HomeMy WebLinkAboutResolution 314 Construction of SID No. 290 - ___.___".oo_,u,_, _.""'._,.,,_. 98 i;') e/i>.(" , " f<fO(' , ;r.o. ( 'J, f /' ;J, I,;? ," .}:,?", / ~ C (:':L'fr,i~I S ISI c~ I'~ m'~,~)OT/~:::"C' c. i\~"() . 314 'j A .~ ..-.,,- ~," ..A; :...- -,-.- A Iri':::;C:LU'I'I(JJ: 0..... :r:~', .~J J~ C (; T/L~";'~I ~:) ;::; I 0 -; ,; C','.I '1'1[1.: c! fT,r CI~,I 1'C):~'::: '\:: , ~\'~ 0 .::',:. ~:'., ;~J',;' I\. =- ....."......p'/'*.. I,) :'r,,"; \:ry J ~ -i.<' (3. ,~ /'::, ;.:.I 1._) ~ : ~j i:j I ",'.~~ ". ~.J~eI.:;CI i\T J'\.:3 ~:.:>I:~ ~~) I('~~' '!:,'~:.f. ':' f11 () ~!:~'I'l r :"t ,~ tiT' ALl, l' [3... \ ";'.'/ " f)nc:pl'Ti"i'Y Ir s p ::.~ '~..,1 T J\..:. I';', ""l') .:':' (., \/.;"'::"< ,. -:~:":I rl1 ::. '; I ;:/2 r;~ ~:', c~ ill 290 I. ~,~ T Ti':: CT'iT" UF rjC> ~ZT~',:, .l~ l',~ c: OUT"I'Y:' F," ATI,/\.'j' I , IS I'.r /\ : .,-,'1 J.. < .r',.~' C.\ .'""i 1\ ~::,,': Ii. .~ '1'0 .:H.I\'/ ill } {i:':,; CC.\,')'I' () ". (',; () ~';~ ~.:,1J f\TT C T':r ~< <J !' ":', T,,'~,AI<:{ :':: G. rllJ=~ I ~ :' PI"~ 0 '\/r: ~'...";.:;' ~:"l T ~~~, '.;'/'T r.lIT'-:: I 1'! ~;AII) --- 99 _. . of land vr:L th tJ-,o I1DT10 of t }-to owner end t~le m..lJ11 ns,'3os~Jo(L ac:,alnst h).In or it for snch :1'mrove,lents n.!l :~_ ;.:;}) f: n. ct.'.': toe oae:l po.rtlo.l:.a:,'ment to 110 ;:mde ,?I1J, tJ.-1(~'; (1" [1'\'. ViJ ,~" e Ij t}-~c:; S ['1..:':,0 ~)J:I3.J.l ;)8 delinql)_e'~t is sot fortI} in clota.1.1 i 11 tLJC as G e 3 :::r::18nt lis t :'_ol'eto ntttlct::eCi. lnar]:ec} Sehed1J.le II AI! , Ilnd mc.do a part llereof; tria t tlJ.O S ovoro.1 :oJ -llr1~':; set opposite t1::o J."1. rl',',".~.e [3 of t}-.o ovrnOT':J and t~e dcscr.1bod lots arJ.(i l")8.rcols of lar,(i be, all.U the Sf'L':,""!,e arc -I }~l81"}e1~)7~7" , l' [;'Joct~lvel~/ 10\1.i,o(1 an;:,! r:.f;sc8sed uno']} an.d ar'aL;st 8ald described. lots and -C)8.l'ce 13 of land to det'r";: t}LO eost a(:d eXDerJSO of CO'IS tr"\H~ t:i.ne; and ''"jnJd.ll'' so.ic1 i'rr;rove'TJents yr:L t.hin saie] District; t1., c, +. t}".e sovero.l su::ns SC1 D.S[3e3~_~e(1 .be iOO '.!,I C ~.~: _................---.--..~~--""-,,~~.._,'.. "r": '; 10"\: '? .'." - , J ;r..,~r .,-'. T" :'~ r1i~;,-.:'. '\"~,'~. (~: ..:;..:~ rl).'".:.":": :J()l~-l Y'fIj".T: . 31t?t, 1.J" "\f~:~~l-<, ".C Ii~:) I~.:~." l'~ :~~; i:) ~~l Ir:; ">'~ '\ -. -i-' 'J?rU :,-':/-'''''' '! .:< 'II L,r C'TE1T ',r:., --n --:,:;1 . 290. C I I:C-~":" '0"" '<~~~.-- _.".~_. ~.)'. \1 '~. J-J,; '~7 .,-, "T""- "...,. .'TT/.:~~_:,:::"<~ ll.~i /;. 'i) (~I',~,'2l"(j ;~.:;',,':"I.... .. i~i(" ..~:- __::'.:.'l._'.~P,I'\'" C..J::,\,T'. ~,,~, f~~.' at at 2,- :ce'.",:~~,-,I,l~::\I' ~:~O~:,~:):J,.,Cl1 c>f' t~:,.~e ()o":~,.:'~'LifJ:=).~cr1 o.:c t}\C Cit:r o ,:.i.'. ~:'::; c~,,~ D,l"J.~ 1"'.LG J.c. 011. "]:")1 (J Ct;/., .L:,~ e 2C) ty.L (,n.-,y O,,'i. e-;.') te'~':.:li:.,~ e I) ':1 ]. S ~~) f)., C oln:~'lI;J ::; .',:" 0 :".,.~. !~'i~ c ~3 1-1,1 t1_ c,;~n .J'. ;314 1.'[[',3 d"lc:)"u,:~;oo 1'1.1),} ,'~,Jopto(:: 'c:,il.9. t :c1a=td (';o:'(L:;l::;r;:Lyn ,Cc~:} l'nt:loi 1 v1e;:.:; o.:c:c! I ~"") C"I '""f:J.1"'1 c; , C1 C"1 () -"" ('""I (', ~ (.I-,'~ ,-:,\Y' - ,f~ ~~{' '.',,'(..... r~ ., -.~ 1 q"' -"'! ,:::. ' .;"'.1" '~ 1"---- -'i Y C',_ . ~'- -f.,,,,.,,.,>" ,,~ ':'..\_,,~ ""'\ ,_ U~~)~'''~'C"ft ,,)p~~~Lal ft"h'~~')ll~:'L'G O,L vcL",:,.) '1"~~1 ,,,,.1.1 t".o ::1 U,.1or L, LJ 'j()OC.L,.J,.,:H ovec:'. t . Lhstr:Lct:.O. ;!,';)\):L S8Ld l):Lty,CO dolro::r l~be CODt allCl axpo'.t'Cue ()'L cm'sb:'1'.ct:L~i!' and ]'lakI.1V: t:'lO J.:ii)l'ove,'wnt:; vJit}'::I)'i said Dl::Jtl'Jct, to-\Fi.t: T1e"'in!LLru': at a -ac)'Lnt in t"lo S01Jt}'1 lino o.f\.aln Street 1()0 :::'oot e8.:1t of 0.110 jntoI'section of tho ca~;t line of ;'J01.1t}\ ; ',lc.c)., 1\.\70nue ,nt:! t}Le [3(1) J.lIW of "ain ~;treet; U:e'll.'c:.'O:::t 2,lc;~'),:i~',:) 30l,i.;:'l lino of j,Lftln ~)troE3t t(j D.1)oint 10 feet \'JCEJt of 'c:J8 we:::t line o1'::1ont1:1 I~,L1Gl~ "I.venue; tJ)cnco south alon(( a 1.iJ.lc parallel to and 100 :Ccc t c1:i.s tant from the ,,:,foresa:1.Cl, we::: t line of i.;out:\:n~J,cJ{ Avcn;e to t>1C p:)ir\t of' :i.nter:':1cct:i.01i or the sa1,c1 narallo1 line Y!:t~~l~. tJ.l0 nort;l line of J:ast ]'1.n::)coc1:: Stroet; t.hence O~l.'t alon;: ::a;,eJ lIortJ:. IJne of;'.:n:,:t Babcock ;,,;trcet to ft DO:Lnt 10D feet cast: 0:L' ti.1C 00.:..: t; line 0:[' i:;m.l.tl:~ 1':18C1.:: Avenue; ti,e:nco nor!:;:: a:Luc" a line paraLLel to a1L(1 100 feet eJistm't frcnl1 t}w cw:,t Ilne of said ~30nth aei: AVC1"';;C, 'so \~'c ~)oir:t or>e'''~l'min.c'; -'.:;, DaieT (~o:"mis:;Io.n TicsollJ,tic"J1i:o_ 314 Inno','i on "j,1o :Ln the of:'ice 0 the ('~] ~'~.)l- ,)i~" .L-', ,,-~ j:~"~i-. r:~f~~-'!' .--, <:,i ""',-j,,~ .t- ~"("\ -=:~- ('"'1 ('.I -.t. ,". .C~o~ c, . ,''I'. ('"'- r) ,t.1'i -:-::\ (r::~l .1,"~--.C1 "-"T'" ")uC.t./" (.. '".'.0 ,--,0,,,.,([..(,,::.>.,.1..01,., ul),t",C;,C" '.".~ ".__cloD."C '..1.0." .L"r --.1.. nOl..I__..) OJ. .c.,.V,., \'." ',.'.'__',",.0 U,Y ().r"~T 'Jer30nB :"LntercDteL ..,t ::.I'r:'Lcta;;, t}\.o 40.:1. a'r of UGtor--icr. 1 !o>, eu:; ?: 3 0' cJ.ocL: . ., o:C said cIa;'-, r>t ~';' e rC"'iJ.:"CH" :::0;')31.01:''- C~C tl!c ~Ja:l.:" o,:"';,.1:;::~on of t:.'o C;lt.:_ of -:-") r~ ~'. '.lq '.., i") -I... t"'l".. r- ( "!"1""rr".. -'" ,~. .:. ,. ( "'\', '. ,. ~~'~ '~'~-"',) i".~ -.. -~'~-:- .1 r.r l -\ -;-"}.'.1 -~ ] .J: .:" '.... '."'" .;,-', t-' ..)." .L .,,:" .t,-.,\: : r'l ,-~, ~-'" ~ , 0"., to '","" , '.i, L> .1. Ie '" ).; ..,,,L1.. ,co ,) J. J., OLL .I...'. ,",i ,.C -, ,L~, __a.~ ,.", l..",J.IJ.,', 0 .I., '." __L C ,I.. v,;, . '.....,~ u e C n '-i('),!'"','.~!""'"'I .,)'-r.~.j . ('1 -*_l.1,~ ,J-~....118 .f")1~-H":.1 -,:'1 "'1" .~,"T~'''', , ""-1:1 '\.,,1'1-1""- .L.~.,() <.10. .IOr:,' .:"""\.\.~".~"'~',"-:.'.--\ ,.-.-."1 ."..':"lr."J" t").,~ ~,! I L c., ,.:.> .L i :,Jl '_ l.';" ,1.:, l,' .,0 I" ,L-'-I ,Le. .~..,____ Jon"" 0 ,,::I01:'L aJ._c.,- ,':. ,.C r ";.. 0.'-.., .:, ._",1..1,', " 0 ",.L, ,.j~, ,,__ if:. ,11.. J.c_ . ,-Co ..,,1 '-""1. lC T)C1.~J;:-~ 11,nn',v', CL:n"'.,, ,;:l,i~i,(:'~ clll O-:~,')-ic:ctlo:n.;J t_:,-I,. ~ .;::,.',L(.t~;/ ..~)O },'l:.ac."Le -co t~~' c ~Lirl.c_] -:').:=.;_3:,'\~1 ,'-~I_j,'..:~,.:: :.'.1.()"O~:).~~1or) O:C :1 [1 :;", :j, .;. 'L C ,S () 111 t.:i. OIl 0" 2) 1 '1-; , flrJ,Ct t1"lG 1 e"T"v7;/. j,,, Jl,rJ; 0 f ;] ,~'t ~i... CL (1~) ~':.~ C ,3 ~~1 '.r:,lC rl t ~ C~J.'.l :,~,_ t:: :~; ;. t 2_~, D_ =i_, Cl S()lll.J~~~ Or~ ~\,-:=tl~J. -!'-~(-=~ J~~1._:.lQll~/ -')[lDS8(J. ~lrJ..r::.J r:"c},Or)t(;cl r;_.~~ ;3::.\:":_C':.,, X. :~!,.r~ ~2C:_~J::) ~ O~,.'.;. 4 /.I.~t J,._ ~"} .,., 01l,S } ::'"l :.~ 0 ~C C~ ~~ t e .::2 ,i'. TI C Ii C ,'I~' C 1~II 0 '.' t C) C O,~.;lrn:i_ ::.:3 ~:-~ ~~ () ~'-~ ;',".~,c C ~J () ].. :,} t .i_ (; .J ~ 2 ~-,~12 t) eel o.r ~i :",\:: it to JC tJ,.I:; i.il[;C;l.It:;;O() of '~":() COmrniiJi.:jon to Gr;,ato ocl.D,l J,,1jJre'lGl'.:,"t i'Jtl"~ ct ::.0. 2 .' and :'; or G.!.::, oS ;;':: on ;':CJ ::: 01 c) t :"yn .io. 2 ;'?, 6, ere at 1 )'i,': ,: T)C c i a1 ,L ,::):r' ov C.i":n tlJi ,'] tr:t. e t. o. 5"2()() ,.,'or con:.:; tJ:~pc t:L:l? nncl lilal:in{1 the irmrovcTlen t:', l::: crcj(l. ih;,:;ocJ tl,:i.:3 21:3'; de,y 0'.' :,c)")'t;e',ni:er, H)~)5. c2' "['" / "" /.1/' ..1:) .' ..' /',' ~:':: .--/: 'c. . ,ca-iU{-'L/,/__.l. . ~. L~ (.(_.,_._,. (,,101':= of. 1:;1-'0 CO!:lr,rj,:::1:.;~.on I, Cr1.1~01~,-n ;.:estlal~o, C;ler~' o5.'\:;))e C;O'Tl:LS,;:1cc," of' t:lc':lt,.. 0'" C)z(;'''r']),'',croh,l" cCI'ti.f:;:' t1:/',[; the f'oro:~o:tr:g ~:oticcLn 1'0 Com:L.:J,,:io, ,c,.~ :!ut:Lon c. ;1;,1,'; of" t!le CIt.,":" J' r:.~()~?e ;U1J.l,., Vln.L~~ .;'-)ll"~)l=Ls :8(1 :n t J_8):1., t'.f": ~i~:'1. T.lle ~jozlc:,.~;<'~"T: .L,~~nj".'~~.. (~";.':.I)O}"1icJ.:.'-)" D, "~,.,1 1'1(:V/3- ")aneI' oJ' ;'r,CI1Cl'f'.1 cirC'..11at:i,on, nl':i.ntccl aL'c} OlJbJ:l~;:l:L8j 11; :;ru.Cl C::lty, 1:', l;>:c',8;:n:c of' ~k;ntc':!lJCr ~D., 1935--, an.:.1 t,,:t (il)O Droor of' :'}9-:L(1 T)l~b~i:i.cnt;.o:n \Jr1U F;'vJO ~l:"l;':tlecl in F'" offi ce. I .-i--.-,,; ~"~.'r:i'l~. (1 ':"':.",.,!,'r~'(""I.:';1 '''!'' .1.. '" "){:\ .,"', ('~~~ ,- Y"'-;;-' 'l'.-,:":_j'-: r:J..'.':! .'.;""'i" ;" ',",\ I.~!-\, l 'I' ;'....1"'\'.." _,:O~..,~ ~.'\p .1,-- "..,..~j, ., _...,,"__" ,'c J.1Cl~lJ.nt__, ..)~t "".' fl....!';,', ,....Ll, a"...__Lj" ". C "''-,8..., 0". ",,, OJ_.Jl,~. G.lli..S 21:3 t ()'D.'I of ::;0~)i;e1:1!:)CT, 1. D;j;S. , . / I~.-__.. ,/' / " ;' "i.. V ~'<v i." ,/( ////. p ."', C('L~.':J!r~4LL"~" ,,__1.__ .(ff~1"-"",-._._ ( "r" O'fY t \., e ( ). ........,.. (,,,.' 0 . ,- ..!~..t~~ ,;,. ,/~)i ./_.1. -., '..)( ,i!:_..:..~t_ L.,) .'jJ~ 11 i Resolution Ko. 314