HomeMy WebLinkAboutResolution 352 Installments due November, 1936 244 #<t' 0() / ~ // ~i' Jt 1-- ~ 11'// " COMLHSSION HESm:"UTION NO. 352 '..' ~/ /' ~~' A HESOLUTION OF TIE:; CONit!I:[SSION OF 'rUE CI'l'Y OP BOZEHAN m:CLAHING CEl"t'rAIN /' SPBCIAL ASSESS::IEwrs A'llD IHs'rALLJvlEI\]ll'~) OJi' SPECIAL ASSI<;SS':;1ENT:'::" DUE AND PAYABLE NovmmEE 30th, 1936, AND UNPAID AS OJ.' ~'HArl: DA'I'I:>:, Air]) CEH'l','\I!\T CyeHEH SP':!:CIAL ASSESS?iIEN'rS A~m INSTALI,MEN'rS OF SPECIAL ASSESSl'.'LENTS, DUE AND PAY" ABLE NOVEMD3H 30th, 1936, AND UNPAID, DIi;LINQUKi,l'l' , AS PEOVID:m F"Y onDI I'-TANCE NO. 594" EN'I' I '1'LED: 11 AN ORDDJANCE PROVIDI"W FOE 'THE COLLECTION OF TAXES xxx, AUD TIm I COLLEC'l'ION OF' SPECIAL A~:;STi;SST!IENTS XXXXXX", AND SECTION 5251, POLITICAL CODE, H. C. M. 1935. WHEH:2AS : I Pursuant to the provisions of Section 10, Ordinance No. 594, entitled: II AN ORDINANCE PROVIDING POR 'l'1IE COLLT;;CrrlO1'; OF rrAXES xxxx, AND FOr 'I'llIi' COLI 1<'CTTOl' OF' SPECr I\.L AS('ESC'l'p-"WrS ~T" '" \. ..'.J J_-' ,..... 'i ,. 1 ..::> 0..),1.1...>. , XXXX.\.X , the Director of l'-inance has prepared and filed with the Commission of the City of Bozeman a report showing the special assessments and lnstallments of special assessments, due and payable November 30th, 1936, and unpaid as of that date; and II '1'he Commission having exam.lned said report and Schedule; and III rrhe Commission of the City of Bozeman deems it necessary and proper, in order that the Interes ts .- .- ')41 ~...; .... . t , linquent taxes; and that in case the same are not paid, then the whole property or properties shall be sold the same as other property or properties is sold for taxes; Section 5. That said special assessments and installments of special assessments, delinquent as herein set forth, shall be collected by the County 'Treasurer of the County I of Gallatin as provided by Sections 2169 and 2237, and Section 5251, Political Code, R. ,.., M. 1935. \~J . Section 6. That the Director of Finance, under the direction of the City Manager, shall attend at the time and place of the sale of property for delinquent "taxes, as provided by Section 15 of said Ordinance No. 594; Section 7. That a copy of this Resolution, together w:i.th Schedule If All attached and made a part thereof, shall, on or bef'ore the lOth day of December, 1936, be filed wi th the County Clerk and Recorder and the County Treasurer of the County of c;.allatin; Section 8. That attached thereto and made a part thereof shall be a certificate of the Director of Finance, as provided b"" Section 12 of said Ordinance No. 594; Passed ')4f l.. .) Stato' 6f\.Montana ) ) ss County of Gallatin ) I, 1- (J. Sha(oan., CIerI\". of the CommiscJlon oC the City of )30Ze'Yi,s.11, d.o hererJY certify J,.,c. that the foregoinG Commission HesolFtion No. 352, of the C1 ty of' Bo Zem8J1 was Dub- lished by ntlmber ancl title in the; Boze:man Daily Chronicle, a daily newupaper of I general circulation, orinted and pl1blishecl hl . 1 C. t ir" tho issns of Dece:nber, sa1(" J_ .~y, 9th, Hj36, and that due proof of said D11blication was made and filed in my office. Irf WI'l'NESS V'iTtEHEOF I, herelmto cet my hand 2nd affix the seal of my office this lOth day oC December, 19~J6. ,f~~ elerl: of t"':,-e COT:m1ission I I .. Resolution No. 352