HomeMy WebLinkAboutResolution 310 LIghting District No. 290 .-----.... 78 COLEaSfEOTi Em,:;,(<L)J'I':ro;: NO. 310 A HT}'YLP'I'TOi; 0'-' rI'Er: cm:[:'I;:J~n()N 0," l'i-TE CITY CJ" Bozm:AN L~~V'{I!:G 0. r!' ' id:D AS,::;:;:S;:;UJ:-: A :;PT'~CIAL Aszn;:s,'-;;mITf_~ OJ,' 'ioAiCES lJPOH hLL THE PH(H.. -,~~ . ...,,' ~:' -A.:'" / PEH'l'Y ni SF} :CIAI,L"pnOVE:];:J~rl' LU:H'I'IITG In:::;'.CTrL CT NO. 290, 'TO DE- ~fCi u' .- "]7 A'/ ('EVn1TT"rr', p''T1. CF'TT (71::;;') aI" 'i'}IE ES'I'J?,lA'l'E:) CO::JT or' LIGE'I'- , ',' .. ':.! J.\. ".'" U ,t J:.:Jl.!.L 1.... ! ~ '1,1' .l.1) .V,j '~.jl\ O,<:~ ?,' t\.. nlG SOU'l'}j I3LAC1< AVENUE I:i1:TVffiEIT MAnx AIm Bfd-\COCE STHEE'l'S ",'.ITlII:;l \ ' , ~'~"'f)/ ~)AID SP:,:CIAL nlPlW\ni~LiTJ<'I' },IGII'l'nJG DISrrF:.:r:,C'1' NO. 290 OF riTE CIT-::T /" , 01" nOZETLlI..H I"OR A POH'I'I01.J Ol-' 'l;Ill'~ Y:'~AHS 1935 A-m 1936. I /' WHEREAS, the Commission of the City of Bozeman d'tlly and regularly passed Conuni ssj_on B,esolutions Tros. 282 and 286, crel'ltlng ~)pecial Improvement Lir)lt- ing District No. 290 within the City of Bozeman and def1ning the boundaries therof and providinp; for the assessment of the cost of 11ghting the smile as set forth in said Commission Resolutions :Nos. 282 and 286; and \.~/l ::EF{Ii~A[), the terms of the contract wi th the I,lontana Povler Cmnpany for fur- nishing current for street 11ghts and the maintenance thereof reou1re tllat month- ly pa~m1ents be made therefor; and ~()' It and the described lots and parcels of land, be, and the same are herel;y levied and assessed upon and against said lots and parcels of land; that tile several SLUrtS be collected from the respective owners of sald lots and parcels of land described in the said scb.edule, as reql1:i.red by l<:tW; that sa:i.cl sums be no.ic1 and the collection thereof' shall be m.ade in the manner cmd in accordance wIth the lav{ governing the I collection of sDecial improveY:le, nt, taxes; that failure to pay such assessments w:,nen the same shall becor.le due and Dayable shall make 8u.ch person and mlch lots and par- cels of l:md liable to ttl.C penalties provideCl by the lml Y'olative to delinquent taxes. Section 3. 'I'hat the regular session of the Commission of the City of Boze';ian to be held on the 4th (1ay of October, 1935, at the C0111171ission Room, City Hall Build- ing, be, 8nel the same is hereby desi(':nated as the time and place at ':Ihich objections to the final adoption of this Hesolution will be heard by the Comrnission. Section 4. That t'r'.e Clerk of the Cormnission be, and she is hereby orcIerecl and directed to publish in the Bozeman Dally Chronicle, a daily newspaper, printed and published in the said City of Bozelnan, a notice signed by the Clerk of the Commission, and sta tlng t}>nt a resolu tlon lev;Ting a special assessment of taxes to defray seventy- fi ve per cent (75~;n of the cost of maintainL- g and lightinl'~ South Black Avenue between l'.'lain and Babcock Streets, in the said Special Improvement Lightir:.g District No. 290 for a uortion of the years 1935 and 1936, is on file in the office of the Clerk of the Cor:rrnission, subject to inspection for a Deriod 01' five d~iys; ti-Iat said notice I slmll state the time and place at which objections will be heard by the Commission to 'the final adoption or tlJ:is Hesolution; tho. tit tJhal",l be publi::Jhed ,G, t Ie as t five days before the (Sate set by the Commission for hearinr; of' objections, and tlle final adoution of this Resolution. Passed by the C01111ni.ssion of the City of Dozer'can at n regular session thereof held on the 20th day of Sel)tember, 19;35. -- 11 7L May r fiOm rr il' I~: S ~I'I : / I /h / " - '/ ,_/' _ L-, aJA!t{C<-- " 0' the Commission I Resolution No. 310 --.-.......-.--.--.--.. __.__.n..". 80 NOT ICE -.....----..................... ImAHIlW, TiINAIJ AJ)OP 'I'} CN co "~In: :::;s:r: C II Hl ,;3 OI,U'L'I C 11 NO.. ~)lO LEIJ'tLl;n AS;:;I':S:;TT:E:lT'I' OF ~;EVEIT'i'Y -PT\fI~ P:B CEi!'I' , ':-'" () 1':,:';fi1 "AII;'l'Al";}"':. A' D IJ IGTi'l':Ijl/" ~';OlJ'I'TT :)LACJ:~r,VEIT11"L~ RE'l'ViJEEN ':AI1<AND Pl\.::',CO OK S'l'REI:'r;j, E; p~:c:r AL I ~\IPF~()Vl':"N'l' DJ_ S'TF?J:C'I' NO. 290 FOE 11 POI'\TION 01" 'I'ITE Y:AES 19~)5 .rUiD 1936 '(ro~nc::~ IE:; E;n-nmy GIVr':n,' that at a reGulaI' 3ess10n of the Cor:rrnission of the I C1 ty of Doz eman held on the 20th day of Se!Jtember, 1935, COYnYllission Resolution :fO. 31C was duly passes and ado,.)ted; that said Com,nis;:Jion Resoh.1.tion Ho. 310 levies and assesses a special as~:essment o:c taxes upon all the property in Spe- cial Improvement Lighting District No. 290 of said City to defray seventy-fIve per cent ( 75~S) of the cns t of lighting South Tnaclc Aven;."e between Main and I'oab- eoch: Streets, for a portion of the years 1935 Qnd 1936. 'l'hat said Special Improvement Lighting District No. 290 ~i;as created pl)_r- suant to CO:clmis S ion Hes olution Nos. 282 and 2t36; that the amount of assessment is Ninety Pour Dollars and 1'wenty Cents (:i~94.20) ; that the total area to be as- sessed in the said Special Improvement IJighting District ITo. ~;90 is .----.-.--.-.--...- .. 81 IN V; TlTESS rr;:r::rmOF I hereunto set my hand and affix the seal of my- office this 21st c:lay of September, 1935. kf2J:riL i!aL: . .... .C .... .. I Clerk 0 Commiss.i..on I ~ - . I Resolution No. 310 -.---..-.-