HomeMy WebLinkAboutResolution 334 Construction of Sidewalks, Year 1936 .---....- --.-..------...-...-....--..----.-.----------.-- -.--......----..----..... 1.72 COMMISSION RESOLUTION NO. 334 ~b>'O> " ~~'i-~ '>''?--'''/ A RESOLUTION mi' 'rITE CO::LIISSION OF 'l'ITE CITY OF :'OZEIIAN PHOVIDnm &- I,' FOR THE CONC;THIJCrrION OF SIDEV;ALKS AllD CURBS IN rr:i'm CITY OF , "1 y.," 1', ..- DOZE\l1\.N DURITJ(} 'l'1m YE\R 1936 \'iITI-IOlJ'I' 'rIm FOlnU,TION OT~' A /7 SPECI AL nlPROVET~ENT DISTRI CT. "VV II ERE A S . ------- . The CJ. ty En,sineer havinc; heretofore on the 14th day of ~.ay, 1 D()G, Sllb,d tted to the Commiss :ton of the City of ~3ozeman, A Report showin~ sidewalks and curbs in bGd I concll tion which should be repaired or replaced, loc.'ltlons INhere no sldewalks ho,ve been constructed, and new s idewallcs should be cons truc ted; locations where driveways adja- cent to paved streets should be constructed or reconstructed; all of which is set forth in Schedule "A" attached to said Renort, which Schedule H.AII ShO\'IS the name of the owner a descrintion of the pro~erty, and the ell',1,rae tel' of the work to be done, and Vlhj_ crl s>eedu1e flAIt is hereto attached and made a part hereof; tIia t saie! Heport and Schedule "A" have been submi tted to the Commission pursuant to th.e provisions of OrcUnance No. 561, entitled: It AN OHDINANCE GOVERNING 'rITE C()NSr:L'ltUCrrI eN AND INSTALLATION OF ..----.-.-- 1~~3 - .,~. after the date of tho :'3 ervice of su cJ} notice to cause such sidvvalks or curbs or other ?oncrete vlOrk to be constructed, the City shall construct or cause such sidewall\:s ,or . curbs, or concrete worl:, to be constructed, and shall assess the cost thereof, includ- ing engineering costs amI the costs enumerated in Section 5216, Political Code, E.C.l.l. 1921, ar;ainst tho propert~y in front of which the same is constructed; I VI ThRt to defray the cost of construction of said sidewalks and curbs, and any other concrete work b- .L" City, as herein provided, the assessment therefor shall "e spread uno over a term of five Y02rs, payment to be anille in eqlwI annual installments;