HomeMy WebLinkAboutResolution 309 Lighting District No. 289 ......,---- . "..) If. .t;J-.t.'Vl'.Jl n.::;,i.\.'~ ...~~u~i. 011 e(:',;~e.:l .3 -'.I (~"'L~.....m.. CmnnSSION HESOLU'I'ImJ NO. 309 ~ 'i L. __._..._~"" .". ..,.... ~,~ r, I~ A RE~;;oLU'l'ION O:!:,l THE cm::~.as~n(nr or 'rHE CI'I'Y o Ii' B07;r:~,'AE LEVYU:G AND ASSESSING /;'" II A SPECIAL ASS.ESST'~EJ;T OF 'rAXE:::) UPON ALL '1'111'. FROPLH'l'Y IN SPECIAT, H.JPIW\fmn.:';TT'l' , " " . -"'<. LIGrr'rIW; Dls'rHICT NO. 289, 'TO DEFHAY SEVENTY-FIVE PEE C3JI'I' ( 75~O OF T~:i.E -, . . ,/?,'".l/ EStIMATED CO~;T OJ;' LIGHTING 110 HrrT'i. BOZl'}"AN AVE~'nE EET'NETi;U i.TAIH AI(O I,IEi':DENHALL .~>".. ,.::/ l s'rnEl';'l'S \"11 'nUN SAID SPECIAL DJPHO\TE;'lEN'I' LIC1-HTIW;' DI~)THICT NO. 2139 0Ii' 'rIfE *~<':' ~,~~;:/ lr;i~ '., ?:>f CIT't OF p,OZEr.IA?T Fon A POB'I'ICJ1-J 01" TEE YEARS 1935 AND 1936. i,/ /,,/ / .~ /'.',1 Vv11EI1EAS, the Commission of the City of F~ozeman duly and regularly passed I ./',' / Comntl.ssion Hesoluti n8 i'Jos. 280 and 284, creatin[~ Special Improve:nent District No. 289 within the City of Bozeman and d.efining the boundaries thereof and Droviding for the assessment of the CO~3t of lighting the same as set forth in said CommIssion Hesolutions Nos. 2f30 and 284; and ~.) I t the naY:18 of the OVlner and the sum assessed agBinst hi,:; or it, is set forth in tb.e schedule hereto attached, and ~qde a part hereof; that the several sums set opposite the names of the ovmers, and the described lots and parcels of land, be, and the .. -. same are hereb;;T levied and assessed u.pon and aga:inst said lots and parccls f lar.d; that t~iG f;8'I!)~':::tl ~rums be collected from tJ-LC respective owners of said lots and po.r-. I cels 01' land doscr:i.bed in the said schedule, as required b:F lavl; tl1at said sums be paid and the collect:i.on t:r18reof sh_all be made in t~1.e manner and in accordance 'with the law governing the collection of special improvement taxes; tha t failure to pay such aSfleSSl11ents 'ivhen th_e same shall become due and payable s11all make such person and such lots and parcels of land liable to the penalties provided by the law . ....... ...-. -,---_.,. 74 ":'..,../~v \\ ..~ ~"''''I!' ,"". C'J o'r T C F t:t-<O' , - ' J -, .J . c'" ./". - - - ".- 0--- _.- ., H , /:.-::~~n,1 '\HrT0, DI F '\T ADO>:)rTi OIT cO~;qlil (1 c 101\" F"i'''' - TF'i'T(,J c,iO ~. ')9 I FVyr'{' A ("'-'," "1"')1'1' :,1 ~~+~ ,1,1,.:..,,1) ,,' ~1.\"'".J, ..,.. .~"_..J 1 .L"..,~ "IL~,u Qt...) ~.J ..L.:.,.,n...."")()_...J......._,.,),J.'1 ..I." . 0\. ,J J .,,'" JJ_J u~),.".JUI,.JJ."....i,,~ " OF C'T,'v'i'prrV-FIVF 0)-;:-;:1' (;1;'1;r1 CO",-, fi11\-r~Tr"tl1\TrJn. AI'Tn LTn-F'rPW ~rOH'l';- nC'/';':rf~,1 ./ ., ...:>1.', J--,..__. 0.,1-'-'0' .L.J..l, ..,.1 .........,.Lj..~J...L. .... .0...........-"....1.11 .,' ,. LJl.'"U. ...<", AV1,'lr1T"":,' p"'" fjl', T.'T.-11 '!AT" i\i1l) ''1F'NT):;'\rAr.T. C"I'j-{;:;'1<''f''::< SFL,'("'A' rTP'w'.TF'J",'l' J 1GF- \~' r."j ~.b ,)J...". ...LJu..... ~, ..1.. J', ..[1..1..""_" .."..d,l t, "...,_..' 1-,) ...1...,1.....;..,,1,.), ~" w..JnL...LJ _'~...., 1 . ..J., ~,. ..,J 1..,- ..",,, rIJ,\r(~ DI 0"'1'1 -11\ "[" 2":\9 ROT' A PYP'J'I"'j OF 'J'lTiHo,'A[," 19'''5 P;D 19'" 6 1 ,dU "':>.L,\. CJ 1". ~U J. {.. (,.d. (.,1 .. ,..,c, )..1.. \.0 0L, ,). IroTI CE 1 ~-; llEHEB'T ra VEN , that at a re!;'1.11ar 80ssior1 of the Commission of the C:1.. t':r of Bozeman held on the 20th day of September, 1935, Commission Hesolution I }.Io. 309 was duly passed and adonted; that said Commis~1ion He sol uti em 1:0. 309 levies and assesses a specIal assessment of taxes upon all the property :1.n Special L'1provement LiGhtinG District j\)o. 289 of said City to defray seventy-five per cent ( 75;<;;) of the cost of lighting North T30zenlan Avenue between I'-lain and ;',;endenhal1 Streets, for a portion of the years 1935 and 1936. That said Special Improvement Ll~hting District No. 239 was created pursuant to Commlssion Hesohltions Nos. 280 and 284; that t.he O:(:101.mt of assessment ;, tha t the total area to be assessed in the sald Special I;'"'provement is '1)94.20; Lighting DIstrict No. 289 is 7GnOO square feet; that the rate of as ~;es sn10ntper f t i ~O 001907 square ..00 . s '':). ,__to_. 'Elm t said Co:nmission Resolu tioD 110. 309 is now on f11e in the of:L1. ce of the Clerk of the COr:1ffi1.ssion of saiel City of' Bozeman subject to inspection for a period of five days by any person interested; t}-l!')t Friday the 4th clay of October, 1935, at 7:30 o'clock P. I" of said day at a reg;ular ;3es;3ion of t:ne C ormni s s i on of ,1,0'... , the City of Hozeman, COITrrtli s sion Room, City Hall Buildin~. has been desi::nated as the time and place when and where said Corrr-:rLssion will hoar and pass unoll any and 75 T Carolyn Westlake, Clerl{ of the Commission of the City of Bozeman" hereby -, certify that the foregoing lTotlce in 1"8 Cornmission Resolution No.309 of the City of JJozeman, was published a t lenr~th in the Bozeman Daily Chronicle, a daily newspaper of general circlll:"tion, printed and Dublished in said City of Bozeman, in the iS8U.8 of I September 21, 1935, and that due proof of said publication was made and filed in my office. DJ \VI'J.'jESS WJTEREOF Ihereunto set my h[;md and affix tl'1e seal of my office this 21st day of September, 1935. ~~,!~~- lark of the vom."lS sian I I Resolution No. 309