HomeMy WebLinkAboutResolution 324 Construction of Sidewalks in SID No. 293 ._..... _u___...__._._... 141 J'rcxJf .1"~"'J\:.t u,.~'Hl (' 'h.>.:.~.~....(} ~.....J..~)} >.> ~(~... ...._ COIJIT.lISSI0l1 RESOLUTION NO. 324 ......dht:.L~.m...._-. A RESOLUTION or TIm COT,P'-:rSSION O? '.nm C2I'Y Or:' BOZEI';;AH, iJO'tI'I'AlJA LEVYING AND ASSESSING A SPECIAL ASSESSMENT OF TAXES UPON ALL 'rITE PI\oPERTY IN SPECIAL IMPROVEMENT DIS'I'RIC'I' NO. 293 n~ THE CITY OF DO ZET,!AK , COUlr'rY OJ:?' GALLA'i'Il!, S'l)A'!:X~ OD' W~)1\rTj\J.rA, TO DEPRAY TEE COST or' COHsrrlmC'rIN(~ AND MAKING 'TEE n.~PROVE]','IEl':T~_~ 'NITIIIN SAID SPECIAL -..."....-.--"..---- --.---..--.. .--.. 142 lots and parcels 0.1' land to defray the cost and expense of constr11ctinr; and malc:i.nr~~ the said improvements within said District; that the severD.l 811ms so assesseel be collected from the respective owners of said lots and parcels of land descr:ibed in sa:id assess- mentlist Schedule itA" as required by law; that the payment of said snms sliall be made , in 21 installments and the payment of said installments shall extend over a period of 20 years; that the payment of thB resuective annual installmcnts shall be made on or I before the 30th d8.Y of' Novorr:.ber, of eacs!. year, until payment of all the installments to~ether with the :Ultere<:; t thereon shall be Hl.ade; that said S,..I.JT1S shall be p::dd and the collection thereof shall be m1.lde in the manner and in accordance ':Ii tJ1 tb.e law Govern- ing the collection of special jm::Jrovement ta.xes; tIca t fnilure to pay such assessments vIhen the same shall become due ar'd payable shall make such persons and said lots and parcels of land liable to the penal ties provided by Im'l rela t:ive to delinq1.J.ent taxes. Section 2. 'l:hat the regular sesEJion of the Comrnission of tbe City of Bozeman to be held in the Cm.1J:~ission Hoom, in the City Hall of said City, the 3rd day of January, 193;5, at 7:30 d'clock P.M., be, and the same is hereby designated as the time and place at which objections to the final adoDtion of this Resolution will be heard l)y the Commission. Section 3. That the Clerk of the Com;-nission of the City of Bozemanbe, and he ...._~ ~.""'(~ tt ;. n, i 148 #tl ~ ~1 (' }h.~~; k t ~lt '-/3-L,3 -............_~..., --. - .... NOT ICE -.....H_~_!.. --'""..n' ------ HEARING, FIlIAL ADop:[1ICnr OF Rr~SOLU'-rI():H NO. 324, LEvynw J'\.SSESSr,lEN'I' SPECIAL I2PROVE~ENT DISTH!CT NO. 293, CITY OF B07:ET,'!A.lJ, S I ,~'<TI-r A "ll!~:~,.r TJI~; [~J.;; ~L~~:.:~~~'F~I;~I\T COLLT<;GJi; AND CLIVELA]il) :nT~EE'l';:),