HomeMy WebLinkAboutResolution 356 Purchase from Williams --.,.-..- ;l5(j )- / ,. '? , .:}\,ri-' ~..., ,/ COI.IMI SSION RESOLU'l'ION NO. 356 ,,'." \.,,' ," " <: .~, 1'-' t ... .;' "'.J: V' A I-t"'SOYU'I'ION OF T'lE COrfT/'rSQloN OF 'THE CITY mi' "C),OZFTTAi-' F01!'l",i\iA ")FOVIDHIC /1 .,~" . ;.~'-- J.i . L. ."'" >.) , __.__, .". .,..",,, '.,.~., 1. , .~~, J ~/ . ,/ I,10E THE PUHCHASE F;{OI,I T':LI':IER WILLIAlIIS OF ONE }IliNDEED AC1\ES, l'WI\E OR LESS, /./ OF LAND IE GALL'TIN COm~rrY, Ivlr'ilJ'I'ANA, TOGE'l'HEH 1.'II'l'F ONE AIm Olm..HALJ? SHARES / OF rnm CAPIT/,L STOGl\: OF Bozm,'IAN CHEEK RESEHVOIH COLIPANY, J\. C():~POFU\TION, AN!:> 'r':]'r:IT'J:'Y...PIVE INCHES, LTIIrEnS f ;.,iI!~J.\SUF{EILI~I\TT , OF' '.L'EE \"JATI~;nE.) OF BOZEI-IAN (ALSO KIWWTJ AS ~;OUH DOUGH) CHEEE, DECHEED '1'0 Ar.1OS VJILLIALTS AS OF 1878, ALL FOR TEE SUI-/[ OJ? SEVEN '1'i OUSAND EICH'l' mnmHED DOLLAI::;). PRE A j'.1B LE I Whereas Elmer W:i.llia~-,-,s, of :313.11(1 tin County, l.lon tana, has offered in v/ri tin, to sell and convey to The City of Bozeman the land and water rights hereinafter described by ~ood and sufficient warranty deed and abstract showing good and marketable title in the said Elmer Williams, ;~or the sum of Seven 'Thousand E:t.'ht Hundred (,i~7 ,800.00) dollars, to be ~nid by warrant on the Water Fund of the City of i;ozeman; arLd. Wb.ereas the City CO~1:1mis sion and City Manager of the C1 ty of Bozeman have carefully hives tlp:a ted and cons ldered saId offer and. have after suer' :j.nve~J ti tiol! and consid~ eration reached the conclusion that the ownership of the right to the use of said water v/ould be advantageous to the Ci ty of Bozeman and .i. ts inhabi tants throu":h its munici. pally owned water works plant and that the nrice asl:ed therefor is not unrear:.lOnable and represents the fair marl::et value o.r said property; and VJhereas said water rights cannot be purchased wi thou t also purchaslnp: sa:i.d land. No>:; , therefore, BE 1'1' HE30L VED BY 'lilm COI.IlHS::;rON 0" '/riE CI'l'Y OF BOZEEAN: Section 1 'l'b.a t the offer and a;~;reemen t of' Elmer Williams, of GallAtin County, ;;;ontana, to I sell and convey to the City of Bozeman, ') ';"" 7 f....a title to the same in the said Elmer Williams as of date of said deed to the City of Bozeman, all subject to the written approval of the City Attorney of the City of Bozeman, the mayor and the cler1: of the City Corrnnission be, and they are hereby au- thorized and empowered to make execu i.e and deli vel' to said Elmer VJilliams a warrant ~ J of the City of hozeman drawn against its water Fund, the sum of Seven 'l'housand Eight I Hundred (~~7..800.00) dollars in full payment for said land, water right and shares of capital stock; all as aforesaid. Passed and aclopted b7 the Commission of the City of Bozeman at a regular meeting of said Commis:::don held on the 12th day of February, 1937. - f/k~~. Mayor:/" A ttes t: ~~ion-- STATE OF MONTANA ) ) ss COUNTY OF GALIA TIN ) I, L. G. Shadoan, Clerk of the Cormnission of the City of Bozeman, do hereby cer- tify that the foregoing Commission E.osolution No. 356, of the City of Bozeman was