HomeMy WebLinkAboutResolution 310A Passing of Resolution No. 310 82 COh'lLTI SSlON HESOLU'l'10F NO. 310A ...:.~,.F'~CJ ...,'0.' t, A R:<::::;OLUTIOTJ o;i' 'nr:.; Cm,],n::;SlOTT OF' 'J:'UE C1 'l'Y C).I" BOZEI'i!AN FIlJALIiY ""';"~ -It '/ ,..l-v ~ .' F) AS~j:"~",l'"rC AND ADC'P'LU;C CO),T!.C;I;i;:)ION HESOLUTIOi>; NO. 310 }':;'T I "Ii:~D: \,) ~ . .. ~~ (I' /. /. II A RESOLUTION OF THE CCHi1:.nSSHn! (}'H' '~'lTE C1'I'Y 0 ~I; BOZi'::'!lU: 1,1::\lY- · / \ 'f Jc..'>", ]j.IG AlE" AS':;1':S:2IN': l\ ;3PI,;CIAL M~:.JI~~)(,:JTJ;:N';; OJ,';.'..:'\;<1:;3 lIP():! ALl, rI'}-[L: '2;, , , . , Pl\.O')}:H'l'Y 111 SPECIAL LIPHOVJ;;T'.ll,;t!'.l' :LICTFJ1IHn DI:3'l'Irr crr llO. 290 '1'0 .. ' / . DElliI-'\AY s:r~\J}~~},r11Y -FIV~~ 'PIcr\. CjEl1" rr ( '/5;::) O~ TEE ESTINACED COST O~ l IJICTIITIl.!G SOU'l'IT BLJi.C:K .''',VEl::E BErnm.:':N T,~AIT; Aim BATJ,COCI'C 1~;'rREE'I'S I idlTTIII,j ;:)1\.1 ::PEC1AT n,IPIWVEI~m:'I' LIGH'I'IITC 1.,':1: ~)'rrG CT NO. 290 O~.~ 'J1HE CITY OF BO~"I;;TJAN FOn A p()~\rl'ION OP 'l':U'; y; A1\3 1935 Al1D 1936" WHEHEAS, the Commission of tiie City of Bozer;mD did on the 20th day of Septcnbor, 1935, [L t a rog:J.lar ses sion thereof dU.ly nass C0111;':li33ion Hesolut:i.on J\~O. 310 entitled.: t? A HE~)(nJT'no:.: OF TIlE CO:U;TL)i~)ICnJ Oi:' T CITY OF DOZ::',"'AF: LEVY- HB I, Carolyn ~estlake, Clerk of the Cormnission of the Ci ty of Bozema.n, hereby certify that the foregoing CoY!-e-nission Resolution No. 310A of the C1 ty of BozOl~mn, 'Was -.:Jublisl'wc1 by ti tIe in the Bozornan Da:"Lly Chro~licle, a daily newspaper 01' e;eneral c 1r cula t ion, printed and published in said City, in the issue of October 8, 19~35 , I and that dU.e proof of said publication was made and fj.led in my office. IN Wrr::ES~) '.''In;_':HJWF I hereunto set my hand and af:flx the seal of my office this 8th day of Octol.'cr, 1935. / t/ ~ /i .- /(lr.#Ct1-r (iA il/r:U~",_~__ CIerI>;: 01'/ the Commission I I Resolution lIo. 3l0A