HomeMy WebLinkAboutResolution 353 SID No. 304 ')4'7 1~_ COMMISSION HESOLUTION NO. 353 .f- A RESOLU'IION 0;:1' THE cm:nnS:::;ION O:;'T'TTE CrCY O:~" BOZEl,TAN, STATE OF ~;o..)r ~ I:I0NrrANA, CREATING A SPECIAL IMPROVEMENT DISTRICT TO BE KNOWN ......,J Oh.eck;411. ""'" ' ,3c, . eq il.l'TD DEi~:;IG1~I,'IED itS !I SPECIAL 1}'1PROVEM=:Wl' DISTHIC'I' NO. 304 OF ~.~~..,..:~:~-~, SAID Crpy FOR 'l'IfE P1JRPOSE OF CONSTRUCTING A SANI'['ARY SE':JER ON ....f I -.. .... SOUl'II GR.i\lW AVEnm, :Fl1:;:'OI:: AH'l'HUR STREE'l' '1'0 GHAWr STHEET, AND TO ................... SPECIil.LLY ASSESS THE ENTIRE COST AND EXPENSE OF C01,TSTHUCTnrr; SAID i3A!-1I'l'AHY SEViER AGAINST rl'HE PROPERTY WITHIN SAID DISTRICT I UNDEH AND BY VIR'rTJE OF' 'fEE PHOVIi:JIONS OF SECTIONS 5225 5277.5, ')4R f"'; _ Section 3 'rho. t the entire cost and expense of makin~ the special improvement herein set l' or t:h. in said Special Imnrovement Distrlct No. ~)O4: shall be paid i:v' casll as provided in Section 5250, H. C. " 193 5, o.nd/or by special improvement district coupon bonds and/ l'i'(. , or warrants of' the denomination of :;?lOO. 00 each and in fractions thereof wlwre necessary, to be issued and chargeable a[';o..in8 t the fund to be 1,nO\"m as "Snecial Improvement District I No. 304 Fund"; said bonds or warrants to be redeemnble at the option of the City of Boze1nan, ;,IontaJ.l .a, whenever funds are available for tb_at purposo from said Special l''':1provement District No. 304 F1md; said bonds or 'iiTarran ts shall (1ra\'1 sinmle interest at the rate of not to exceed s:i.x ( 6) percent ner annum, whi cJ" shall be char[::~eable as a part of the cost of said special improvements and s1.1_al1 run from the date of the reglstratior of said bonds or warrants until said bonds or ,varrant 3 are paid; and such interest from the date of the rcp;istration of said bonds or 'warrants until the payment o f the flrst installment will Qe collected by the Director of Finance of said Cit of Bozeman at the ti e of col1ectinF said first installment; thnt the entire C03 t and ex-' pense of said improvement within sa:.i.d cl:'Lstrict shall be defrayed by 0- special assess l"ilent 8..{1;ain3t the entire district, each lot or parcel of land within said district to be assessed for its proportlonnte share of such expense, each lineal front foot of the -.-"... ~~L19 Sta te of tloD tana ) ) ss County of Galla tin ) I, L. G. ('\"t .,. C1er]\: of t1.\e Connnission of the C1 t~T of Bozeman, do hereby I 0...) i18.ClO an, certify that the fore[';o1.n:->; Connnission Resolution No. 353 of the City of Dozeman was published in tho Bozeman Daily Chronicle, a daily newspaper of the City of Bozeman '."Ii th a general circula tlon, on the 24th da",y of December, 19~j6 . n~ WI'I'NESS VJF1~HEOF I hereunto set my hand and affix the seal of my office this December 26th, 1936. 4~g~ erk -of' the-'CommTs::31o-i l-- I . I .n ...._..___ .... .--- . . __ _. ~__n~___ __ _._...".___.__n__ -. .----