HomeMy WebLinkAboutResolution 358 Creates SID No. 305 2(it COMMISSION RESOLUTION NO. 358 ___~ "f)<',~ 1,";"1 -: 7 ec>1,:1:' ',-- q A RESOLUTION OF THE CITY CO:MMI~J~)JONOF 'l'IIE CITY OF BOZEMAN DE... .......~ ..~.>?':~ cr \PIW' 1'1' rro B''' r"F'~ 'r'[TT~TJTION o"'wm CITY OF RO~FHNJ TO CREAmE -.1..1 ""'_ ,"~. \,) , r., l.LD ~.c\ [L r ._ ...1---, _.", ,,-,__,I 1 .11.... 1 _'." A SPECIAL n,IPHOVE:\.IEI,T'l' DISrrETC'l' 'ro BE KNOVJN AS SPECIAI~ I1ilPROVEMEI\:T -..,-..... DISTRICT HO. 305 OF' TIm GI'l"! OF BOZEI\1AH POR 'l'IlE PUHPOSE OF CONSTI\UC... " 'l'lHG CONCHE'I'E CURBS, STOHT-.1 SEWERS AND FLAWl' MIX OIL-MACADAr,l P A VE- MENT, OR PENOLITHIC PAVEMENT ON A CRUSHED GRAVEL BASE, ON I"IP'rH A VENUE, SOU'I'H, 3ET'NEEN THE .sou':n-I LINE OF STORY STREET AND nIB SOUTH LINE OF COLLEGE srrEEE'I', IN SA!:) CITY. I Whereas: There has been filed with the clerIc of the Ci ty Corrnn~ s sion of the Oi ty of Bozeman, Montana, a pe ti tion in due form of certain nroperty owners res :Lding on Fifth Avenue, South, between the south line of Story Street 8.ncl the south line of College street, in said City, asking thD. t a speclal :i.~11provement dl strict be created on sald -.- 'Jf') 1-1 ),,,,, II corner lots II , it being understood that the Droperty in the block on s aid Fifth Avenue, South, between Stor"y and Dickerson Streets and in whlch the grading and {~ravelln[" has been done, will be given a proper credJ.t for said ~rad~ng and gravelin~. Payment for said improvements to be made in twenty-one ins tallments coverlnis a period or tvrenty years. Section 3 I 'l.'}w t the regu.l':-:r -:neet~ulg of the Ci ty Corrunis s1. 8n to be held on the 7th day of May, 1937, at 7:30 o'clock P.M. at the regular meeting place of the City Commission in the Ci ty Hall of the Ci t-;r of Bozemo.n, is the tj_me and the place when and where ob- jections will be heard to the creation of said district and the passaGe of an ordinance pursuant to this resolu.tion of intention; and the city manager is hereby directed to cause notice of this resolution to be served lJpOn all persons W}lO property 8.buts lJ.pon that portion of FifUJ Avenue, (, between the south line of Story street and the uouth, south line of College Street and to give notice hereof by Du1}licat:'Lon, aLl in the manner and form as prescribed by Section 5227 H. C. Montana, 1935. Passed and adopted by the City Commission of Bozeman at a regular session thereof held on the 16th day of April, 1937. . Attest: ) ~A ~ c' - ~~r~>;;i'-;{~~-C:-;~f~'sI-on- I NCyrICE IN RE COMMISSION RESOLUTION NO. 358 'Jr '~ '..,I,Jt resolution and the adoption of an ordinance GivinG effect to the same, and when and where any and all persons whose property abuts on that portion of Fifth Avenue, South, between the south line of Story street and the south line of ColleGe street, may appear and show cause, if any they have, against said proposed improvement. Objections must be made in writing, on or "efore May 5th, 1937. I An approximate estimate of the cost of doing such work and makinG such i';1provement . '!!.lo 077 00 Notice is further given that the Resolution of Intention to create said lS~.~,~, . . special i''lpr'OVelJ1.ent district is on file 1n the office of the Clerk of the City COJTh'nls- sian of the City of Bozeman, aY'd is open to the inspection of all interested parties. 'rhis notice is ~iven Dursuant to the provisions of Section 5227, R. C. Montana, 1935. Dated this 17th day of April, 1937. 13'T order of the Commission of the Ci ty of 13azeman. G. <2... Arnold" (Siti'ged) Ci ty r,..1anascr Attest: ~ , ,-. /~ ~ 0 f "the-C;oriirill S ",i on Published in Bozeman Daily Chronicle April 20, 1937. State of I;lontana