HomeMy WebLinkAboutResolution 313 Construction of SID No. 289 9.) I~ J?roo11\e1ld cmE',nSSION IU,;SOLU'l'TOlr 1,;0. 313 lion'" Ch'-'c~ed "".t,.. ?,) - l q - --... A l\j:SOLU'I'T01T OI' 'l'1m COM;,:ISSION or 'l'IIE CI'I'":T 02 nO:::':F'TA:, ~_..._..._~~_.. M~_"'-"-"--""''' 1A _~J--_...._--- T:l01:'T'A-,iA, LT'~V"~~~ Ai,r D A~) m,; s ~..~ A Q CIAL AS~;TI:s'n"'TI' OF k,) ~ _ ~ _ _ .. ~ ,7_ rI'AX.'::3 '{:TPCilT ALL 'j';m PEOPEH'I'Y Ii': SPECIAL H1PHOVEMENT ])1::;-- rI'IU CT lW. 2e~) IJ:J 1'IIE CI'!'Y OF P,OZJ::riAI', CO lflYl'Y 0 Ii' CU\.LL 1\'J: Li~ , S'.CA'I'I~ 0'" I.'jOI'T'A'>iA, 'W jJT=":f\..Y 'L'II1~ (:08'1: or' CC!:S'l':(:rC'.i.'Il~G I'.1:D -,'AKJ'}r~ '~'" :UP;;()\TJ;:-,:'::;r'J:'~) \','J'I' '1 Tl'I SA:;D ,'j?!,;c-liU_J I:- "I' I DI ~)'1'I\ I ell' }.;O. 2",9. ";.:i~.~'.~}~I{:::;:l~S , the Commission of the City of Bozeman, did, on the 11th day of January, 193E:i, d--ul;r all.cl reglllarly pass Co:m:m,ission Hesolution lio. 230 en- titled: "A Hl';SOLU'l'IO:ri 0':' T:m Cm,ll.[ISSIUN OF' 'nf!' .,'-- OT,1 Bm;;i:~~'AH, S'I'A'.L'E OF ;,lOl<'I',A,Nl\., 9a BOZEf':AiT, S~"ArllE O~-? ~",ICiT L'./\,-:'-.l\.: , Sect'on I. That to defray the cost and expense of constructing and, making the improvements in said Special Lllprovemcnt District no. 289, there be, and tJ-Jere is hereby lev:1.ed and assessed a tax amounting to the Sl.Dn of three Hundred I Seventy Five Dollars and Twenty-Five Cents ( ,. upon all the property in said .',7\""'" f) .- :;;,075. (,,5) Special I:npro'Jemont Dis tri ct ITo. 289; that a particular description of each lot and parcel of land vd th tb,e name of the OWiJor and the sum aSeJossod against hi;, or it for such inmrovements and the m~ount of each partial payment to be made and the day when tho same shall be delinquent is set forth in detail in the assessuent list hereto attached, 111ar1;:ed Sched'llle II A", and made a part hereof; tho. t the several sums set opDoslte the narle s of the ovmers and the described lots and parcels of land be, and tI'le same eTe hereby, respectively levied and assessed lX80n and a;~8.:Ulst said desc- ribed loi-;s and parcels of land to defray the cost ancl expense of constructing and 1T1.::'11::tng the said imDrovenlOnts wi thin 13 aid District; that the several sums so ass- ~)4 -1U'~ ~- J"'layO~ Attest: ~/ .' / . ;L_- ..' , ~W~..) I ({ /<- >-1.-1' -.' I. . - . - . --'" _~a+v,:.;.l.. .,J...., - ' . '--~'- Clorlc ,00110 Coromission No'rICE - .- -- ..,...... ~.- -..... EEAitr::~, r,'I l;I\.L ADO :P'I'I OJ: CHi' HEi:;:I,(jII,' T::l' 1TO. ;313 L}~\TY"T (} ~\~::~ ~,,::,1~';:3 1~.':):',..':I:;,:'~<' I'~.l ;) PI~: C T ,t~J..J I ~ ~ 2 ~'~~ (Y\lT":~,/::i.~-.~" ~i LI :,', ,'- ~ :,'i~~ - Ll:C' rn_:J'I'HICr.L' IJO. 2::9, CITY 0::" -',C:LE;-A ,JTOHr.cfi T3():.~<I~:;,\.',.; A}T 1\."T\JI!~I\.f .'J~:J,;~J.i.'! iiIJ...;" P1-~.':'(" ~.::./~,,~ JJ S rrllIL~:;/I' S . lW'L'ICE 1:_: ::EE'{ ,IV]2::, That at a re[;11_10.r session 0:;" t}ie Co:yunission of tree C:tt.y of BozeE1an, held on Friday t1'1e 20th day of September, 1935, Comrnission Heso- h:tt:ton ITo. 313 was duly pas:3ec: o.nd adopted; tilat said C01'n:mis3101:' HesoLltion Levies an(1, as:-Jesses 0. s}Jec:Lal aSDessment or taxes niJor; all the propert:.'" in Special Im- pro7ement Dis trict 110. 239 in said C1 ty, to clei'1'Ll7:." tho cost and o.:x:penso or con- str1Jcti:ng and t:lal-;:inl:; t~le L1provm:lents witlJ:tn said District, to-vr:tt: T)eginninp; at a poInt in the north lIne of east Main Streot 100 feet east from the cast line of I30zeman Avenue North; thence Vl0S t a 1011[; trle no1't11 line of said East Nain street to a po~_nt 100 feet '"'west of the west Ltne of' :)::l:td E\ose.'an AV8nuc r:orth; ~L'heD. C. enol". t.. h..Da.... r... a11e1. \.'.'. :~.Lt.-.h a....nd 100..... :f:..'.eot ..\'I1e. st Of. .. I said west line of Bozeman Avenue ~orth to tlw center 1:1.ne of l';"st Mendenhall street; thence cast along the center line of said East Mendenhall . streot to a poInt 100 feet oast of the e~st linB of :'.aid 30z81;1o.n Avenue Nortll; thence soutJ.:!_ pal~a1- leI with and 100 feot east of ~ai cast line of Bozeman ,Avenue :North to the place of beginrting". That, said Commission Resoll1tion j[o. 313 is liOW on file in the office of the Clerl{ of the Comnis:::;-'on, subject to inspection for a period of (5) days by an~F persons lnLerr.o stet). Thot Friday-, the 4th day of October, 19(')5, at 7: ;30 P .IE., of ,<;a:td cia;,", at t'.'1_o regular session of the said Cornnission 0:[ tile Cit~{ of BOZ01\lan, at .I.>e C rl"O"",,,,_. )' 1)0 '""1 4,'. C-"t"lf 1"-..11 T' ol'-i-',.-",. ,,-, "<'-'d' C-'-'t"T ',' c' 1_.." ,~c;~ -""'. t d v.d_ O..,lLU.>.> ,,-,"L cr, \ 01:1 ll. (,lie -L.r ~la _ .\_-,1.1__'-- _L,"() O_L ..e,....__.I. il:" ;.,1>.> JGen C,e>.>l, La e' 8.S t:10 time and -olrJ_ccwlwll and vl1':,e1'e tile said ComnifJsioL vrill hear and pass l.1.pon any and all ob,icctions tb_o..t In.ay bo nade to tl1e final passac;e and adoption of said Resolution No. 313, ahd the 1evyl:c-)c; of said aSiJOs:_1J"Lent, a:n[1 tlwt said Hesol1J.tion wIll be finally passed and ado~,~,ted at said regular ses :;::on. All T)crsons interested arc referred to ComLliss:Lor: Hesc)Jl't::_on No. 2CO, de- claring j, t to be the intent:ion of tIle Conmiss:i_on to cren,te Spcc,j_al Improvement Di3- tr:.ct No. .2~:~9.." and .com:miS~;jon ..H.eS.Ol...ut.:ion ::To. 21.34.'.. crcat:i.rtf. Special Inr;wovcment D13- I tri c t T~o. 2139 :['01' COIlS trl'ctl.:nc 8.l': d ;;^Iaklnr:o trio ililprOVC?;tent s tl-::erelrL. D'a+-e-I .....,].. '" "lot (.'a-'- 0"', c~e1J+'p"~'OC'-1' 10'0'1: (~l..r 1St l..;,i.,.:1 ~ t:J k) ,.(.. ~ ,/ .J.. \....... ::_ l.J ::/.1~'" ,I, ,,J '-...,.)~). /~ /' / / \,/ /- . /...-/ ~._~.. ~. ,L/~'~"'/""" . __. ' . . __ . . __ . . _.k_ _-I: .. .. ,;..L. . --'---'~------ Clerk or u20 Comnlsslon .- Resolution No. 313 95 I, Ca.rolyn VIes tlal:e, Clerk of the Commission of' the C1 t~T of Eoze::Ian, certify th'1t th_e 1'01'0:';0.1-1"1['; CO"l1J~liss:ton Hesolntion Eo. 313)f the City of DOZemc.n, was D1Jblishcd at lengtl: in tYee Bozeman Daily Chronicle, a daily newspaper of gen- eral circulation, Drintecl and DeJ:Jlishcd in said City, in the :'1. sr31lO of September 21, I U)3t> , ~'-TI(1 thnt clue Droc.)f of ::Ja:ld publication was made and filed in nw office. I J; 'In t:I-::j :j \ 1 llcreunto set my hand and affix the seal of my office V-' N nlct ('jay of <:e-)-t"e"'lber 1(;)35. .J..I.~.L \..;') ?.J.:> ,J~" '. t....} .. ,~ v" 11 , ./.......... G/ // It. .. .'/') ---'~"""" . 1--/...- '.. L/". ./. r.l~L1.lLc-"-.'--- Cler};: 0 - )ChC COlH1iliG GLOn .1 . . . I