HomeMy WebLinkAboutResolution 377 Maintenance of Parkings to defray cost of maintaining SID's :317 COLU.:rS3ION RESOLUTION NO. 377 A RESOLU'I' IOI! 0"; 'C~::= COIltHISSIOH OF TIm CITY (): BOZEMAN LEVvnW AND ASSES~;n::~ A SPECIAL r\,r,;:j"ESs:/nnJT OF 'l'AXES UFO:: ALL THE PROP'E'(l':! IN SPECIAL Ij,IPHOV:::C::El.;T DIS'nU8'rS OF 'rT-IE CIT~c OIl' E02EI'.1AN, COUN'l'Y OF GALLi\.~'I , STAI3 OF UONT~NA, ?O:-{ 'L'F::I: ;.;AI~.TTWA1!CE O~~l =) A:~KI' :-G.S '1'0 DE- ''7'::AY r~'1:iE COST OF L;AINTAUnNG '1'1m -_')AnI(U.(:~J '.iIT::I::i SAID SPECIAL IM- Plwn~:::':':r,;rl':'JISI'rnC;l'~:; Oy 'J.'~~;~_; CITY 0=' BOZI~I,~AN l"OR T'HE YEAr/. 1937. WlmHEAS, the City Council and the Commission of the City of Bozeman have hereto I fore dlJ.ly and regularly pa::3sed council and Commission Resolutions creating Special Improvement Districts within the City of Bozeman, defir.ing the boundaries thereof and providing for the maintenance of parkings therein, and for the assessment of the cost of maintaining the parkin~s as set forth in Resolutions hereina~ter re!erred to; and WHEREAS, the parlcings wi thin the boundaries of said Special Improvement Districts have been cared for and maintained dvring the year 1937 as contem9lated in said Reso- lutions, in accordance with terms and conditions thereof; and WHEHEAS, said Special ImDrovement Districts for the maintenance of parkings and the Resolutions creating the same, the total frontage or the area, of' the property within said districts to be assessed, the total cost of said maintsDance within said districts and the amount chargeable to the property therein is hereinafter set forth. NOW, TITEHEI'OHE, pursuant to the provisions of Section 5242, Political Code, R.C.M., 1935, and said COl:m,cil and Cormnission Hesohltions, creating said Special Improvement .....-.- 8'18 Maintenance of Parking District No. 50, cre3.ted by Council Resolution No. 474, Third Avenue from Story Street to Cleveland Street, a total area of 378774 square feet, the sum of ;;~199.15, at an approximate rate per square foot of ~~0.0005258. Maintenance of Parking District No. 57, created by Council Resolution No. 529, Cleveland Street from Willson Avenue to Seventh Avenue, a total frontage of 3182 linear feet, the sum of ,:~282.29 at an approximate rate per front foot of :;pO.0887l. Maintenance of Parl:ing District l~o. 52, created by Council Resobltion No. 476, Babcock Street from Fifth Avenue to Eighth Avenue, a total area of 173400 square feet, the sum of 094.03, at an approximate rate per square foot of $0.0005385. I Maintenance of Parkin~ District No. 68, created by Council Resolution No. 539, Willson Avenue from College Street to Cleveland Street, a total frontage of 1260 linear feet, the sum of :1~136.32, at an approximate rate per front foot of ;~0.10819. Maintenance of Parking District No. 72, created by Council Resolution No. 564, College Street from Grand Avenue to Seventh Avenue, a total area of 513794.7 square feet, the SHm of ;!~283.35, at an approximate rate per square foot of ;i~0.0004639. Maintenance of Parking District No. 77, created by Council Resolution No. 576, Eighth Avenue from Diclwrson Street to Harrison Street, a total .frontage of 1971 linear fee t, the sum of ~~138. 75, at an apnroxima te rate per front foot of ,:1;0.0704. Maintenance of Parking District No. 86, created by Council Resolution No. 620, SOllth side Story Street from Sixth Avenue to Eighth Avenue, and both sides SIxth Avenue from Story Street to College Street, a total fronta~e of 2426.2 linear feet, the sum of :$178.03, at an approximate rate per front foot of' ,;BO.7~)378. Maintenance of Parking District No. 90, created by Council Resolution No. 636, east side Seventh Avenue from Story Street to Colle~e Street, a total frontage of 934.2 linear feet, the ~lm of $67.75, at an approximate rate per front foot of $0.072522. Maintenance of Parking District No. 107, cre8.ted by Council Hesolution No. 658, East Story Street from Tracy Avenue to Bozeman Creek, a total frontage of 1259.8 linear feet, the sum of ;:~113.32 at. an aDDroximate rate per front f'oot of,;jO.03995. Maintenance of Parking District No. 114, created 1J: Council Re30~Jtion No. 722, west side Grand Avenue from College Street to Arthur Street, a total frontage of 930 linear feet, the sum of :j~83.53, at an approximate rate per fcont foot of t?O.089817. Maintenance of Parking District No. 117, created l'y Council Heso1u tion No. 719, I Tracy Avenue from Dicl{erson Street to College Street, 8. total ]'rontai!e of 134'3.2 linear feet, the SlJ.ll of ;~73. 28, at an approximate rate per front foot of ;'pO. 054354. Maintenance of Parking District No. 151, created by Council Resolution No. 810, east side Ii'ifth Avenue from Ollve Street to Koch Street, 9. total area of 111189.06 square feet, the sum of $44.64, at an approximate rate per square foot of $0.00040148. Maintenance of Parking District No. 189, created by Council Resolution No. 1004, east side Grand Avenue from College Street to Art1h1ur Street, a total frontage of 930 linear feet, the sum of :1~83.54, at an approximate rate per front foot of '$0.089817. l.Taintenance of Parking Distr:lct No. 256, created by Commission Hesolution No. 60 atn ance with the law governing the collection of Special Improvement Taxes; that failure to pay such assessments when same shall become due and payable shall make such person and such lots and Darcels of land liable to the penalties provided by law relative to delinquent taxes. Section 3. rrhat the regular session of the Commission of the City of Bozeman to I be held on the 3rd day of September, A.D., 1937, at the Commission Chamber, City Hall Th~ildinc, be, and the same is hereby designated as the time and place at which objections to the final adoption of tlds Resolution will be heard by the Com.mission. Section 4. That the Clerk of the Commission lie, and he is hereb-\'- ordered and direct ed to publish in the Bozeman Dally Chronicle, a daily newspaper, printed and published in the said City of Bozeman, a notice signed by the Clerk of the Commission, and stating thflt a resolution levying a specilll assessment of taxes to defray the cost of Llaintenance of Parkings in the said Special Improvement Districts for the year 1937, is on file :Ln the office of the Clerk of the Commission, slJ.bject to inspection for a period of five da;-Fs; that said notice shall state the time and place at which objections will be heard by the Commission to the final adoption of this Resolution; that it shall be published at least five da;-Ts before the date set by the Com.mission for hearing objections, and the fiull adoption of tllis Hesolution. Provisionally passed and ado~)ted by the Comrilission of 'rhe City of Bozeman at a re- gular meeting of said COrrITnission on the 27th day of August, 1937. ) . ----~ Mayor . A 1HiEZ' S'" : ~' :1;..' ./ / / / ,,7 ,..,... ... le';{{~}--2f~-c;~;ion F'inally passed and adol)ted b7 the Commission of The Ci ty of Bozeman at a regular meetin8 of said Commission on the 3rd day of September, 1937. . ,:; .. '//t~~ L .' \. . --~~~~. I/layor -/ A'I'TEST ~~&c~~ ~JO'l'ICE ----....- HEARH,G, FINAL ADOP'l'IC;;J cor.nnSSION HESOLUTION NO. 377 LEVYL:~:1 ASSTi~jD:.rc:i':T 0:" COS'l' OF T~AINT:i:rJANCE OF PAFlKINGS IN SPECIAL n'[prWV'T,~T:N'l' DISrrEIC'l'S '?OR tHE YEAR 1937. NOrl'ICE IS IIErm:3yaVEN, that a regular session of the Commission of the CIty of Bozeman held on the 28th da;;r of August, 1937, Commission Resolution No. 377 was duly I passed ,'?-1'1.d aelonteel; that said Commission T\esolution No. 377 levies and assesses a special assessment of' taxes upon all the property, in Special Improvement Districts of said City to defray the cost of Maintenance of Parkings within said Special Improvement Districts for the year 1937. That the Special Improvement Districts and the Resolutions creating the same, and the amount of t~e aS~3essments are as follows: Resolution 377 '3?O t f...,J Maintenance of Parking Hesolution Amount of District No. No. Assessment 6 306 .'f. 4f9 '7.5 ;:,) '.:) ..) 16 356 32.32 17 355 299.63 18 357 164.94 31 385 331.57 45 432 75.61 48 435 165.09 1'Jl ~ 't-.J _ Sta te of l':Tontano. ) ) ss County of rtallatin ) I, L. G. Shadoan, Clerk of the Co~ission of the City of Boze~an do hereby certify that the forec;oilig Com!nission Resolution No. 377 was published by title I and nU.mber in the Bozeman Daily Chronicle, a newspaner of peneral circulation print- ed and published :in said City in the issue of September 5th, 1937, and that due proof of publication was made and filed in my office. IN WITNESS W3EREO?, I hereunto set my hand and affix the seal of my office this 7th day of September, 1937. f/)/{/// A- '>'61~"~1{ ~-?~:~;<C~n~;;;i/~'n - I I Resolution 377