HomeMy WebLinkAboutResolution 340A Passing of Resolution No. 340 lB7 r7'O( I,t" 1 :"'.~~.At COMI.nS~-iION HESOLU'I'ION NO. 340A a,:r"d U':""''';'~3'.l J -,.1.~ - '-f.3 ~"~.'. - -"~-~ A RESOLU~L'I()N OF 'I'EL COT.'::r.IISSION OF 'I'HE CI~Y O'~, nOZET,IAN Fn~ALLY ...w-.&,,'IT ., "".U._ PASSING AND ADOPTING co~n~ISSION RESOLUTION NO. 340, ENTITLED: itA RESOLUlION 0=-' TI-IE COI::rHSSION OF 'l'lfE CITY OT:" BOZEr,IAN LEVYING AIm A~)S}t;SSING ^ SPECIAL ASSES~";l:TENT OF 'I' AXES UPONi\LLi'EE PROP- EErry IN STREET SPRIIJELING DISII'RIC'rS OF THE C:I'r~ 0:" nOZEi,TAI:, ()OUNTY O~0 (} ALLA~:'IN, STATE OP ~ONTANA, '1'0 DEFHAY SE'/~]J'l'Y -FIVE PER CENII' OF l~)H ,',';,(,j. . '/(~"',.~,'~ .~; State of Montana ) County of Gallatin ) ss City of Bozeman ) I, L. G. Shadoan, CIer}: of the Gmmnis sion of tIlo C1 t;~'r o~f Bozeman do her>eby certil'~1 tl1.::t the forerr.o~n.(1; Gommiss ion .i:-i.esolution No.. 340A of the C1 ty of Bozenlfln, was publishe(~ by num er and title in tb,e Dozeman D~"\i ly Chronicle, a da~ ly neV/SDaner I of general circule. ti on, 1Jrinted aYldrmblisb.ed in said C ,;. by, in tr~c 1:3 D1JO of the l6t:::l day of September, 1936, and th:?,t due proof of saic3 Dll})licatlon was made and filed in my office. IN \'iITNESS \VCTI~HEOF I, hereunto set my hand and affL:: t1')c seDl of my office this 17t'~: day of September, 1936. ~) ~A _L '-"''''_'_'__'~' lor]: of the Commic:sion I I