HomeMy WebLinkAboutResolution 308A Passing of Resolution No. 308 ....------ ... .._. mm_...._ 70 ~~~ ... !. 0}' '? .,' <1"~.)./ / <'<>'tJ. &~ '..) , COM~aSSlON RESOLtnIOH 110. 308A ~ \ ?.. .- , ,'" dI /. ~,/ ~../ A RESOLUTI01T OF 'TIlE COT.nnSSIOH OF TI-[E crl'Y 01.' ':,OZE;,TAI li'INAI,LY PASSING AND / ,.' AD01'1'IFG COF-'I""ION f1.F"OLT~r'ICnT fC 308 rCj'i'lTI-;'D' II i\. RT.";'OIUr71ION OT,' TFE .? ..,.;- ,/ ,1... _ k.J k.J ~ ....J ".,) _ " J. ".., .~ J. .-1 ... ,..1 ...L.... .,..1 L,. L . ....,...,; .J 1 . J. ..". ,.. cmCTISSIOlJ OF T':--1E CITY OF nOZEi'l'AN LEVYING AIm ASSFSSIW} A SPECIAl, ASSESS- I/fENT OF rrAXI<:S UPON _I:\.LL TITE PH01'ERTY IN S1'ECIAJ~ n":PHOVEMIi;I\T LIGE'I'I1:G "TS'-'Rlr;rn -;0 288 "'() PEr~RA\T c1:;'V"r"I;'-'Y-FIV~~' PFR CK:" (?5d) ()F 'rnE Esrrlj\TATED U.. 1 _.,1 __. ,,1,.,.. .L. U.,-",.\ 1 . .1...1..' .,,1,1 I') co~;rr OF LIGCI'nW ~30UrI'E TRACY AVENUE BI.;rr'p,]';}::N f..IAI}} Al<fI) BABCOC:i:'~ S'I'REETS WITHIN SAID SPECIAL n.':PROVEL1T:IYl' LIGHTING DTSTIU ('I' NO. 288 OI<' 'I'TTE CITY OF BOZE:'.Ali, FOn A P OH'l'ICN OF THE YEARS 1935 AND 1936". I WEEHEAS, the Commission of the City of Bozeman did on the 20th day of Septemb er, 193 5 , at a regular session thereof duly pass Commission B.eso1ution No.308 enti tIed: "A RESOLTJ'l'ION OT' 'l'EI'; CarAt}! SSION OF 'rIm CI'I'Y OF BOZET:IAF L:L:1JYING AND ASS"GS:;IJ..!G A SI'EC1AL AciE;T':SSf;!EIJ'I' OF il'Axr:s 1JPON AI, I, 'nm PHOPEH'I'v IN 31'ECI1'\J, HTPROVFJ.tl-q,I'r L.L:JH'I'ING D1S'I'HI c'r NO. 28D 're Dl~FHAY SUl:GN'TY- F'IV'" 1'}.'1\ CTi'~j"l ('75<) or' 'rIlL E8TIhTA'l'ED COST' m.' LIG-II'l" un S01:>'l.lT 'l'HACY ." .LI ",j J.L:.Il\! 1 I'.J AVENUE E:.I:Tl,i,[EEH ri[!i.Il~ AND BABCOCK S'l'REE'I'S',","I'rIIIN SAID SPECltJ" D::P}WVE- I.rEI.}rl' L1 GH'I'ING DIsrl'HI CT NO. 2133 OP nm CI'J.'Y OP P,OZETTAN ]"OH A POH'I'ION 0:::'" 'THE YEAHS 1935 AND 1936". 'NEE HEAS , said Commission Hesolu tion No. 308 was duly si.gned by the I,Iayor and the ClerIc of the Commlssion, and was filed in trle office of the Clerk of the COlli1-:U 3310n on the 20th day of ~eptember, 1935, and ever sinco has been on file in said office, slJ.b,iect to and for the inspection of all persons interested; 9.ncl ViEEREAS, the 4th day of October, 1935, at '7:30 o'clock P. M., at a regrtlar session of tbe Co:mmission to be held. at the Corn=:1L~sion Hoom, City ::Iall Building in the said City, was tr-le time and place des i;~Dn.ted for hearinr; ob 5e c tiODS to the final passacr,e and adopti on of said Hesol1..1 tion; and 71 I, Carolyn I.iestlal:::e, Clerk of the Commission of the City of Bozeman, hereby certify that the foregoing Comr:1i3sion Hesolution No. 30BA of the City of Sozeman, was published ty ti tIe In the Bozernan Daily Chronicle, a daily nevH3paper off general cir- culation, nrinted and published in said City of Bozeman, in the issue of October 8, l'J35, and that due proof of said publication vms made and filed in my Cbffice. I IN v:rrrT~r;sS V;UEREOP I here-unto set my hand and affix the seal of my office this 8th day of October, 1935. (> 0 :/z. oMnis sion (/ I I Hesolu.tionNO. 30BA u