HomeMy WebLinkAboutResolution 341A Passed Resolution No. 341 'J{}') I. I~ "I;>. 1:>- ,?J;~1;i .-' ~ $ .'~ ~& ~"'/ '.:.",,6- .. ~""" COl.ri,nSSION HESOLUTION NO. 341A ";','7,/ {( / , ,.,' \.,. !>/ I"V~/ A RE<'OLl''l'ION Of' 'l'~'F CO~..n'TI<:":ION O'!;' 'l'}IT,' cr"'{ 0',; ~O'7"T\I/\-,' P}\!f\.LIY PA<'CIi1C 7 / u _, ~ 11, " -"'-',. ,~") , " L_" 1." ,,1.) L"l"l,.J _I ",.oJ 1 .J" Uk.! -' ;( /" A"Ii 1',.:iJO?'l'IN:', CC,~;i,J:;):",I011 m::;SOLU'l'ION :NO. 341 ::"~J:'L'1;1.;LED: II IJ, EESOVJ'l,'I011 cr:' , rw-" CO~ff'"I('('I(,N 01' '1"1" cr"y 0-" " OZY"'1\.' , I--"Yl"'" A"n \cn~."c"'" P S",)l'CIAJ 1.1'.1'., J ,:;c,:_ c),':;, ,.,' t__i~ ,,1 ,,_, !", .-' '"~I':, i-I -,,",Ii .., l~'T - 1"'-'-' I ,.),;,-~,~;.,)'-),l_!'(',r " ,"~! '" ASSEss:,r~=i.:'l' Q);' ':eAXES U?OU CEH'l'AIii DHOPT:::::TTES IN ":I-iE c;I'I'Y 0'\' BOZEI,lAI,:, C01Jlr:~"'[ 0 -" (~ALL:\TTN, STATE OF T~TOIJT~KA, ']'0 :;:JEFR''-Y '_L'm,~ COST (}'.' E~:':!:~,;I{TiIN.... ;\'l'IOH AND Ri;;r!O'IAI, OT" NOX1(1)'3 'Jr:mDS POI-i. 'l'::'~,-C: Y':";/\H 19:36 PUHSD/\.lj'l' '1,'0 1'~T,J:: \ PEC)'JISICNS 0:' OITDINAIWi~ NO. 428, mi'I'I 'rLT<:D: II 11.'1": OHDDiA'Ncr: lJE::L1' 'law; AlrD PEOVTDTW:J. Fon. 'I'J~,~ PUNI2)1I"~,::"j:'l' tlm A"A 'ET:jT~]JT c~c CEH'l' lUV NU:~,IA]\:C~;S II. I VIEER1~AS , tIte Commis [Jion of the C it.':, of Bozeman did on trle 18th day of September, 1J~)G, at a 1'e01J.1ar session thereof duly pass Cornnissicn Resolution 10. ~)41, entitled: II A RE SO LU'I'I O1,j me T~IE CO:,I1:~ISSICIN OF ['II:':': CIr{y OJ.' ~3()Z')';T:AJ'! Lr:VYn~G f, ',.;"1\ ')(},f3 "...,11th State of LIontana ) C oun ty of G aIh tin ) ss C1ty of Eozeman ) I, L. (' Shadoan, ClerIc of the(JonDnis~]. on of the C1 ty of Bozeman do hereby "-{ . I certlfy that t~1e forDr.;o'Y'\['; COmlnJs::"lon H0301ution -iio. 341A of the vity of' Bozemfln, 'Nas publ.:Lshed by mUll~)er and ti tIe in the uozo:nu:m D,:dly Chronicl~, a daily new8Daper of !eneral circulation, printed and published in said City, in the issue o.~~' 9t11 day of October , 1':)36, and tha t dlJe proof of sa:l.d:;ublica- tion was :jl:?cc1e [md filed in my office. I}J \~illilJ'.~li~~)~3 '\'"TJ]~ltI~O]J: I, hereunto set my hand and affix the seal of my office this 10th da~ of OctohGr~ 1936. a~, :LorI<:: of the 001111-.113310n I I Resolution No. 342.