16-inch water and sewer pipe - 2,900 linear feet of Horizontal Directional Drilling(HDD) - 1,000 linear feet of bore and jack at 6 locations under HWY 93 - One wastewater lift station - 10 State and Federal permitting agencies 12 CITY OF BOZEMAN SANITARY LANDFILL COMPREHENSIVE CORRECTIVE ACTION PLAN CTA e I Specific Current Workload CTA currently staffs 350+employees fully engaged in a wide variety of projects. With this staff size,we are able to draw on some 56,000 man hours per month.We anticipate the largest portion of the senior project staff man hours will be during Phase II of this project. CTA is committed to client service and to you.We have analyzed the staff „%: ; commitments your project will require and can state,with no reservations,we have the manpower available for your project.For the key staff listed,we have verified that they have the appropriate time available to dedicate to your project based on other current and ongoing assignments. Upon award,our project team is available to begin work on your project immediately.As the project progresses,we will add other core team members as needed to maintain the project schedule.We are committed to providing you a quality environmental services on your schedule. CTA understands the litigious nature of this project and will provide high quality and legally defensible level of service.Additionally,we have no known conflicts of interest with any parties at the site. aM i �t 17 i t i ■ fJ '� CTA oversight of asbestos abatement CITY OF BOZEMAN SANITARY LANDFILL COMPREHENSIVE CORRECTIVE ACTION PLAN :: CTA 4. Approach and Qualifications Approach Phase I:Review Existing Public Response Effort and Develop a Preliminary Conceptual Site Model (CSM) using historic data. Due to unknown constraints at the site,the highest priority will be to review soil gas and ambient air quality data associated with each home on St.Andrews Drive to ensure the initial public response effort prevents direct inhalation of environmental exposures.This process will create a pro-active risk-based approach of providing initial investigation for current ambient air quality within residences. If needed and immediately thereafter,commissioned,sub-slab depressurization systems will be installed according to established criteria.In addition,methane gas will be checked to measure the flammability potential within the substructures to prevent an explosion hazard potential.The systems will be installed and monitored to provide real-time data of operation,if warranted. • L In addition to ensuring the initial public response effort is sufficient to mitigate direct environmental exposures,the existing site data will be used to construct a ( CSM.Information reviewed will include at a minimum: t Environmental and geotechnical boring logs from Landfill as well as any publically available or ascertainable logs from adjacent properties; ( Groundwater quality and quantity data;and • Soil vapor data. ( These data will be used to construct a preliminary CSM with two primary objectives:understand what we know and what we do not know about the site. These will include the various physical,chemical,and biological factors that control the fate and transport of contaminates from the source to receptor(s).Primary deliverable will be a site plan with major project features and relevant cross- sections detailing relevant features and areas requiring additional investigation. CTA understands the sensitivity of the project and will complete it using the utmost care and coordination with the City and land owners in accordance with an agreed upon plan. Phase II:Ground Truth and Closing Data Gaps,Finalize CSM, Develop& Evaluate Remedial/Mitigation Alternatives based on CSM Collect,evaluate,and interpret site-wide data to complete CSM.The CSM will focus on identifying the source of migrating vapors,the migration pathways,and subsurface conditions that encourage preferential flow. Based on the data gathered in developing a CSM,remediation and/or mitigation 19 CITY OF BOZEMAN SANITARY LANDFILL COMPREHENSIVE CORRECTIVE ACTION PLAN :: CTA alternatives will be developed to address,as appropriate: • Sources control; '. • Migration pathways/Receptor exposure;and • Remediation of contaminated media to below appropriate levels. .. At this point,it may be necessary to collect additional data to ground truth what is known about the site as well as close data gaps and fill in the details of what is not known.Using a phased approach,large amounts of broad brush stroke,site-wide WA6 data can be collected quickly and cost effectively using various non-destructive ' geophysical methods.Typical geophysical methods include Electromagnetic Induction (EMI),Capacitively Coupled Resistivity(CCR),Galvanic Contact Resistivity (GCR),and Ground Penetrating Radar(GPR).Geophysical methods are used to determine spatial changes in soil properties as well as identify specific subsurface structures like buried utility corridors.These data,along with basic geochemical groundwater data,often identify subsurface soil and/or groundwater anomalies that tell the story of a source area and/or migration pathways that are well defined or require additional soil coring investigation to better define or ground truth. This process will be conducted in a manner where third-party stakeholders are listened to and comments or concerns can be incorporated into the data collection events when determined to be within the project scope by the City of Bozeman. The advantage of CTA's project team is all of these functions are conducted in- house by project team members.The geotechnical engineer,when collecting field data,understands how it will be used by the Environmental Engineer and CIH to remediate or mitigate risk.This working relationship between team members is intrinsically more beneficial to the project because it saves time and valuable resources,resulting in a streamlined,defensible approach towards characterization and remediation efforts. - - At this stage,the data will be of sufficient quality and quantity to accurately characterize the site,finalize the CSM,and establish an appropriate corrective measure based upon several alternatives. Phase III:Remediation and/or Mitigation Design Implementation • Preliminary Corrective Action (CA) Remediation/Mitigation Alternative Design Report(text,tables,figures and specifications); • Conduct pilot study of remediation/mitigation technology to demonstrate appropriateness for site as well as collect full-scale engineering design parameters(if necessary) • Final Corrective Action Alternative Report(text,tables,figures and specifications); • Project Bidding; • Construction Engineering;and • Post-Construction(record drawings and performance monitoring). The preliminary CA report will include a proposed remediation/mitigation technology.It may be required to conduct a pilot study to demonstrate the 20 r r CITY OF BOZEMAN SANITARY LANDFILL COMPREHENSIVE CORRECTIVE ACTION PLAN CTA t 1 investigation and cleanup for the City of Bozeman at the new public library site.Subsequently,the City of Bozeman expanded the project F to include a study of potentially contaminated soils adjacent to the i r rail corridor.Investigation efforts r - included empty lots,utility corridors, streets,paved driveways,and alleyways.A major component of this project was CTA's C1H working �r closely with DEQ to develop a sound and defensible sampling and analysis plan to confirm the presence or c absence of contamination within the study areas and develop risk-based a working level concentrations using new EPA guidelines.Investigation and remediation was funded through CECRA and the eligible controlled allocation of liability act(CALA). Specific services included: • Public Meetings:CTA assisted the City of Bozeman and the DEQ in complying with public comment about the project by publishing required public comment and notification,providing several community meetings and educational opportunities,as well as completing a public comment and project awareness " seminar for continued community and project support.CTA staff assisted the completion and approval of the project specification documents. • Quality Assurance:CTA staff prepared a DEQ-approved Sampling and Analysis Plan (SAP) providing thorough,detailed,and precise guidance throughout the remedial investigation.Data validation was performed under the direction of CTA's CIH staff prior to final report submission. • Technical Support:CTA staff provided technical support to the City of Bozeman and DEQ throughout the initial phases of the project to establish contamination parameters and project goals,as well as ensuring the parameters were followed and the goals met. Operation and MaintenanSelenium Alternate Source Demonstration for MDEQ Permitted Hazardous Waste Land Treatment Unit(LTU); Billings,MT CTA personnel conducted an alternate source demonstration for selenium in groundwater beneath a Resource Conservation and Recovery Act(RCRA) permitted hazardous waste land treatment unit(LTU).Tim Mulholland,as project manager for an environmental consulting company,conducted an alternate source demonstration to confirm that selenium present in adjacent perennial creek was originating from the Bearpaw Shale formation,not the LTU. 23 r CITY OF BOZEMAN SANITARY LANDFILL COMPREHENSIVE CORRECTIVE ACTION PLAN CTA -EQ-0ION.SIA)N T i a a a + r a a s f 9EOROL><ElN£ACE � ' IN ALLUYIW ' SELENUIIGONOENIRATEO w SEFP ARFA aaAWcptwTpN WY ef g1fTEFER016 SHALE 8YW►CFAVIX 7:�� 2.1Ernm( ! �, GAO IUNBEDRO KLOW !' NR1EWIp OFGRIXIIpNAIER rat. �� AEN111IFIER SANIXN �N 65EIF1Al1AA� NON-EELEHfEAWSSAL[EifgF CSM for Fate Transport of Selenium ML ,GN Existing soil and groundwater laboratory selenium data as well as historic alluvium and bedrock water elevation data were reviewed for data gaps in advance of developing a conceptual site model (CSM).A sufficient number of shallow and deep �Y soil samples were collected from around the site and analyzed for the presence of selenium.The laboratory data was evaluated to determine if they were normally 3 distributed,whether there was a significant difference between the shallow and n' deep soil samples populations,and finally what the upper tolerance limit(UTL) of the two background soil populations is based on k-value distribution.This method was developed under RCRA for determining background concentrations of inorganic constituents in groundwater but can be used for soils. Bedrock and alluvium groundwater data were plotted on Stiff diagrams and based on analysis and historic alluvium and bedrock groundwater elevation data,as well as surface water and shallow and deep creek sediments analytical data,a CSM was developed that demonstrated that source of selenium was naturally occurring from weathering bedrock.The regulatory agency agreed with the conclusions. Operation and Maintenance of Hazardous Waste Land Treatment Unit (LTU);Billings,MT This project included annual operation and maintenance of a MDEQ permitted hazardous waste land treatment unit(LTU)where refinery wastes were land-applied and naturally occurring micro-organisms biologically degrade hydrocarbons.Tim Mulholland,as project manager for an environmental consulting company,was responsible for operation,maintenance,and compliance to permit conditions which included semi-annual ground and surface water sampling,annual soil sampling,monitoring soil conditions for optimal waste degradation(soil moisture, nutrients and waste concentrations),detailed record keeping of waste application consistent with permit conditions,and reporting of sampling results in an annual report to MDEQ.In addition to the day to day operation of the LTU,Tim helped negotiate with the MDEQ the use of the LTU for non-refinery wastes from historic pipeline release across central Montana.This allowed the use of the remaining a , capacity of the LTU for non-typical waste disposal at significant cost savings. _ L p. 24 t CITY OF BOZEMAN SANITARY LANDFILL COMPREHENSIVE CORRECTIVE ACTION PLAN CTA kSi• , ,k ' l i- �. Landfill Methane Discharge Monitoring;Great Falls,MT r _ ' CTA performs compliance monitoring for the High Planes Sanitarily Landfill (HPSL) near Great Falls,Montana.The facility is 493 acres in size and accepts 500 tons of commercial and residential refuse per day from nine surrounding counties. Responsibilities for methane monitoring ' include monthly monitoring and N reporting of methane production at the HPSL for compliance with , _4 MDEQ issued solid ` waste permit. In addition,CTA Landfill ethane Discharg eft developed a Montana 1. Pollution Discharge Elimination System Permit(MPDES Permit)compliant storm water monitoring plan for the HPSL.System includes using an automatic sampler to collect the required grab and composite samples,evaluating data for compliance and preparing report for client and Montana DEQ. LNAPL Mobility Study and Corrective Action Alternative Pilot Testing; Billings,MT An operating petroleum refinery directed various Remedial Investigation and Feasibility Studies(RI/FS)for historic and on-going releases.An interim groundwater depression/LNAPL recovery system was operating with significant success for over ten years.Remediation efforts were beginning to focus on more targeted LNAPL recovery for the north and south plume as well as addressing residual impacts in ol Us r s I /tebr�e I r.i I ♦1xM{ Ili i ier •�•\ �I - Qxua..- _.f°♦°°'�. - J r1 rIT Conceptual Site Model:Old CSM Conceptual Site Model:New CSM + 25 CITY OF BOZEMAN SANITARY LANDFILL COMPREHENSIVE CORRECTIVE ACTION PLAN CTA the historic vadose"smear"zone and potential for vapor intrusion.In advance of conducting remedial alternative evaluation,a LNAPL mobility study was initiated. . Early on in the study,it was determined that the existing Conceptual Site Model '` was inaccurate or out of date.As the Field Project Manager Mr.Mulholland helped develop and implement a revised work plan that used a phased approach to better define the LNAPL plume and revise the CSM.The result was a LNAPL plume that was significantly smaller and much better understood that the under the previous CSM. The Corrective Action Alternative Pilot Testing was conducted in a more precise and meaningful way based on the new CSM.Technologies evaluated included Vapor Enhanced Recovery(VER)for LNAPL,Bio-slurping,and Ozone Sparge.These technologies were piloted tested for the northern and southern LNAPL Plumes to evuate the potential to enhance LNAPL recovery,begin addressing dissolved — phase and residual vadose zone contamination and control off-site migration of — petroleum vapors. Geophysical Mapping to Delineate Bedrock Paleochanels and 777 , Subsurface Features;Great Falls, MT CTA has a standing contract with an operating petroleum refinery in Great Falls,MT,to conduct Remedial Investigation/Feasibility Studies(RI/FS),and active remediation of historic and on-going releases of petroleum,metals and mixed-waste contamination site-wide.As part of this project,CTA designed and completed a geophysical surface resistivity investigation to delineate and map paleochannels and subsurface features contributing to the migration of free-phase and dissolved phase petroleum plumes.Geophysical project specifics included: _ • Review existing sub-surface lithologic and other site data to identify data gaps, _-'.',f;; '':'.' �; '`E ,g'tiZ • Collect additional data where gaps existed and conducting both direct-current and capacitive coupled resistivity measurements. • Analyze litholo Ic and resistivity data to construct a detailed model of subsurface bedrock and groundwater flow conditions. • Optimize location and design of free-phase petroleum recovery trenches for a more effective free-phase product recovery. FILTE SCALE Tq,AT 11 ,FEET. 0 n 350 a 9III .� — 330 290 20 m , 20 2350 mWIwn 2 210 rnLn 0H t r y rteurwn i 190 � 170 rs«wa� 150 130 0 — 110 ..... ..i..c. wo.e 90 —� 70 M 50 30 10 l 26 CITY OF BOZEMAN SANITARY LANDFILL COMPREHENSIVE CORRECTIVE ACTION PLAN :: CTA 5 . General Firm Profile ' CTA Architects Engineers is a full service architecture and engineering firm that has been providing a wide range of planning and design services to clients throughout the Rocky Mountain West for over 75 years.Our multi-discipline capabilities have been with us since the inception of the firm in 1938.Today CTA has grown to over 350+employees in 16 office locations throughout the region with our corporate office located in Billings,Montana. A unique advantage of CTA is our broad base of personnel resources.CTA employs mechanical,electrical,civil,structural,and environmental engineers,as well as biologists and certified industrial hygienists.We also provide landscape architecture,interior design,and employ a range of specialists in areas such as cost estimating,code review,and roofing and enclosure design.Our comprehensive approach allows CTA to provide our clients with a full service architecture, i engineering and environmental firm with some of the best talent available. CTA offers in-house services,which are conducive to improved coordination, scheduling and added value.Because the special systems for your projects are of paramount importance,the highly experienced staff of engineers at CTA works 27 I' }} 6 r f,r CITY OF BOZEMAN SANITARY LANDFILL COMPREHENSIVE CORRECTIVE ACTION PLAN CTA closely with you to bring a successful project.CTA currently offers the following services in-house: • Asbestos Characterization and Interior Design Abatement Land Planning • Architectural Services Landscape Architecture • Audio/Video Design Lead Characterization and Abatement • Building/Project Programming Master Planning Services Mechanical/HVAC Engineering • Building Commissioning Mold Characterization and Abatement :761 � " l • Civil Engineering Petroleum Spill Site Investigation and • Communication&Security Systems Remediation • Construction Management Plumbing Engineering • Cost Estimating Program and Project Management • Electrical Engineering Roofing and Enclosure • Energy Conservation Design Sanitary Engineering • Engineering Diagnostics Structural/Seismic Engineering • Environmental Engineering Storm Water Pollution Prevention Plan • Fire Protection Engineering (SWPPP)Preparation and Monitoring • Graphic and Signage Design Surveying,Mapping • Hazardous Material Spill Project Sustainable Design/LEED® Management Urban Planning • Historic Preservation Value Engineering • Industrial Hygiene Ilk 1 J)i j- 28 CITY OF BOZEMAN SANITARY LANDFILL COMPREHENSIVE CORRECTIVE ACTION PLAN CTA CTA Construction & Environmental, LLC CTA strategically initiated our Industrial Hygiene&Environmental Engineering group five years ago to round out our full service A/E firm capability and to capitalize on the growing need for environmental management throughout CTA's service areas.Our Industrial Hygiene&Environmental group encompasses a broad-range of talent including a Certified Industrial Hygienist(CIH),Professional Environmental and Geophysical Engineers,Environmental Scientists,and trained technicians.Our team has extensive project experience including: • Operation,Maintenance and Closure of Montana Department of Environmental Quality(MDEQ) permitted Hazardous Waste Land Treatment Units • Asbestos,lead,and mold characterization and abatement • Hazardous waste management • Health effects related to environmental contamination • Petroleum hydrocarbon and chlorinated solvent investigation,sampling,and corrective actions Water/wastewater supply and treatment system designs • Site development design ••: Environmental land planning • Water re-use and recycling • Groundwater exploration and production • Applied geophysical surveys • Riparian and aquatic habitat condition assessments • Rare plant and invasive weed surveys • Monitor threatened and endangered fish species Our team's extensive experience in Environmental Engineering services includes: Risk Assessment and Due Diligence:Preliminary and Targeted Audits and _1 Assessments, Real Estate Transaction Screening Processes,Records Search with Risk Assessments,Phase I ESA,Phase II ESA. s 1� I 1 V 29 i i CITY OF BOZEMAN SANITARY LANDFILL COMPREHENSIVE CORRECTIVE ACTION PLAN :: CTA • Planning and Permitting:Storm Water Pollution Prevention(SWPP) Plans, Spill Prevention Control and Countermeasure(SPCC) Plans,National Pollution Discharge Elimination System (NPDES),Permitting and underground injection wells,Source Water Delineation and Assessment Reporting (SWDAR),surface water permitting (310 Permits,Army Corps 404), NEPA Documentation,water rights. • Regulated and Hazardous Waste Services:Petroleum release investigations and corrective actions,soil,groundwater,and surface water remediation, remedial system design,installation,operation and maintenance,and efficacy monitoring;Brownfields funding,investigation and remediation. • Design and Engineering:Stormwater collection and treatment systems/ rainwater harvesting,wastewater and process water treatment design,drinking } water quality assessment and treatment systems,holistic water-resources management and recycling systems and groundwater in situ and pump and treat systems. Industrial Hygiene Services:Asbestos,lead,and microbial assessments, sampling,remedial/abatement design and oversight,industrial hygiene surveys,noise assessments,design and mitigation,ventilation system assessment and design,OSHA compliance assistance,sampling and analysis plans,indoor air quality(IAQ) studies,training services for asbestos,lead, HAZWOPER,and general occupational/environmental health,radon assessment and mitigative design. • Specialty Services:Groundwater engineering/hydrogeology,geophysical engineering,forensic investigations/expert testimony,building science,vapor intrusion,clean rooms and toxicology. To ensure effective and proper analytical testing and analytical procedures,CTA uses state-of-the-art environmental sampling equipment coupled with our i .P/r i 30 CITY OF BOZEMAN SANITARY LANDFILL COMPREHENSIVE CORRECTIVE ACTION PLAN :: CTA f tr 9 internal Standard Operating Procedures(SOPS) ensure quality,representative (� data is collected and used to make the best,science-based decisions possible. Our scientists and engineers utilize following software and equipment during r completion of the scope of work: • Calculations:InsideView®Event Date Recorder(EDR)analysis,Costimator Estimating System,SKM Power Tools • Document Preparation:MS Access,MS Excel,MS Powerpoint,MS Publisher, MS Word,Adobe Acrobat • E-mail&Scheduling:MS Outlook r • Survey Equipment:Trimble R6 Survey Grade GNSS geo-positioning (GPS) receivers,TrimbleTSC2 Survey Controllers,Topcon GTS-300 total station,Trimble Geomatics office software,Topcon At-G3 automatic level • Modeling:Haestad Methods®Culvert Master and Flowmaster,H2OMap Water®, H2OMap Sewer®,STORNMET,®Rockware° • Testing Equipment:Analytical Balance(NIST),Oil/Water Interface Probe, Drycal®Primary Calibration Standard,Electrical Multi-Meter,Flame Ionization Detector(FID),Fluke®Power Quality Meter,Fluke®Thermal Imager,Light Meter, Photoionization Detector(PID),Temperature and pH Meter,Oxidation/ Reduction Potential (ORP) Meter,Hot-Wire Anenometer, IAQ Sampling Media, Phase Contrast Microscope, High Volume Sampling Pumps,Low Volume Sampling Pumps • End Use of Site:Critical economic analysis of the final use of the site after remediation efforts are successful to ensure final site use is an economic benefit to the community. I i I NA�pO HATS swan 31 CITY OF BOZEMAN SANITARY LANDFILL COMPREHENSIVE CORRECTIVE ACTION PLAN CTA CTA provides the majority of support services used throughout the duration of a project in-house.We also use a variety of local support services depending on specific project requirements when the needs arise.CTA maintains relationships with local testing laboratories and drilling consultants throughout the State. As appropriate for each project,CTA will use subcontracted services including abatement(asbestos,LBP,mold,etc.),drilling,excavation,monitoring well construction,and transport/disposal of waste materials in order to meet project requirements for Phase II/III services,as well as to allow a clean environment for redevelopment.Subcontractors will hold current accreditations required by regulatory agencies for the specific types of work they will be performing (e.g. asbestos abatement contractors will hold current Montana DEQ accreditation as Asbestos Contractor/Supervisors). In addition to subcontracted services,CTA will utilize professional analytical testing laboratories,when appropriate.Selected laboratories will meet or exceed the requirements for analytical proficiency as established by regulatory agencies for each type of work conducted under MDT's scope of work.For instance,asbestos analytical laboratories used for this scope of work will be accredited by the National i Institute of Standards and Technology's (NIST) National Voluntary Laboratory Accreditation Program(NVLAP)for polarized light microscopy(PLM)analysis,and therefore,meet the proficiency requirements of the DEQ. Traditionally,we have used Energy Laboratories,of Helena and Billings,MT,for our analysis of environmental media of soils and groundwater,and Pace Analytical Services for Vapor Intrusion (VI) studies.For industrial hygiene samples,CTA utilizes EMSL Analytical,Inc.,of Westmont,New Jersey,an American Industrial Hygiene Association (AIHA)accredited laboratory.Hanson Environmental Drilling out of Glasgow,MT,will be subcontracted for environmental drilling services.Hanson meets the requirements of a disadvantaged business enterprises(DBE) based on its designation as an'8(a)Firm"under the Small Business Administration's 8(a) Business -� Development Program. CTA will work with the City of Bozeman to negotiate a reasonable and fair pricing structure for completion of any work,as well as for each phase of work/site as it becomes available.All of CTA's QEP Services will be in accordance with our Rate Schedules which has been approved and had an internal Government Audit Provided.if requested,CTA can provide this government rate-based audit. r� 32 CITY OF BOZEMAN SANITARY LANDFILL COMPREHENSIVE CORRECTIVE ACTION PLAN :: CTA 6. Non- Discri m i nation Affirmation Form NON-DISCRIMINATION AFFIRMATION FORM CTA Construction&Environmental,LLC hereby affirms it will not discriminate on the basis of race, color,religion,creed, sex, age, marital status,national origin, or because of actual or perceived sexual orientation, gender identity or disability in the performance of work performed for the city of Bozeman, if a contract is awarded to it, and also recognizes the eventual contract,if awarded,will contain a provision prohibiting discrimination as described above and that this prohibition shall apply to the hiring and treatment of the CTA Construction &Environmental,LLC employees and to all subcontracts it enters into in performance of the agreement with the city of Bozeman. 16� : Signature of Bidder: Person authorized to sign on behalf of the bidder 33