HomeMy WebLinkAboutResolution 329 Vacate Alley in Block 46 .--......,--,.-..-., ,. --..---..- .--- 157 co~rri.S:~IC)N RJ.i;SOLlE'ION NO. 329 Proor nt'-&<1 A n:SSOLlyrr1IOlf 0::7 I'HE CmFHS;JION 0:::' TIE: CI'I"{ OJ' I30Z:~;::.:AN, T'(HT'r I\.. -:IT '\. and Ohecked. ,!.l J:.',;, _:.: bl' --P...~2Q-::.JJ DECLA~(C:'L JT TO ~= '-,.'HE ]j~'.L'T:TT'i' I U IJ 0 P '~'T.m C TT~'~ 0 T," :: 0 ~:;:: "JUJ 'I'OV"ACJ\.rI'~:: 'Ci-IE =WRT1I 250 FEET o Ii' ~lFE ALLEY IN BLOCE: 46, -..J!.i.C. .......... :?J\.m~ ADDI'l'rON rrO TH1:~ CITY OF BOZF;:~Alj, ACCaRDI ':"(1 TEE -"'-~-...- ()}?"!:~ I C I /\.1.1 :~?Lj~r~ I'~ ~-~J::::I:;~ " () JT '/J}.-Il~r{i:f~ .P~S : '1':1e City of 30ZC~i1an has acqllired nroperty for ::n1blic playc;round purposes I :in THocI: 1]6, Po.1':: .i\dcHt:i.on to the City of ?:\M;o:nan, :;:'torl to.rlft, accordi.vlr to t118 official plat thereof, ___._n_...._.._ l5R IIA 1-rr."C'()IT"JTC'"IlTT OF ']'ITEi' Co'n"l" (' (,-,- C)I,J (')'''' 'l'''T''':'' (;1':'1',( (),";' DC)':?'::"': 1\",1 ~~()'\rITl ^I..'A, I"'~l'i'- 1 ..:......J0.. 1~_ ,,1. J.\j _.. ~.lJ. ._,.,.,,),.1,_. I.)~..)...L . .,_, ..1.__..,..., _J""..L ~,. _ .'. ,. ~ ,'...J.I,.J,...l ..1..., .j",,, l~ 11.'~ J", ..I".,.J C'LAH1HG IT TO p.~ '1'.;r::..: IWrIITJ TION 0-:-.,1 TJJECI~.'"'{ 01" Bo:m:",JlJ\' '1'0 VACf\.'EE iI'TT~;WRTH 250 PEET OF '1'EE .ALT, 11; BLOCK 46, P.^P""~"DDlt.nON '1'0 'I'j:.c; CI'I'Y OF BO~:'.Ei1Al,!, ACCmWTNG '1'0 frEE OTi""ICIf\.T, PLA'l' '.CEEEEOF. II was adopted and ~assed" The portion of mid alley DropoaeJ to ~e vacated is described as follows: 'I'}:;e Dort;l 2f.sO feet of the alla:'7" in J'310c1:;: 4G, Park A:1cU. tion to the Ci ty of ',)'OZOjllfU1, :lon tana, accord:in'''T to ';:he o,:.f~~,,~~n.l "'jl'}t thereof. I ''''L''J" , t ,:;- .. '1,," th.o 04 .'-", l 'C'" P 2 ". 1 1"jC' ., t 7. '70 D '.' ,f' '" ~ .'i ct. . t '..1.... .. . ..la.. rlC aJ, L~. C,! L .' 0.,,, ",pr.l, ".,)b, a H),,, ~ """, G ...,al," ay, 3. 1.",10 reg- , . .' ~ ~ 'r' _ .'1 1-, .-. T ('1 ",.'" ~ -j n ."n +.' n 1.", -!"'-r J:-l.. ... '" ; -~ .L"\T ~ S .."t" ellar mOLt,~n{, Dlace of t.w C.Lt" vOm,TIlS,.,",.jn 1.. ,-,h... C ~',/ .all of tho C"f>,! 0" .c.ozo,nan, ~ontana, is the time and place dosicnated by said Resolution No. 329 for hearing ob- jectloDs to the action proposod to be ta,ken pUrS1Jant to s,'dd Hesolut:Lon b 7T the adi--'ntion of an urdinance zivin~ effect to the intention in said Resolution declared, and when and whore any and all persons ownin~ property abutting said alloy proposed to bo vacated and cliscontinued'JurlJJ1ant to the aforesaid Hesolution of Intention, ;'n'" a'noaar and show cause, if any t},.8;'; lVeve, a,ainst sai(l PI'o"(Jose:l vacation. Objections T;IaY be made orally or in wrl tinr:. :.r:;"lis notice is fiven T)1J"rUi3ant to the provisions of Section f)494, 1\. C. I.:Ol"1tana, 1921. Dated this 83t11 (3.:';" of I'Tarch, I D~,)6. 13,'," order of the Cor:tlni;:3s:Lon of' tllO City of I3ozc....~nr', licmtana. C i f~Ji;ran-[l'~er"-~--- .--'"- ATCg'~ ~ I. ,;Z{~~,-..,,::.~A#~~:~~.~,- C1.or]{ of tlJ8 Commission ,"- f H t ) ,:ita te 0" ",~on ana Count"", of Gallatin ) as City of Bozeman ) I, I,. G. ShGdoan, Clor~;: of tbe Comm:Lssion of the Cltv of BOZO':lilll., do hereby certify that the foroijo'ng Fotice In He, COlm-nission Hoso111tion J\o. 329, City of' Bozeman vms nublished at leD[jtll i:n the EozemaD Daily Chronicle, a dn Hy newspaper of General circulation, printed and published :in said Ci ty, in the issue 0:::' 1",Tarch 23, 19;36, and that (lue proof of sald pU'Jlicatlon W8.S made and ",:'iled in my of'.f'ice. IH 'HIT1~:;33 'if[iEI\:2::~OIc, I hereunto set my hand and affLx the seal of my office this 8th day of April, 1930. /~:' '/ . .' v&--" / it ~,,--,,~, c.,.' t'" . - ..~--,.__.~-"'.__....- ./lel'l<: of the COlmnission I Hesolnt:Lo~J c:. (;29