HomeMy WebLinkAboutResolution 343A Passing of Resolution No. 343 ()12 I.. ..J ,. .-' .. J-~ COM:rnSSION HESOLUTION NO. 343A ,0" ,.~,,'io. ,~" B",f A RESOLUTION OF THE CO!mHSSION 01<' 'I'I-IE CITY OF BOZEMAN FINALIJY PASSING AND ADOP'rING cm,nUSSICJN Rl;;SOLUTION NO. .. ,,/ .1',,- 343 ENTI'l'LED: "A RESOLUTION OF TEE COMTnSSION OF 'l'HE / CITY OF BOZEMAN LEVYING AND ASSESSING A SPECIAL ASSESS- MENT OF 'rAXES UPON ALL 'linE PROPERTY IN SP1~CIAL IMPROVE- rmwl' LIGHTING DISTHICT NO. 300 TO DEFRAY SEVENTY_FIVE PEE CENT (75%) OF rrHE ES'rIMATED cos'r OF LIGHTING NORTH I WILLSON AVENUE BE'rWEEN \TAIN AND UENDENHALL STREB'l'S vVITH- IN SAID SPECIAL H'lPROVEMENT LIGHTING DISTRICT NO. 300 OF 'rIIE CITY OF BOZEl/tAN, FOR A PORTION OF THE YEARS 1936 AND 1937". WHEREAS, the Commission of the City of Bozeman did on the 25th day of 4)13 t....l. t ~~ ' / .. / 'L-"-~ . ATTEST: gayor I ~~ State of Montana ) County of Gallatin ) ss City of Bozeman ) I, L. G. Shadoan, Clerk of the Commission of the City of Bozeman do hereby certify that the foregoing Commission Resolution No. 343A of the City of Bozeman, was published by number and title in the Bozeman Daily Chronicle, a daily newspaper of 8eneral circulation, printed and published in said City, in the issue of 9th day of October, 1936, and that due proof of said publication was made and filed in my office. IN YJI'l'NESS vnmREOF I, hereunto set my hand and affix the seal of' my office this 161::J1:l day of October, 1936. U~. 1erk of the Connnission I I -