HomeMy WebLinkAboutResolution 387 SID No. 306 3"'4 fa. CO!,chllSSION HJ';SULU rl'ION HO. 3<37 A m< i30 Li: 'I] I 0:< O~;' :rIlE C 0 ~';'7:; I S:H 0 T.J U I;.' 'L'HE C I'TY Oii']' () 7,~'::T Ai'-: , ;'.: c ~",'" rrA T r A, LEVYING j\;.D~S::;TI:i3:)D!G A SPF;CIAL j',S~-3ESSTni;Tl'l.' OF I'AfESi'PCJ.: AIJJ l'lil',:?n.OE'EW~'Y :Ci,j SPECIAL rLl.PHOVij;;:~:'i 'I' DISI'HICrr NO. 30f3 D; TIn;; CI'l"{ en" '!,OZ=~:L;AN, c ~",.',.;'i~'rJ"r[ll~{ o III GALLA'I'IN, STATE OF MONTANA, TO m'3HAY 'l'EE CO~)T OF CO;IS'J"EUCTI1W AIm l:T/lKIN(} 1111'; D:1?RO"\T:;;r'iL::Wl'S \'JJ '1'111' N :';/\ ID SPECJ.AL I:':PFlOJ"'TlL:I"r D;. S'j.'H I C'I' NO. 306. VJH EHEA,S, the City Com:n:tssion of 'I'he City of Bozeman, (I id on the 7th clay of May, 1937, dl11y and regul'l.rly nass Commission Resol1J.tion No. 3CiO, entitled: I A HESOLTTTIOK OF 'rEE CITY COMLII~3SI():,T OF' 'rE]'; CIL'Y cre OZE;:IAH 1Jl.';CL,'U.niW IT TO JJE TIm IHTT~'~;rI'IOE OF' 'L'~lE CI'l"Y OFT.JOZE":AlJ :co C:::[,A'i.']';A::;PECIAL EIPHO\TSr.:li;TiT IHSI'IHC'i.' '1'0 F,E KNO'.'JN AS SPECIAL BTPFWV~:J.~EII'I' DIS/l'RICI' :W. 306 01<" 'EIrE CITY OF BOZEi.:AN .FOn 'I' HE PURPOSE OF C()l'S'I'RUC'I'IJ~G COIJCHL'l'E CURBS AND PLAN'i' LII:X OIL LIACADA?,T P AV}.:I;lENT, OF( PENOLI'I'HIC P AVETll~';rT ON A CHl}:':FED GHA VEL T'3ASE, ON :a:J'I'E AVE"~UE, iJO!T;rH, BETWEEN THE NORTH LI~E OF WEST DICKERSON STREET AND 'I'}lE :i.TOWL'II Lrm OF WEST' COLL:'\,GE S'll1.EE'l', IN SAID CI'I'Y. and thereafter, after due and legal proceedings had, the Commission of 'l'b.e City of Boze- man did on the 4th da;T of June, 1937, dnly pass Coclm:tssion Hesollltion No. 3""~ ..aa installments shall be made on or before the 30th day of November of each year until payment of all installments together with tl1.e interest thereof, shall be made; that said sums shall be paid and the collection thereof shall be made in the manner and in accordance with the law governing the collection of specin.l improvement taxes; that failure to pay such assessments when the same become due and payable shall mal{e such I nersons and said lots and D8Tcels of land liable to the penalties provided by law relative to delinouent ta.xes. SectJon 2. 'That the regular session of the Corrunission of the City of Bozeman to be held in the Comrn:i.ssion C}lamber ill the Ci ty Hall of said City on the 29th day of October, 1937, at 7:30 o'clock P. M., be, and the same is hereby desisnated as the time and place at which objections to the final adoption of this Resolut5.on will be heard b:,,' the sald Commission. Section 3. rrh8_t the Cler1{ of the Commissj.on .-if 'rho Oi ty of Bozeman be, and he is ]-1ereby ordered G.nd l,e is hereby ordered and directed to p"blisl1 in the F,ozeman Daily Cl\ronicle, a da:ily neviTsy:tner.,rir\ted CI.nd ~mlJli3hed in the said City of Bozeman, a notice signed by tlle Clerk of tlle Commission and stating that a Resolution levying and assessing a special assessment of taxes to defray the cost and expense of construct- ine and mal;:ine; the :tr.1nrov,rnents in the said Special Improvement District "lTo. 306 is on file in the office of the Clerk of the Co::nmission sub,icet to :lnspcction for a period of five ( 5) days; that said notice shall state '(;he time and nlace at which objections will be hard by the Commission to the f11:"1I'\.1 .8.doDtion of this HesolutioD; that it shall I be ~lblished at least five (S) do.ys before the day set by the Commission for the hear- inr; of o',,iectLms and the f'i:nal adoDtion of tIds TIesohJtion. Provisiol1nlly "o.ssed ,:ond adoi"\ted I:nr the Commission of 'l'he Clty of Bozernan at a 1'og,1lar session thereof held cn the 22nd Day of October, 1937. :15(j HEARING, ::-"Il\AL ADOPTIOT! C01.1T,IISSI R;':SOLU'I'ION NO. 387, U;;VYInG ASSESSM';:Nrl: "'on S~")T:CJi\L ITvlPHO'Jli;Y'c'IEN'l' DISTT-:IC'l' T'W. 306, C :cry 0 ]I' BOZEMAN, P AVIFG D-irrH AVENlJE: cjOUrI'H m~:rJ';'n;I~i,r COLLEGE A!'IJ!)1CIGmSON S'I'TIEETS. lW'l'ICE IS :aElnc:y CHV2'!;N, tha tat a rer!,1~lar sess:i.on of the Commission of '1':l:1e City of Fozeman, held cn ~'':t:'iday, the 22nd day of October, 1937, Cor:l1nission J{esol~)_tlon 1'To. 38'1 Vias c'_uly nassed and adonted; tho.t :,,: a:ld C '-},:Iln:t;) s:i oIl_He 0301'\1 tior: ITa. 3S? levies and asses:;es a special assessment of ta~os upon all the DroDcrty j,n Spedia1 Improve- I mont District ~o. 306 in said City, to defray the cost and expenso of cons tructinp: R_ncl ma::in{y the im)I'OVelnentB 71i. th in s.'J_id Dis trt at . 'rho. t , said C01nmissicn Hesolution lio. 387, is now on file in the office of the Clerk of the Commission Slli),iect to inspection for a period of five US) day[) by any nersons Intere:J tsd. l'lv~t [I'r:tday tbe ~;9tll do:,:' of Oetober, 1037, at 7:30 o'elock P.M., of said day, at the re~ul9.r ses D."L ("..in oJ,~ t~(L8 [3,--,:1..5 Corrunisi:c10n ofi.'he Clt.,y of jO,ozornan :J.t the C o~Tnn:t s s l Or' Chamber in the City Hall &li1dlng of said City, IJGS been de s :t',;na ted as tI1e tlme !'lnd'Jlace when and 'I'/here tbe said Con~ission Wlll hear and Dass upon any and all obiections that may be lU-'J.cle to the rinal Dassn~e [J,nd Qc:1oDtion of said Hesolutio n No. 3137 and tho 1 e v~\r:i. of said assessment, nnd. tJJ.a t said Resol~tion will be finally passed and adoDted a t~ s aid r ':) [in 1 ar s e s ,3 :i 0 n . a57 made and flIed in my office. IK WIT]3SS WHEREOF, I hereunto set my hand and affix the seal of my office this 4th day of November, 19~)7 . ~../ // c2 1"~~/~-~"6-~~~~~fc;~-J " 1 ~ I .1