HomeMy WebLinkAboutResolution 386 Creates SID No. 314 Q::-~1 () - CO~~ISSION RESOLUTION NO. 386 Ii R~i:~:)OLurl'ION OF 'rEE cm.rHS;:;ION OF THE CIri'Y OF 1:':O~3E;,IAN, STA'I'E OF ~:; 0 NT A ~,~ 1\ , I '~-l~~ f\ 1 \ L ~\ C A ~)-?EC;IAL n:pf\U J . j,I~-::l:T ~nS'L'IU CT 1'0 BE T\:NO'\'JN AND DI~ ~SICr I~ fi:I'}: A~) II :'"";PFJ'IAL r~PhOV;.:n~~j;'r ~IT Sri'R I CT ~JO. 31411 OF S1\I"-, CI'I'Y r;" OR T1 i'S PllfnJOSE OF CO~~S'l'E1JC'I'TNG A SA~;ITARY SE'.:EH HI TILE: ALLEY IN ?LO CK 43, PARE ADDITION, '.'i1 'I'Ll 111 SAID CITY, AND TO SPE'.IAIJLY ASSE~)S TE' 0 Ej"TIHs': COSTi'1'f'J j;:X?~~:j:,)E (r'I' C()N~)'['lr(TC'nlTG- SAlT) :','IU'.L'AHY AGAIN- srI ' 'I'E::::; PHOPER'ry '!JI'l'TUN SAID DIS'i'JnC'l' Tn-iDEE AND BY VIH'I'tm OJ? 'rEE PHO- VIS IO~S OF SECTIONS 5225-5277, INCLUSIVE, POLI'I'ICAL CODE, R. C. li1. I 193 5, AN D Al~Y AT,1ENDI::U:N'l' S 'THEHETO. ~-----"---"-,~...._._._~-'~---- WT:T,]j}; AS: At a regular session of the Comnission of The City of Bozeman, State of ~ontqna, 11.e Id on t:'."le 24th day of September, 1937, the sa:Ld COffil'1ission duly 'Jassed Com:~,:is3ion nesolntion Ho. 383 declarin;:r, it to be the '31') , ( I~ in said S~ecial Improvement District No. 314 as follows: TIm CONS'l'RUCI'IO}\J AlTD INS'rl\LLA'I'ION OF' A SPd\:I'l:AHY SE\VT;:n I'ili frITE ALLEY IN P:I:;()CI( 43, PAHE ADDITION. Section 3 That the entire cost and expense of m~,)Jdng the DDecial Improvement herein set forth in said Special Improvement District No. 314 shall be apdi in cash as provided in Section 5250, R. c. Montana, 1935, and/or by specio.l improvement d:istr'ict coupon bonds I and/or warrants of the denomination of $100.00 each and In fractions thereof where necessary, to be isslJed a.nc1 char';;8c1.t:le a;~a:l.nst tJ1C :1'11.nc'1. to be lmown as II 3:)oclal Improve- mont District No. 314 ]i'undrl; said bonds or warrants to be redeemable at the oDtion of ;11110 City of Bozeman, 1',10ntana, './henevel' fl)ndfJ are avail able for' that p1 'r1)OSe from said Special Improvement District 1'10. 314; Fund; said boncls or warrants shall draw simple interest at a rate not exceeding six ( ~o/) per cent per annum, wl"15ch sh.a11 be chargeable 0/" as a pru~t or :~he cost of said special imnrovemonts and shall run frorn the cia te of the re~i8tration of said bonds or ymrrqnts until. r\ "dd bonds or warrants are paid; and such interest from the date of the regis tration of sale] bonds or warrants until the payment of tlLe 3~'~ .. af. State of Montana ) ) ss County of Gallatin ) I, L. G. Shadoan, CIerI\: of the Commission of The C1 ty of Boze:nan do hereby certify that the foreGoing Commission Hesolution No. 386 was published by title I and nl'l.ml:Jer :in the Bozoman,~aily Cllronicle, a newspaper of senersl circulation printed 8.nd '')ublished. in s~dd City in the issue of October 17tll, 193'7, and that due proof of pnblication was made and filed in my office. IN '1\I'I'~,<ES~) "i''IT~~F{}}~OIj1 , I hereunto set my hand and affix the seal of' my office this 13th day of October, H)37. ;)/ /~ :.:,:/'.' ,'" ,"" "",:..,:""', ,....," " " ,Y c-~e'~if;:~:~hf~c5~;:~-~J _. ....... I I