HomeMy WebLinkAboutResolution 344 SID No. 300 214 , ' COM1~ISSION RESOLUTION NO. 344 ~r 'J, ~ A .,T ~t> \J / A RESOLUTION OF 'rIlE COMMISSION 01" 'I'HE CITY OF BOZEMAN, ~ r \ ,J'{ -", ..0 MON'rANA, LEVYING AHD ASSESSIIW- A SPECIAL ASSESSMEN'r OF TAXES UPON ALL THE PHOPERTY IN SPECIAL H'lPROVEl'.mNT DIS1'" RIOT NO. 300 IN TIlE CITY OF' BOZET,:A11, COUlJTY 01" GALLA'rnr, STATE 01j1 MON1'ANA, TO DEFRAY 'rHE COST OF CONSTRUCTING AND MAKING THE IMPROVB,~ ENTS 'NITHIN SAID SPECIAL IliIPROVETiIENT DISrl'RICT NO. 300. I WHEHEAS, the Commission of the City of Bozeman, did on the 20th day of September, 1935, duly and regularly pass Commission Resolution No. 312, entitled: A RESOL1JrrION 01" THE CO!r~.r!:SSION OF ThTE CrI:'Y OF BOZEMAN, MONTANA, DECLARING IT TO BE TIm INTENTION OF SAID COMMISSION 'fO CREAl' SPECIAL BIPROVEI..mN'r LIGHTING DISTRICT NO. 300 FOn TIill PURPOSE OF INS'I'ALLING AND r,IAI:NTAINHiG A LIGHTING SYSTE1.1 TO LIGHT WILLSON AVENUE, NORTH, FROM MAIN STREET 1'0 MENDENHALL STRlmrl'; DESCRIB' ING THE BOUNDARIES OF SAID DISTHrCT: '{'HE GENERAL CHAHACTER OF THE 1711PROVEj/[ENT TO BE \1ADE; SETTING iTORTH ESTIJf.A'rED COSTS OF CONSTRUCTION AND YEARLY MAIlJTEJ\JAN(;E; AND DETERMI1HNG THAT 3/4 OF THE COST OF INSTALLATION Arm 3/4 OF 'rW.2 YEARLY cosrr OF MAIN TENANCE SHALL BE ASSESSED AGAINS'f THE PROPERTY Vn'l'HIH THE DIST- RIcT AND 'l'HAT 1/4 OF 'ERE COST OF INSTALLATION AND YEARLY MAINTENANCE .-..--.- --.-....-.-."..-..----. ~Jl l':) /. ~ ment Dis+-rict Np.300; that a particular desceiption of each lot and parcel of land with the name of the owner and the Slun assessed against him or it for such improvements and the amount of each partial payment to be maae and the day when the same shall be delinquent is set forth in detail in the assessment list hereto attached, marked Schedule "All, and made a part thereof; that the several sums set I opposite the names of the owners and the described lots and parcels of land be, and the sanle are hereby, respectively levied and assessed upon and against said described lots and parcels of land to defray the cost and expense of constructing and malcing the said improvements within said District; that the several sums so assessed be collected from the respective owners of said lots and parcels of land described in said assessment list Schedule"A", as required by law; that the pay- ment of said sums shall be made in five installments and the payment of said installments shall extend over a period of five years; that the payment of the respective annual installments shall be made on or before the 30th day of Nove- mber, of each year, until payment of a:il the installments together with the interest thereon shall be made; that said sums shall be paid and the collection thereof shall be made in the manner and in accordance with the law Governing the collection of special improvement taxes; that failure to pay such assess~ ments when the same shall become due and payable shall make such persons and said lots and parcels of land liable to the penalties provided by law relative to delinquent taxes. I Section 2. That the regular session of the C01'1'1r.1ission of the City of Boze man to be held in the Connnission Room, in the Ci ty Hall of said City, the 2nd day of October, 1936, at 7:30 o'clock P. I.!., be, and the same is hereby designated as the time and place at wb.ich objections to the final adoption of this Resolution will be heard by the .Co:mmission. Section 3. That the Clerk of the Commission of the City of Bozeman be, and he is hereby ordered and directed to publish in the Bozeman Daily Chronicle, a daily newspaper printed and published in the said City of Bozeman, a notice signed by the Clerk of the Co~~ission, and statinG that a Resolution levying a special assessment of taxes to defray the cost and expense of constrlJ.cting and making the improvements in said Speci~l I:'11provement District No. 300 is on file in the office of the Clerk of the Commission subject to inspection for a period of five (5) days; that said notice shall state the time and place at which objections will . be heard by the Cormnlssion to the final adoption of this Resolution; that it shall be published at least five (5) days before the day set by the Commission I for the hearing of objections and the final adoption of t~is Resolution. Passed and adopted by the Commission of the City of bozeman at a regular session thereof, held on the 25th day of September, 1936. ~A~'/ -_./ . ~~---- .. .// - Attest: rMiy6r' /It ..- -t:~-~__e/?_~ ~~ lerk of the Co1'rn:n1s s ion Resolution No. 344 ----.... ~~tG NOT ICE ------ HEARING, FINAL ADOprl'ICN 0:.' HESOLUTIO'~J NO. 344 LEVYING ASSESSMEWr, SPECIAL DIP ROVE ME NT LIGHTING DISTRICT NO. 300, CITY OF DOZEr/Ai,;, NORTJ-T WILLSON AVENUE BET'u'VEEN I.~AIN KND I'.ffiNDENIIALL Srl'REET S . NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN, That at a reb~llar sassion of the Comraission of I the City of Bozeman, held on Friclay the 25th day of September, 1936, COIni'nission Resolution No. 344 was duly passed and adopted; that said Com....'11ission "cesolution levies and assesses a special assessment of' taxes upon all the property in Special Improvement District No. 300 in said City, to defray the cost and expense of constructing and making the improvements within said District, to-wit: Beginning at a point in the south line of Mendenhall Street 100 feet west of the west line of Willson Avenue, thence easterly along said south line of Mendenhall street to ftPoint 100 feet east of the east line of Willson hvenue, thence southerly along a line parallel and 100 feet distant from the east line of Willson Avenue to the north line of Main street, thence we.aterly alan.:; the said north line of Main Struet to a Doint 100 feet west of the west line ofi;il1son Avenue, thence northerly to the point of beginning. Tho. t, said Commission Hesolution No. 344; is now on file in the office of the Clerk of the Commission, subject to inspection for B period of five (5) days by any persons interested.