HomeMy WebLinkAboutResolution 355 Public Playground and Bathing Pool ,) r- ('3 I-'t}~ ~Oo COM:r;TISSION RESOLU'I'ION NO. 355 ~ Q~:~q '. ~ t-eq A RESOLUTION 07 THE COMiUSSIOII C'P THE CITY OF BOZEMA!!, MONTANA, PRO- ~ VIDING FOR T~1E ISSUANCE OP BONDS OF SAID CITY IN 1'1TE TO'l'AL PHINCIP AL T .......... SUM OF' '1'HIRTY-SEVEN rrHOUSAND DOLLARS TO OBrrAIN FUNDS FOR PUBLIC PLAY- GROUlm AND BNrHING POOL PURPOSES IN CONFORMITY WIrrH THE AFFIRI.IA'fIVE VOTE OF 'l'EE QUALIFIED ELEC'I'ORS OF SAID CITY AT A SPECIAL ELECrl'ION HELD ON THE 26th DAY Olil JANUARY, 1937, AT WHICH THE QUE~)'.I.'ION OF ISSUING SUCll BOlms ViAS sum,UTTED TO SAID ELECTons, PURSUAl<T TO rrIm PHOVISIOI:S I OF' COMT.1::- SSION RESOLUTION NO. 354 01" SAID crry AND PURSUAH'l', ALSO, '1'0 'fHE PROVISL)lTS OF CHAPTER 399, POLITICAL CODE, REVISED CODES OF L1OT,i'fANA OF 1935, ANt CHAPTER 24, LAWS 01" THE EXTHAORDINARY SESSION OF' TIm 23rd LEG-ISLA'r1VE ASSEI'iIBLY OF THE STATE OF ~WN'1'ANA, 1934-35, as AImNDED. '") r- 4 I...t> - - of the State of Montana, 19~)4 35, as amended by Chapter 3C of said Laws and by Chapter 135 of the Law~:; of the Twenty-fourth Lee;islative Asser.lb1y of the State of Montana, 1935; now, therefore, BE IT RESOLVED BY 'r:rIE COlJlTHSSION OF 'I'I-IE CITY orc -;OZE1;lAN: Sect1.on 1 Issuance of Bonds Directed I Tho. t there be, and there :is hereby, authorized and directed to be issued and sold, in the manner hereinafter and by law provided, bonds of' the C1 ty of ~;ozer;lan, GallatIn County, 1,';on t a;- a, in the total principal sum of Thiryt-seven Th01Jsand U)3'l, 000.00) dollars. Section 2 Purpose of ISS1Je rrha t the proceeds of the sale of said bonds shall be paid lnto a fund known as The Recrea tion F'u.nd,' of the said C1 ty of Doz81nan, and used for the followln~ purposes and no other, towit: 1. Seventeen thousand dollars thereof ( a) 1"01' the imporvement for l..'_3e o.s a combination BIGl ting-rink and play-ground, wi th three hard.-surface tennis courts lighted for night playing, of the property owned by the City 'oetvreen F'ourth and FL'th Avenues, South, and Harrison and College streets in said City; and (b) For the improvement and e~lipment as a ba~eball and softball park, of the property owned by the City 'oetvreen Grand and Tracy Avenues, North, and West Cottonwood street and the High School property; 'y" r::: - ')) !..,It ~ tached to said bonds and which shnll be detached and presented for pa}rment as they sev- erally become due and payable in accordance with their terms. Whether in form serial or amortization, any bond or bonds issued and sold pursuant hereto shall be signed by the mayor of the City of Bozeman, attested by the clerk of the City Corn.mission, 'who shall also affix thereto the corporate seal ",f the City of Dozeman; provided, tl18.t lithographic I or engraved facsimilies of the signatures of the mayor and clerk of the City COlmnission may be affixed to interest coupons of any such bond or bonds, the fact th':lt such coupcn signatures are facsimilies being recited in the bond or bonds. Section 5 Date and Notice of Sale Said bond or bonds will be sold by the City Commission at its regular meeting to be hele on Friday, the 2nd day of April, 1937, at the hmIr of 7:30 o'clock P.~. of said day, at the Cormnission Chamber of the City Commission in the City Hall, City of Dozeman, Montana, and the Clerk of the City Commission shall give notice thereof by advertisement substantially in the form as required by Section 5278.13, Revised Codes of Montana of