HomeMy WebLinkAboutResolution 341 Removal of Noxious Weeds 19~) Proot RfIM and db.eok04 COW.IISSICN RESOLUrl'ION 'NO. 341 .s - ;L'}"- '"' :s ~........_.............,~.........-",--- A RESOLITl'ION c.p THE CO',:IU::'3SICtN OF' 'l'EI': CI'fY O'";:OZI'::,'lA}! T..JE\1YITV; Aim -I::L'i:..J.... . .. , 'w AC::;S3S::T'i[GA ::';PF.CIAL AS3?Sss:n~:lirr OT' 'I'AXJ~S UPON C}~HTAL' PHOP~:H'l'IES IN rrEE C1?"';: ()I~ 30ZE:;!AH, COUNTY ml' GALlu^cTIN, S~~l\I:IE OF T::C)lrTA7JA, 'L'O :OEFHAY ~;::n'; COST O~;' ::~X'l'clCLJ.^TI::H icED I{2I.'lOI:\L ()::::' THJ >:1 OUE'; \I~:C::US },'on rf}.J]:= Y1~AR 1936 "'un;3UAFT T(:I'E;~ ?ROVr:::l(:lJS OIi' OHDINAl!CE NO. 428 E:.;:rr1TLJ:.~D: " Ali OHDINATJCE DEI"U:UT" A:;D?ROVIDING Fon THE PUNISHI,1ENT AND A3ATEl.1ENT 200 make such Derson and such lots and parcels of land liable to tho Dcnaltio3 nrovided by the law relative to delinquent taxes. Section 3. That the regular session of' the Cormnission of the City of Boz(::;man to be held on the 2nd day of October, 1936, at the Com:mission Hoo!i1. City Hall Build-. ing, be, and the same is hereby desi~nated as the time and nIece at which objections to the final adoptlon of this Hesol-tItion will behcard by the ConmissOLon. I Section 4. Thnt the CIerI\: of' the Commission be, and he is he:reby orclered and directed to publ1sh In the Boze'l\,nn Dajly Chronicle, a daily newspaper, printed and pub1:l shed ln the said City' of Boze~an, a notice si:':ned by the Clerk of the Commission, stating that " res,~'ll1tlon levyinr: a special asses~}r.1cmt of taxes to defray the cost of exterminat :Lng and removing noxiOl"ts weeds fro:n cert::lin proDerties in the Ci ty of' Eozeman for the year 1936, is on file in the office of t}]e Clerk of the COnL"nission, subject to :lnspe<;tion 1'or a period of five days; that said notice shall state the time and plf?ce at W.I[J" ell ob,j ect:ions vii 11 be heard by the Comnis s ion to the final adop- tion of this Resolution, that it shall be nublislled at least five days before the date set by theConrnission for hear2.I'S of object:i.ons, and the final ado~tion of this Resol- ution. Passed by the Corrunission of' the City of Bozeman I1t a ref~l)..lar session thereof held on the 25th day of September, 1936. ~ /~-:.._,_._".- I ,'~ttest: (~~ C erk of trIe COl!1l~.ission NOTIC:E -------- EEAHING, 1"11'\/\10 AD.~'P'.rION CO;/I),nS:::I01J RCSOLlT'rrCN 1<0. 341 LEVYING S?ECIAL ASSr~SS~JE1\['r r[,ODEI'Ii'i\'{ 'l'Inl~ COS'.L1 or: Ex'r-:,:mnNA'rljj(} AND HE- l'jOVING ':JErms ON CEFiTAIN ?HOPE~~rl'IES IN 'I'l-i':-,; CII"{ or' ;,~EJl{.\.N YO!:( '){l'J ~...,;\ " said Resolution will be finally passed and adopted at said regular session of said C orn_.>.>nis 3i on, s-lJb-1ect to such correct~ons and amendments as may be made upon objections made and filed w5_ thin the five days 1imi t as -provided by law'. lJatecl this 26th day of Se1)ter.l'cer, 1.3Ci. I ~y~ i~rF-of the olThlllssion I I