HomeMy WebLinkAboutResolution 312 Lighting District No. 300 H~) ~t React .. c..'heCkOd -..J...:,( (, . 'i j Corrrmission Resolution ITo. 312 B ...........-...-.. _. "'-r ....""..........._&_--~......-10"'- "" A RESCLrFr:~Ol! OF 'l'ITE COLU:~ISSIC:N Of<' T}IE CITY OF' BOZI';:':AN, HOlJi'I\}fA, JY<CL./\HIlW 1'1' '1'0 IJE 'l'ITT: L-r'1'r:=ITIOlJ Oi:' SAID COL1- I.IIc.3::.>ION TO CIILAT";-;: SPECIAL n:PHOVEla':I':T LIGJ-:~n:'lG D13- TIn G11' NO. 300 Fon 'l'EE punpo::)E OF II.JSTAI,LIlfG ./\.J\D I\!AIN';':' 'I' A I I: IIi (~ 1,; I G:; _L'I:: (, :2y:;'rET,I ~eo LIG 'T rJILL~)Oi,; AVEN1JE --..". 90 Section 6 Area Of Said District 'rhe total area of said d:istrJ ct 1s Pifty-Six 'l\housand (56,000) square feet.. The area of the corner lots to be assessed at twice the rate of the inside lots is Fifteen Thous ru1d Six I~undred Eighty (15, (80) sq1Ir'lre feet.. I Section 7 Rate Of AssesDment 'rho estim.'1ted rate of asse3:;~ment per square foot of the area of said District to defr~y the cost of l~stallation as aforesaid is $0.005 per square foot for ins:tde lots and approxima tel:'/ ~?O.Ol per square foot for corner lots. Sectlon 8 Cost Of LlahlteEance '). <,J... -, _ t- f t','I' .' 1 . t "'t f "'- -j-t -j. -', 'f '" c' lir;l to .. 1 '" 1 - 1 n e"" LJ.L1.l8. e 0 .1.,.0 ap I., OXlua e co"" 0,0...11 a_"n.LJ Li:) '-'u 11 c.1~, ane ",l,P plyin~ oloctrical current therefor for the first year i~) One Hundred Fifteen Dol- lars (':;!l15.. 00) , of which three-fourtrJ.s (3/4), Eight-Six Dollars ( i'. 0 6 ' 0 ) is to 91. IJOTICE H; HE C07,1::IISSICr~: rC~S()LurI'IOH NO. 312 Notice is hereby given tb.a t at a regular session of the Cormnission of the City of Bozeman, state of ]...10ntana, held Priday, September 20th, 1935, the Connnis- I sion of tb.e Ci t;r of Bozeman passed and adopted Com~nission Resolntion No. 312 de- claring its intentj,on to create Special Improvement Lighting District lio. 300, for the purpose of lighting 'Hillson Avenlle, "'ortL, betwecm the north line of 'Nest Main Street and the south line of T-:lendenhal1 Street, in said City, and the operation and lilaintenance of such lighting system. 'r11e general chara.cter of the improvement proposed is to erect, maintain and operate six ornamental lamp posts with 2500 lumen electric lamps and underground cables to carry the electric current therefor and all suitable and. nocos;5ary ap- D 1 i anc e s . '.D1.e estiI:k'ltecl cost of installat:i.on of said improvement is Four Hundred. Eighty Dollars ( ,1;480.00) , and tIle estimated yearly cost of maintenance is One I.Iunell'eel 1"if- teen Dollars (';'IF' 00) that three-fourths (3/4) of the cost of such installation ~.:,) _ ~J. ; and maintenance is to be assessed against the property within the boundaries of sald district, on the area basis, and the area of the corner lots wi th:LD said. dis tric t to be dou.bled; tha t payment of the