HomeMy WebLinkAboutResolution 372 Providing for Exchange of Certain Real Property TTn(jf ni'lad .-".--..------ 302 f;~')d C'!]'.'i..',k('(l b.... ...~~/!?.. "-.... _A___~t.'t:.g. COMMISSION RESOLUTION NO. 372 - ~~-.._-~ RESOLU'IION OF rrEE Crl'Y COrJrn::~SION OF' 'rFn': CI'.L'Y OF 30ZEI.1ATi PROVIDING FOR '['HE EXCHAWm OF CERTAIN REAL prWPJt:R'ry OWNED BY THE CITY 01" 30 ZE'iIAN FOR CERTAIN REAL PROP:E:R'ry Al{D '['HE HTPHOVm.mN'l'S 'l'I-IEREON OWNED BY GALLATIN COUNTY, MON'I'ANA -r PHEAMBLE + 1,\'HER EAS : The City of Bozeman is the owner of record of the followinG described real property to-wit: I Beginning at a point i~ the east line of Lot 4 of~lock 1, of Babcock and Davis' Addition to the City of Bozeman, said point beins 15.3 feet south of the DortlJeast corner of said Lot 4; thence south alonc; the said east line of Lot 4, (four) 101.7 feet, more or less to the nort:h- east corner of the tract of land deeded by the City of;~ozeman to Mary D. Shriver, and as described in a certain correction dead made to the said. TlIayr D. Shriver on the 25th day of April, 1924, and recorded in .r ~'3 ( ~H' ~ Mayo <_:" /' , ,,' r---'-"'"-~ I Sta te of I:Ion tana ) ) ss County of Gallatin ) I, L. G. Shadoan, Clerk of the Commission of the City of Bozeman do hereby certify that the foregoint::, Commission Resolution No. 372 was pul)llshed by ti tIe and number in the Dozeman Daily Chronicle, a neWEJpaper ofseneral circual tion printed and Dubl:'Lshed in SI3,id Cl ty in the issue of July 28th, 1937, and that due proof of publication was made and filed in my office. IN WI'l'NESS 'iv'HEREOF, I hereunto set my hand and affix the seal of my office this 29th day of July, 1937. ~~4~~/ /t: ""/ id,,':<'YPU':4V', C.,er]{ 'of the COnt1l:i"ssion I I .--- ... ..-