HomeMy WebLinkAboutResolution 371 Creates SID No. 310 ()99 ~.... ~ COMMISSION RESOLUTION NO. 371 A RESOLUTION OD' TIm cmn.nS~3ION 07;\ 'rEE CI'l'Y OF BOZElU\.N, l.IO~:T ANA CREA'l'ING SPECIAL n.TPHOVEl.IE1'~T DISTRICT NO. 310 OF SAID CITY, FOR THE PUHPOSE OF' PLACING A "PENOTREAD" TOP ON GRAND AVENUE, SUU'I'H, BErl'\'lEEN TEE SOU'l'H LINE OF WEST COLLEGE STHEE'I' AND 'l'nE NOn'l'H CUHB LINE o}t, WEST AETIlliR STRE2~T, IN SAID cra. WHEHEAS: At a regular meet,lnF": of the Commis s ion of the C:'L ty of f>ozeman, State of I Montana, held on the 4th day of June, 1937, the said Commission dul:! passed and adopted CO~11J~' ssionHesolution IJo. 369, declarinz it to be the intention of said Cownission to create a special improvement district to be lmown and desisnated as Special Improvement District No. 310, of said City, for the plJ.TpOSe of placing a "Penotreadll to') on Grand A venue, South, between the south line of West College Street and the north curb linB of West Arthur Street, in said C 1 t'y, and to specially assess the entire cost and expense of :nalring said ir.1prove;nent aga:lnst the property wi thin said dis tr:tct under and by virtue of the laws of the State of ~ontana in such case made and provided, which said Commis- sion Resolution No. 369 is hereby referred to and I!k'1(le a part }ler'-;o:::' for f-urthcr par- ticulars in respect to the boundn,ries of said Special Improvement District No. 310, the esti:nated cost of said improvement and the method of as~)es~3ing tl18 sC'.me against the --- ....-.---- 300 Section 2 Thnt said irnprovements be, and the same are bereby ordered to be made in said Special Improvement District No. 310, as follows: PLACING 1\ PENOrI'HI':AD 'l'OP ON G.11!\..,[\!D AVENTr::~, SOUTH, BET",{EE'N 'l'TI1:: SOUTH LINE OF .vVESrI' COLL::GE STHEE'l' AND rrEE NOR'I'H CUlm LnE~ OJ~;' ',lEE;'l' AIi'.'l'EUR s'rHE1~'1', IN I'I-IE C II'Y OF BOZEr,'iliN. Section 3 I 'l'ha t the en tlre cost and expense of ma].:ing said improvement D-S specified. in Sectlon 2 hereof shall be paid by Spc;clal Improvement Dlstrlct Coupon Donds, as authorlzed by the law:3 of the State of I.Iontana, whic:1 bonds shall be ln tl10 denomina- tion of $100.00 each and fractions thereof where neCeSfJary, to be issued and chargeable ar;ainst a fund to be known as Special Improvement District 1\:0. 310 Fund, said bonds to be recleemable a t the option of '1'he City 0:[' Bozernan, Montana, whenever funds are avallable for that purpose from said Special Improvement District No. 310 Fund; said bonds shall draw simple interes tat not to exceed 6;0 per annurrr, which shall be charge.. able as a part of the cost of said improvement and shall rUn from tho date of registra- tion of said bonds until all of them are paid. '1'0 pay said bonds, and the interest thereof, representinv the cost of said im.provement, a soecial assessment shall be levied aca:i.nst all of the real property vdthin said Special Improvement District No. 3L), as in said Resolution of Intention No. 369 defined, each lot or p~rcel of land wJthin said dis- trict to be assessed for that prot:i.on of' the whole cost in the proportion that the said lot or parcel of land bears to the aroa of the entire district as creatod, exclusive 0 l' streets, a venues, alleys and public places; ___. _n.. --.... 30t a regular meetin-:: of the City Commission to be held on Friday, the 16th day of July, 1037, at 7:30 o'clock P. M. of said day. Pas sed and adopted b'JT the Commis 3 ion of the C1 ty of Bozerrk'ln, Montana, at a re[';ular session thereof held on the 2nd day of July, 193'7. I M~#/&~'4.- · ,c- ommission Published in Bozeman Daily Chronicle July 4th, 193'7. State of Montana ) ) ss County of Gallatin ) I, L. G. Shadoan, Clerk of the Commission of the Ci ty of Bozeman do lJereby cert_~fy tnt'. t the foregoing Commission Resolution No. 371 was published by title and number in the Bozeman Daily Chronicle, a newspaper of general circulation printed and published in said City in the issue of July 4th, 1937, and that due proof of publ:i.catl.on was made and filed in my office. IN \rjIfI'NESS 'tvJ-IEREOF, I hereunto set my hand and affix the seal of my office this .. 6th day of July, 1~J37. I I Resolution No. 371