HomeMy WebLinkAboutResolution 342 Removal of Snow, Year 1936 'J04 ,. " ~1i~~}'// COMJ\HSSION RESOLUrl'ION NO. 342 tr // '1'llE COlilMISSION OF THE CI'"L'Y OF B02T;:;;:AN LEV'l- 'Y A RESOLUrrIOH ~,:\r' l:W Aim ASS:S:SSING A SP:SCIAL ASSES~)iin';N'I' OF' TAXES UPON CEHTAIN y' PHOPEnr.rIES IIi 'I'I:: CITY OF BOZET.IA;\j, cmn\rry O~"c GA I,A'l'IN, SI_LI~~iTT~ OF I:lOj'ITA\':A, TO Ur:I"H.I\Y r[,HE ::o~Yr OR' RT~;:ilUVAL Q}:" S.Chl POli. 'THE Y:.:Ac;: 19Z)5 1036 PURSi1AN'I' '1'0 PROVI:";J:ONS OJ? cnDIVA'CE 1.!(). 5C)2 Kl::'I'I 'ILED: 1.1 A~r ORDINA"CE PHCVIDIIK1?On 'rEE l13:J'VAL 0;;' S" " ~ !?It().,,,,:; :rTfZ E)1I.)l:~\~1PJ:"",I~~'''~_::.:~ IJ',<:" re}'.~i~: CI11Y OJ:? 13UZ~:~'~::1"~~':< .A_.~JI:' R:~P-:"".:!lI-1I~";G' OHDI:\~A~'!CE ~\JO. 385, 'l'.:}:'I' I'l'TJ~D: 'A OTWIL;.iL,CE ~)nOVIDL'G ::"cOH I RE\lOV AL mi' Si:OVJ Arm ICE, DIR'I', F 11'1' Ii AirJ O'I'}:Jm OI:$l'HU C T I Olil FHOT,: S IDEW ALKLJ ON I:lAIN STR::::ET BErrVrEEii WALI,ACE .::.VAHTJE ",,-,'D POTTTI'l'II AVENUE Ii': TiiE CITY OF EUZ,;';....:A;;tl, ViILS;r,c,8AS, the Ci ty Council of t;hc Ci ty of DozeBan heretofore duly and regularly .. -.-".....-.....,." ..-..---.-. ..-.-----...... 'J" H'j ''"''t it and payable shall ma"e SlICh person and such lots and Darcels of land liable to the penalties Drovlded by the law relat:lve to delinquent taxes. Section 3. 'l'::.~. ',:: the rer;-"lar sessior. of the Con1F:.is8:.~on of the City of Bozeman to be held on the 2nd day of October, 1936 , at the CO:::'.1::-.1:'.88;on Hoarn, . Ci ty Hall B~:ildLn0;, bo, and the I] a.;~ie "' C'1 hereby designated 83 the tine and Dl8.ce at I .~- ",) ,Nh1ch objections to the final adoption of this ResollJ.t:on viiI 1 be heard by the COfronissi on. Section 4. rnlat the Clerk of the COYfui1ission be, and he :is hereby ordered and directed to publish in the Bozeman Da:ily Chronicle, a daily newspaper printed and published in said City of E03enmn, a notice si:c:ned by the CIeri- of the Comr:1i s s ion, and stating that a resolutlon of levying 8. special asseST;nent of taxes to defray the cost of re<:oval of snow from s:Ldewalk~3 ......__ .___n .-. 20() and the 1ev7' ni: of said as 8 es ::;_...:G~1 t; a:ncl thnt 8aic~ l1esolutJon will bo fJ.nall-y 1 d d' t 1 t .. " ., J . e q.~ 0 l' '" a" .'i CO"1)' i " ,,-1 0 n :nlb.ject to 31Jch passec an 0. 0:) er. a S8..LO 1'eb\.l "a1' &. S'-', on '-''-- .1.,--,- 1. ;, ,,0'.'., ", corrections and am.endnents as :no.y be made l.l'pon obj(~ctj,cns nade al1(1 f'ilecl vvith1n five days limit as provided by law. Dated this 19th day of ;:Jeptember, 1936. ~ I Sta to 0 f Il10nt ana ) County of Gallatin ) ss City of T'\o::~eraan ) I, L. ,-. Sil8.c1o an, Clerl:: of the C OF1J11:l s [) :1. on 0 f' the C1 t..y of Bozeman, do - . ;-Jcreby certify tbn t tne fOT'egoin Corll"1issloD Hesoll.ltJon 1,0. ~)/1:2 , 0'''' t.h.e C1 ty of J. Bozeman, was p'.Jblishcc:: c.t length in t,}lC RO::je':nDJl D')j];~r C:nroni cle, a d;?:~ ly news- pC.per of' r~ene1'al circuJp tion, printed and published in said City, in trtO :l_S :]"1.."1.8 of Sentc:'lbcr 2Cth, 1936, and that due proof oc' said Pllblicat j on W,'l'-., ~-']:J.de o.n.c::;' .fi10d at my office. r }\) -,n I r:I: 'l<:.'F~ s S \nr.,,;, l,~ r;;.I~~ 0 J? .1 ,