HomeMy WebLinkAboutResolution 354 Election of Qualified Electors .. .--. ...----."'. ~)~O /..."It __ J': " <::> " f' .,.,"' / ~"Cflli' ~,}.,/ Cm.iMISSION HESOLU'rION NO. 354 ~ I.' ,j9"'j/ A H~SO~U'~~?~\r OF !E~ Cm,f~n~:::rON.. OF rl'HE. CITY OF ;:C'OZE:',"A}J, M01<'['ANA, CALLING Y/ AN "LLlcChOJ' 0'" '['HE QUALI,,.IED ELEC'rORS 01' SAID CIl'Y POR TIE PURPOSE OT' ::;TIT)1'arpT'IFG '1'0 rrTfF],~ T'1rO r.FR'r\ITJ pqoposrrrnw' ^ c, PF'rI'rJON';"D F(lP pv QTTAL ." "'- ~ . ~" ,'.., ,",j,j~ . d. V..J_ ,t.. -" .L. 1,. ,) "_' U ':.:..U .J _........J._ ..J l 1.)..:!.... Ie'., '"", _ pillEr' T~L}~crrOR'3 ir-JFO 8 R'" AI '~~O r1' 1I.XP A"H'RS VII 'l' FpJ SAT'-' CT'l'Y O'~E Ol~' (1 t,', D .'," '~~'""'". -,."".... ~ ". ~, ..ci...:.~ ~J~__ 1."" \, .I,..I..:..J, . .,.1" .;.', ' __.l.J __ ,1 U":lJ_ PROPO::lI'rICHS Bj~:IW} 'l'O ISSTTE T:',OiJDS OP SAID CI'I'Y F'OE CJ:'L'E PURPOSE OJ<' n,T- rHOVING AND EQTJIPPING RECREA'I'I01~AL GHOUl'nX; OWKEI:' BY SAID CI'l'Y, lJ'!I) 'L'TTE O'l'TTI':R PFlOPOSITIC'rJ TO IS.SUE BONDS OF SAID CI'l'Y FOR 'l'Jm CONS'l'HUCTIC}; AIm EQUIPMEN'I' OF A SVJITiEHNG AND BA'rYIHG POOI~i"OR PTJ3LIC USE, Dr :SOC:EHT PARK, OW]}ED BY SAIl) CI'l'Y_ I PHEAT,TBLE WHEREAS, there has heretofore been filed v{i t~'l tr1C clerl:~ of the C:l.ty COlltn:Lssion of the City of Bo~eman, pursu.ant to the provisions of Section 5278.6 (Chapter 399 of t~1e PolItical Code) Revised Codes of Montana of 1935, two certiin petitions of qual- ified electors of the City of Bozeman WJ10Se names aplJear on the last completed assess- me n t r C'11 l' or sta te and cOlmty taxes as taxnayers UDon proper tv within said City of Bo z erilan, as]{ing th"t a special. election ')e beld in said Cit;:r for the plu'pose of su"- mitting to the qualified electors who are also taxpayers upon property within said City and ~lose names appear upon the last comDleted assess~ent roll for state and county taxes as taxpayers uoon nroperty within said City, two certain propositions f .' , b d '. 'd C. t l' +' . to"wit: or lssulng ons 01 sal. l"yor the J-ollo\'llD" JJurnoses, Proposition No. 1 Shall the City of Bozeman issue and sell its serial or amortization bonds :in the SlJrn of Seventeen 'rhousand Cif>l7,0 \0.00) L011-'3. Y'S , ')'-1 ,.a _ corrmleted assessment roll of said County of Gallatin for state and county taxes and the last comnleted roll of re~istered quali~led electors of said Gallatin County and includin[" the C1 ty of ,Jozeman; nncJ further certified (a) That the total number of' qualified 1'e stered electors of said City of 130;7,e:-nan whose names appe"'.r upon thelast completed assessment roll for state and county taxes as taxpayers upon Droperty within I saj_d C1 tv of Bozeman is Two Thousand a~ld S:txteen. (2016). (b) 'l'hn t the total number of si;::~ners on the petition for "Proposl tlon No.1" as hereinabove identified is ;547 and of sa:id number 404 possess the qualLCica tions as electors and taxpayers roqlJired by law for signer of such a netition. (c) Th8t tbe total number of sipners on the peti tioD .for "Propos i tien Ho. 2" as hereins.:)ove identifiod is 554 and of so.id n'lr.1l:"'er 408 possess UJ.e qualL"icotiens as electors an6 taxpayers requ:tred by law for ;d.gner of ,such a 'Joti tion. (d) 'rhn. t 20~6 of the tote.l number of re;-:;:1 s tered electors v/ho~:)e names appe:Clr upon the last completed assessment roll for state and cOlmty taxes, ns taxpayers witb.in said City of Bozeman (2016) is 403.2 and hence said netitions, and each of them, is sufficient within the nrovisions of Section 52713.6 Heviscd Codes of ~:ontana, 1D35. And whereas, sa1::1 pEti.tiODS, and each of thor,l, were, with his attached certificate, as aforesaid, to them, and eo.c11 of them, bv said clerk placed before tho City Crnmnission at its first meeting aftor said certificates were so att2ched, and said Commission ox- a~~,:i.nec1 the sa~'lG, made such other investiGation 0.8 it deemed necessary and fou.nel that said peti ti. ons, ancl oach of them, bear the rc;cl'd 8:i te nm:lber of si;-~na bIres of ql.,vJ.li:C'ied pei tioners ill1d are in all 1'e:::; pe c ts sufficient; now, therefore, BE IT rr::;SCLVED BY 'rIlE Cm'TT,n;~3ION O!I' TIIE CIlllY OF BOZEI/iAN: I Section 1 Specio.l Election Called Ifha t a special eJ.ect:ton of the qualified electors of the Ci tv of BOj~eman whose name S 8.DD8 n.r "tlDon the 18.8 t completed 8.S ses smen t roll of Gall8.ti II County, LIontana, for state and county ta;~es as taxpayers upon property w:i.th1n said City of j':'ozeman be, and is hereby, called to be held on 'l'uesday the 26th dpy of .-r anurlry, 1937, at which elec- t:t on shall '::)e submi tted the followinr" '('ropD:'Jitions, to-vd t: Pro~osition No. 1 Shall 83rio.l or o.mor:ttzation bonds of the City of Bozeman be issued and sold in tlle amount of Seventeen 'l'housrU1c1 ('1?17, O!)O. 00) DOllars, payable in ten years after their do. te and Learlnc~ inter'~;s tat a 1"8. te not exceeding six (6~~) per centum per annum, po."Table semianrnl,.,lly, for the follovring purposes, to-wi t: (1) liar the innrovemont f'or 1..13e as a combinG tion sJm tinr\ rink and playground, . vd th three ho.rdsurface tennis courts li.'Tbted for night playin(':, of the property owned by the Cl t:T between l"ourth 8nd .I.'1ft'; Avem;.es, South, and Harrison and ColleEr.e Streets, in said C~i.ty. I (2) POI' the L~'.provement and eq1,1J.pment as a ":Jaseball and softball po.rh:, of the property owned by the C1 ty bet'ween Grend and Tracy Avenues, North, and Wes t Cotton- wood street and the High School property. .(3) 1'01" the construction and equipment of :'ot less than three hard-su.rface tennis courts, and the install"tion of playground equipment, in Bogert Parl{, ownedJY the (;ity. (4) For the construction and eql.limnent of at le2,st one hard-surface tennis court in BeaJl Park, oWYJed ~lY the vi ty. Resolution No. 354 ')r') f...,/t)f...,/ ProposItion [\10. 2 "Shall serinl or amortization bonds of the City of Bozemrm be issued nnd sold in ^ the SlJm of '1\ver1t7 'J.'housanc1 Dollars, (~P20, 000. DO), payable in ten yenrs after the'll'" dn te and bectrlnr" inter,,",';; tat a rate not e:;:eeoc1Jng six (G IS) per centum per annu.Jl1, payable sem:t-annually, to obtaj_n funds to be used for l~he followin" PUT')OSe, to-wit: . 11,"hO cow3truction an,.d eql.).:1.~,nent ~Of a ,SVllmmin.,. and b8.t:~l:i.nr~ pool for Dublic use, I In Bogert fark, owned by the Clty 01 Dozeman. Sectlon 2 Notice to be Given TIle cler"( of the City Cormnission shell i~ive nc:tice of E3D-leI electic'n c:.t t'1.(; t1me c:.nd in the manner as provided by Chm tel'" 24, Laws of the Extraordinary Session of the 'l'wnety thlr:::l Le0'i:310. t'i.ve Assembly of the St:lte of '.:ontana, 1903-~-)4, us amended by Chapter 36 of said Laws D..nd by Chapter 135 of the Laws of the 'Ilwen ty fOl1.rt::l 1,e0:1s13- ti ve As 8e;~:bly of the St~'1. te ofr'ilontana, 193f>. Section 3 Hours fof Election 'rho polls for said election s:~)8.11 be open between the }lours of e ot clock 1\.:;1. and 6 otclock P.M. and thB pollin8 places shall be tlw same as those used and establi- shed for regulsr rn1.nicipal elections of the City of Bozeman. Section 4 Judges of Electlc)l1 The C1 ty Commi S:J ion shD,11 8.T)f!oint three (3) ,jlKl;c,es of elec tion, who shall 8,.C t as tllC, ir own clerks, for each POll" ing Dl9.ce ., , ,', I Section 5 For:::n of Ballots and Conduct of Electicn 'll11e form of ballots for said special election and the manner of conduct:i.n;" said election shall be a3 urovided in Section 5278.9 of the Revised Codes of ~ontana, 1935. Secti on 6 Vvho enti tled to Vote--Poll Books, Etc. Only 3l10h registered electors of the City of 0o"~e;nan 1,'1::,08e YHilOS aDpear upon the la8 t asse::'i sment roll for 3 tr-\. te .'J.:nc1 county taxeE3 nrece:ling the clay of s aid special election as taxpayer2 on property within the City of Bozelaan shall be entitled to vote at said elect:.ion. Sncb rerdstered 2nd q'_1.alified elector.3 shall be f.;etermined from the regis trati on bool{s and assessment roll of C.hl1atin Count;;, Llontana, and lis ts thereof and Doll books for said election shall be prepared fwd furnished in the manner provided by Chapter 24, Laws of the Extraordinary Session of the Twenty-third Leg- :l.slatlve Assembly of the State of Montana, 1933-34, as o.'nended by Chap',:.or 36 of said laws and by Chapter 135 of the Lm.!c3 of tho Il'v1enty-fourth Lec;islati ve Assemb1:T of the State of ~ontana, 1935. fassed and adopted at a reglJ.1ar seD~31on of the C:i.t:/ Cmnr1ission of tJJ.O City of I Bozern.an, ntrmrc, at a regulnr sess:i.on of said Comm:i.s~:1ion. held on the 1st day of' January, 1937, at VIlli ch two (2) of the three mem~)er,3 cons ti tutln.'?; the full Comm:1.s d.on were present and voted on the question of adopting said re:::;olut:Lon "1:3 follows: C0111'n:1.s8:1.oner Ketterer, Aye Commiss loner Ea-'L'11er, /\.ye Commissioner Lake Absent Attest: a-~ ~ .~Ji-~4::Ck~ Ar(i&~~--~~-~-- ~Cerl: of the ommission I') , 1 t-' '2"-4 ~, 'tesa U ,.Lon 00 " , ----- ""-------.---.-