HomeMy WebLinkAboutResolution 378 Repealing Ordinance No. 385 .3 ')') t, ,--.,lI. COHJ',n SSION HESOLUTIC'N TW. 378 1\ RE:)OLTT'l'TO~( 0;" 'l'HE CO';')IJ.'iIS>~JIc)N OF' r['In:; CITY Ol" l)OZET,lAN LE\TYHJG AND AS3ESSING A SPECI.^.L A,S':;E:);;;EN'T OF '{'AXES UPOIJ C;;;R'I' !l Il< PEOPj':H'I'I:::::S IN TEE CITY We 30ZT:]T/iAii, COUNTY OF GALLATIN, STA~rI: ()~':~' ~,;:C 'f~C,Al";i-\, rL~{) ~J;'.'~F1['\.A ~/~ 'I'BT: COSrI' OF RETlOVi'l.L 0' m!(),/J:<OH 'rnI'; D<;AE 1936 1937 PURSUtdiT '1'0 PHOVISIONS OF OnDIl':ANCj,: NO, 502 EN'I'IrJ'Lrm: II AN OHDINANCE PFWVIDING I"on THE rC~h'iOVAL OF SNOW ;r;o;':: THE SIDT,'PJALKS IN 'I'ITE CI'l'Y OF 130'~ET;!AT\] AND I\.E+ PEALING ORDINANCE NO. 385, ENTITLED: tAN ORDINANCE PROVIDI~G FOH THE REMOVAL OF SNOW AND ICf, Dlncr', PIL'rn l\i'!D C)'l'}:EH OBS'IInrCTION FFW:,l SIDE- WALKS ON MAIN Snm:=:'l' BET'.'JEEIIJ WALLACE AVI,;mT1<; AND F'OTTR'.l'H AVErrUE IN rl'f~E I CITY OF BOZEVIANII, VcfI-TEHEAS, the City Council of the City of Bozeman heretofore duly and regularly passed Ordinance No. 502, entitled: If AN OHDIHANCI;; PIW\IIDI1'j(1.JC;:\ ;1'HE F(:J,TUVAL OF Sl\Cr'J r;'rWr.I CJ.'HE ;:)lD;:;.."JALiCS IN THE CITY OF BOZS~AN AND REPEALING ORDINANCE NO. 385, EN'l'I 'l'LED : I AN OHDINAiI[CE PFWVIDINGc~OH '['HE HEMOVAL OF SNO"cY AND ICE:, inH'I' , 1" IL'l'H AND OTIIER 02~)'rr{ucrrIOI~ '''my: 'J ') ') Ul~tj and the same is hereby de3i~nated as the time and place at which objections to the final adopt::"on of this Heo01ution Vlill Le heard by the Corrnniosion. Section 4. that the Clerk o;~ the Com.mission be, ano he is hereby directed and ordered to publish in the Soze~an ~aily 8hronic1e, a daily newspaper prirlted and published in said Ci t~.r of Sozc:::an, n notice sL:ned bv the Clerk o:C the CormnifJsion, and stating that I a re801u.t10n. levyIng a ~1Decial as:)()S~Fnent of' to..xes to defray the cost of' removal of snow from sidewalks adjoining certain premises in the City of Bozenmn for the year 1936- .. 1937 :is on file In the office of the Clerk of the Cormnission, slJbject to inspection for a per~od of five (5) days; that said notice shall state the time and Dlace at ~~ich ob jections will }~e beard by the Commission to the final adoption of this Hesolution; that it slwll 1;0 -mlbl! shed at leas t five days before the da te ~)e t hy the C ommis sian for hear- ing of objections and the final adoution of this Hesolutton. Provis ionally pas s cd and ado:)tecl -'y" the COrtlj'l1.:lSS ion of the City of 30ze111an at a 1'0- gplor meeting of said C01mn:isDion on the 27th day of August, 1937. ~ //? // ./ --~-t:iLLL.- · Nayor (. ... (> ArIlrr}~S~r : /. . ..., . .~.. /'~, / I -, /~)./ . _.. / 1/ '~.i:~i: ~f-" ~i;;'(c~:~f;~\ On :?inally Dassed and adopted l)y the Commission of the City of Bozeman at a regular meeting of said C01":1111i8Sion on the 3rd day of September, 1937. I /~..~ ~ !.!aYif?ddjl~ l ~u · Attest: -;J .1 ~ /" ,/:.1// ,/ . ci:rl~ ~ ~t-t~:-~c~~'~ion Published In Bozeman D8.ily Chronicle, Au?u.s t 25th, 1937. NOT ICE ------ IIEAHn:G, :'IlJAI, ADOP'TI()\,j COl/lJ'HSSIOH Rj':SOLU'I'lON NO. 378 LEVYTHG- SPECIAL ASSESST,:-'::U'l' TO:);-::'lL\Y 'L'jIE :~OST OF HEM OVAL OI' SHO'c'i FTWI\1 '.L'HE SlDKil"ALKS AD- ,TOINIFG CEi\'.L'AIN PHm,irSES IN 'THE CITY OF BOZE;;lAN j"'Of{ TIn? YEAR 1936-1937. notice is hereby give, That at a regular session of the Commission of the City of Bozeman held on the 27th day of Aur3ust, 1937, Commission '.{OSohltion No. 378 was duly nassed and adopted; that said Co::::,:..rniss:ion Heso1ution No. 373 levies and asses a special assessment of taxes upon certain properties in rrhe City of Bozeman for the year 1937 to defray th.e cos t of removal of snow for the :i"ear 1936-1937. I 'I'hat said Cormnission Hesolution No. 37f3 is now on file in the office of the Clerk of the Commission of said City of Bozeman subject to insDection of all persons interest ed for a period of five (5) days, by any person interested; that Friday the 31'0. day of SeDtember, 1937, at 7:30 0' clock P.LI., of said day at a regular session of the Commission of The City of Bozeman, Commission Hoom, C:1 ty Hall Building, has been designated as the time and place when aDd I"/hore said Commission will hear and DaBS llpon any and all ob.. jections that may be m,qde to the final passage and adontion of said Commission Resolution No. 378, and the levying of said assessment; and that said Resolution will be finally Hesohltion 378 ------------ 324 passed and adopted at saiel reg"l11ar session of said Commission, slJ_bject to such correct-- ions and amendments as may be made upon ob.i ections made and :tiled vv:i. thin five days limit as nrovided by law. Dnted this 28th da;T of ^-11P;USt, 1937. /' .~ /' I /^ ---{--/"'. . .' ...... / -C--ie';k"-~oi: '-t~~-.~~~~~~:;j State of Montana ) ) 88 County of Gallatin ) I, L. G. Shadoan, Clerk of the Comm1ssion of the City of Bozeman, do hereby certify tho. t the :Lorep;ojng Not1ce 1n Re Commission Heso]:ution No. 378 was publ:i.shod at length in the Bozeman Daily Chronicle, a nmvspaper of !o;eneral circulation printed and pub- lisbed in saic, City in the I_SS1Je of Au[",ust 28th, 1937, and that due proof of pub- lication was made and .fJ_led in my offico. IN WITNESS WHEREOF, I hereunto set my hand and affix the seal of my office this 30th day O:L August, 1937. /' / // _~_' .' .1...7 / / '. . /' ____-- /