HomeMy WebLinkAboutResolution 385 Creates SID No. 313 848 COMj.,USSION HESOLTJ'l'ION NO. 385 A Fl.ESOLUTION OF 'TEE Cm,Tj,'~ISE)Im:) OF 'I'J-Tl<~ CJrr:f. OJ;' BOZ}:Ic1A:iI, STATE OF UONTANA, CrU;:A'rn:G A SPECIAL IIIPROV::I}TT.:NT DI~)THlr:fr 'eo Eli: I<::rO\,J}i Aj\"D DESIG"NNl'Tm AS II SP:~:CIAL D~pnOV'::;In"Tif~r :f.)1::;rrJ-?Icrr NO. ~)13rl OP SAID C:l'I'Y "[,"on TTTE P1HPO:-;j;: o~:;' co;~- S'I'HUCTIl:G A E3ANI'l'AHY Sl;:'i,'EFi ON WILLSON A V::~J'JUE, SOTrrrd, :~E'r'Nm';N IIAYES STIC:Err AND GRANT srrREE'l', KITEIN SAID CITY, AND '1'0 ~)PECIALLY AS_:};:SS l'HE EN'TIRE COST fG\D EXPEN3E or' CONSrCRUCTI1W SAID SAl;I'J'AHY S1'::,";1<:I1' AGAIN-ST 'i'EE PROPEHTY WI'l":~fIN SAIL DI~:,cmICT TTNDEE AND -:W VIH'.l'UE (X:~' TT-IT'; ~)hO\lISIOjJS OJ;' SEC'~'ICT;S 5225-5277, Ii'ICLUSIV:S, POLlrrTCAL CODE, H. C. 1'./1. 19~) 5 , AIJ]j ANY Ar.=l:;lm;IE~?':TS 'I'HEFtE-t I '1'0. WJ-Ei~HEAS : At a regular session of the CommisEd.on of The City of Bozeman, state of 1.!1ontllna, held On the 17th day of September, 1937, the said Comnission duly passed Cormniss:l.on Hesohltio:n No. 382. cJeclarlnr; it to "0 tho intentj on of saili GOlmnission to creato a special improvement district to be known snd designated as Special Improvement District No. ~-S13 , of said Gity for the purpose of const~lcting a sanitary sewer on Willson Avenue, SmIth, bet','leen Hayes street and Grant street, in said City of Bozeman, and to specially assess the entire cost and expense of making said improveTIent asainst the pro- perty within said district under and by virtue of the provisions of Sections 5225-5277, hwlu3 ive, H. C . IJontana, 1935, and any amend""11entn l;hereto which ~,aid Commission Resobltion No. 382 is hereby referred to and made a Dart hereoC' for f1.H',ther particulars in respect to the boundaries of said district, the estimated cost of saiC imnrovGmcnt and the method of aSi'1essing the SGme asainst the pro-")erty wlttlin s~.ld disl;rict; and, ';"n"~~:I\EAS : l':: otlce of the na8sa,,;e of s'dd CommIssion Fesolution No. 382 was duly published as requi.red by law :In [,ozeman Daily Chronicle, a daily newspaper of seneral a.l~} WILLSON AVENUE, :~ OUTH, !:rE'T'NEEJ\: HAYES STREET AND GnAWI' STREErr. Section 3 Tha t the entire cos t 9.nd e]~nense of makinr!, the sDeclal imnrovement herein set forth in sald Special Imnrovement D:i.strict No. 313 shall be paid in cash as provided in Section 5250, R. C. Montana, 1935, and/or by special improvement district counon bonds and/or warrants of the denmnlnation of :~lOO.OO each and in fractions thereof where I necessary, to be issued and chargeable against the fund to be l-::nown as trSpecial Improve- ment District No. 313 FundI!; said bonds or warrants to be redeemable at the option of The City of Bozeman, Montana, whenever funds are available for that pllrpose from said Special Improvement District No. 313 Flmd; said bonds or warrants shall draw simple interest at a rate not exceeding six (6%) per cent per annum, which shall be chargeable as a part of the cost of said special improvements and shall run from the dO.te of the re8istration of said ~cnds or warrants until said bonds or warrants are paid; and such :intercst :rorn the date of the registration of said bonds or warrants until the nayrrlen t of the first installment [3hall be collected by the director of finance of said City of Bozeman at the time of collecting said first installment; that the entire cost and ex- pense of said impro7ement within said district shall be defrayed by a special assess- ment against the entire district, each lot or parcel of land within said district to be assessed for its propbrtionate share of such expense, each lineal front foot of th~ total frontage of s\\ch lots or narcels of land within said Special Improvement District No. 313 to be assessed for its proportionate share of such entire cost. I Section 4 'l'hat the City i~:nrc;ineel> be, and he '3~O ta I, L. r:. Shadoan, Clerk of the Commission of The Ci ty of 'Dozeman c1 0 hereby '"' . certify that the forerjoing Commission Resolution No. 385 was ~lbllshed by title and number in the Bozeman Daily Chronicle, a newspaper of general circulation printed and DlJ_b1:tshed In said Ci ty in the issue of October 17th, 1937, and that &18 proof of publication was made and filed in my office. IN WI'rNESS i/HEHIWF, I hereunto set my hand and affix the :Jeal of my office tlds I 18th day of October, 1937. ,f ,1',/'7 S/ I { / // '// , .....:.//,;I(..rc_c :____&-""'~---."__ ClerIc' of the Commission I I '1 Resolution 385