HomeMy WebLinkAboutResolution 376 SID No. 312 'l14 t . -- C o;,nn S S I OiJ F::'c~: SULU'l' I en.) c. 3'76 A RESOLUTION O~ THE CITY COlli~ISSION OF THE CITY OF :o,OZEL'iAN, it~()N~.: Al-!A, c~mA'l'nI(J A ~)PLCIAL HTPl?OVi-,:I';'lENT DISTfUCT c,CO BE Ki'!lWfI,j AEi SPECIAL ItlPHO\F:!'.r:'~j,llt iJIS;.L1,p.ICir m.n.:lE.LJ-i' 312 OFL'~n'; CITY C:.i' liOZ}';::A:<, "'OF; !'.,HPO () l~ C ()N' Si',:_) l:'.:~"Lf (~il1 ~L : ;:'~ CON C ~ I\E CU:;~ ~).S hj~"D F}~~~j\I c) T J J~;T '~,,- C P AVE:,1ENT O'i.J A cnUSH'F;D c;riAvr::L .r~M;;'" (I;; W};SI' ALi);!~r<SO'I'.f srII F~I~I::'.t BE~:.Ll\t~'~~:.J'.:.~]\). rt ~>.rI~ -',.C}I~S 'T 1..J I J-,~ II.'; () T'," L { ,~ ~3 ()i. ',r '1 II, AI\D tEE =~A:)'l' LINE OF :-.~ , :rrurw AV~I~I,:FE, SOU'I'II, I::,; SAID crL'Y. Whereas: At a reglllar sesslon of the CommissLon of T=".e City of Bozeman, State I of Montana, held on the 9th day of August, 1937, the said Commission d'Jly passed Commission Resolution No. 375 declaring it to be the intention of said Commission to create a special improvement district to be known and c1osii2nn.ted as ,special Im- provement District No. 312, of said City for t'-:1C purpose of constructing concrete curbs and penolithic pavenent on a crushed gravel ~ase, on West Alderson ,street be tween the west line of Grand Avenue, Sou tiT, and tho -.-..... .)1 ~. t. .a SCU'l'H, Aim rrEE EA::;'r LDIE O:':~ T, 11m I\\J}([ci)T:, SOU'i'II, L, SAID CI'YY OF BOZ_;:<!/IJiN, r.IOHTAj~A. Section 3 rrhat the entire cost and expense of makin[~ the sDecial improvements hereln referred to in said Special ImDrovemert District No. 312 shall be paid by Special ImDrovelwnt District Coupon Bonds, as authorized by the laws of the State of ;JIontl1na, which bonds I sJ:Jall be in the denornina tion of one h,,'ndred (~~lOO.OO) dollars each, and fractions thereof where necessary, to be issued and chargeable against a fund to be known as IISpecial ImDl'ovemcDt District No. ei'.12 Ti', d II said bonds to be redeemable at the option ,:) ~ -'_ .In , of The C:t ty of Bozeman, TJontana, whenever funds are available for that ~lrpose from said Spec:Lal Improvement District No. -----..----". alG maldng of said improvements in said ::';,pecial Improvement [)1strict No. 312, which notice shall refer to the plans and snecifications on file, by Pllblishing such notice in two (2) issues of Bozeman Daily Chronicle, a daily newspaper printed and published in The rity of Bozeman, not les3 than ten (10) days before the time s11ch bids will be opened, w"11ch sbalJ. be at a Jneeting of the Oi ty Commission to be held on ':<'rida::r, lOth day of September, 1937, at 7:30 o'clock P. H. of said day. I Passed and adopted by the COl11:nlssion of 'l'he Ci ty of Bozeman at a reg111ar session thereof held on the 27th day of August, 1937. -~KeLt-~~= Mayor// . , A T'l'E ~;fI' : /J t /'7 ~/ ..........~/f~ '.. .' ?'J. ,/ v/ / ..t. 7A-.r:' L-trV<-.It/ .'--__._ Clerk of the C:1 ty Commission State of Montana ) ) ss County of Gallatin ) I, L. " Shadoan, Clerk of the Commission of the City of F)ozeman do hereby u. certify tJ1at tIle forec:olng Counnission Hesolution No. 376 was published by title and number in the Pozeman Daily Chronicle, a newspaner of seneral circulation Drint ed and published in said City in the issue of AUF',:ust 29th, 1937, and that due proof of publication was made and filed in my office. I IN WITNESS WHEREOF, I hereunto set m:f hand and affix the sen1 of my office this 30th day of August,