HomeMy WebLinkAboutResolution 351 Sewer on SID No. 304 ~240 ~/y/ COMMISSION HESOLUTION NO. 351 sf" 1.9 .}, A REsoLurrICJN OF' THE COMMISSION OF' TIm crrry OJ? BOZEL!AN, MOWtANA, ~." t,-v ~" ~~ ";.?,. r\ / DECLAlnw~ 1'1' '1'0 BE 'I'HE IWrEN'l'ION OIi' SAID cor'."j'nSSI01~ TO CREATE I .,~ Jt. ., A SPECIAL n.IPROVl~T:1EN'l' DISTRICT TO BE KNOWN Al<D DESI:;NNl'ED AS ~ " , . " "SPECIAL n1PROv}:::ME1~rr D1 srrRICT NO. 304" OF SAID CITY FOR THE ~ .. .+ ," .. ,," P1ffiPOSE OF CONSTRUCTING. A SANI1I'ARY SEWEH ON SOlJ1l'H GRAND AVENUE '. '" F'1OT:I AR'l'HUH STREET TO GRANT STREET, WITHIN SAID CITY, AND 11'0 ASSESS THE ENTElE COST AND EXP~lJSE OF CONSTHUCTING SAID SEvnm I AGAINST 'rEE PEOPEETYWITHIN ~)AID SPECIAL nlPHOV1=~mNrI' D12jTRICT AS CREA'rED, UNDER AND D,y VIWmE OF TEE PHOV1SIONS OF CHAPTER 398, POLITICAL CODE H. C. 1\1. 1935. BE 1'1' RESOLVED BY 'rHE COMMISSION OF THE CrI'Y OF BOZEI"IAN: I Declaration of Intention It is hereby declared to be the intention of the Connnission of the City of Boze- man, Montana, to create a special improvement dis trict to be known and desii~na ted as "Special Improvement District Number 304, for the purpose of constructin8 a sanitary sewer on Smlth Grand Avenue, in said city, from Arthur Street to (}rant Street, and within the boundaries of said Special Improvement District No. 304 as hereinafter defined. :~4 ~I Dollars. VI Frontage and Approximate Cost The total number of lineal feet of property included within said proposed I Special Improvement District No. 304 (exclusive of streets, avenues, alleys and public places) and fronting on said proposed sanitary sewer is eighteen hundred (1800) feet and an approximate estimate of the cost of said construction to be specially assessed against the land therein per lineal foot of frontage is $1.30 per front foot. VII Payment in Bonds That the entire cost and expense of constructin~ said sanitary sewer shall be paid by special improvement cUstrict C01.l.pon bonds as authorized by law, whi ch bonds shall be in the denomination of $100.00 each, and in fractions where nee' essary, to be :tssued and chargeable ac.;ainst a fund to be known as Special Improve- ment District No. 304 Fund, said bonds to be redeemable at the option of the City of Bozeman whenever funds are available for that purpose from said Special Improve" ment District No. 304 Fund; said bonds shall draw simple interest at the rate of not to exceed six (6) percent per annum, which interest shal~ be charGeable as a part of the cost of saL3 construction and shall run from the date of the registra I tion of said bonds until they are paid. ()42 htJ ~ at tb.e Commission Chamber, City Hall Building, Bozeman, 1/~ontaDa, on }'riday, the 18th day " of December, 1936, at 7:30 o'clock P. D., are the time and :)lac8 designated vIhen and where said Ci t;r CO~-;1mission will hear and pass UDOll all protests, duly and regularly made and filed ar-:ainst said proposed construction and the creatioT: of said proposed Special Improvel;lent District No. 304, the extent and character thereof, or either thereof. I XII 'rha t the Clerk of said City Connnis s ion be, and he is hereby diree te([ to give notice as required by law, of the adoption of this Hesolution of Intention. Passed and adopted by the Commission of the City of )ozeman, Montana, at a regular session of said Co:mm:i.ss:1 on held on the 27th day of November, 1936. Attest: ~/2~' C erk of the ommission NOT ICE ------- NOT I CE IS IillHEBY G I V:;:N: 'I'hat at a regular meeting of the Cor!Dniss~.on of the City of Bozeman, State of Montana, held on li'riday, November 27th, 1936, Resolution 110. 351 of said Co~nission was duly passed and adopted, declarinG it to bo the intention of I said GomrrJ.ss:i.on to create a Special Improvement District to be known and desir!:nated as Special Improvement District No. 304 for the purpose of: ~ ) t 43 ,../ .~. o'clock P. H at the Com11113sion Chamber City Hall of said City of Bozeman has been HJ.. , designated as the time and place when and where said Commission will hear and pass upon all protests a[.sainst. the proposed improvement or the creation of said improve ment district, and the land there" in to be assessed, or against any or all thereof; I 'I'hat said Resolution No. 351 as passed is now on file in the office of the unclersi7ned Clerl;;: of said Commission for the inspection of any interested party or parties and any such are hereby referred to said copy of said Hesolution for a des cription of the proposed District No. 304. Dated at Bozeman, TiTon t 11.na, this 1st clay of December, 1936. .~ -~ Commission State of Montana ) C01ill ty of Galla tin ) ss City of Bozeman ) I, L. G. Shadoan, Clerk of the Commission of the City of ~ozeman, do hereby certify that the foregoing CommissIon Resolution No. 351, of the City of Bozeman was published at length in the Bozeman Daily Chronicle, a daily newspaper of gen- eral circulation, printed and 9ub1ished in said City,