HomeMy WebLinkAboutResolution 380 Street Sprinkling District --- 828 comnSSION RESOLUTION NO. 380 A RESOLUTION OF THE COMTnSSION OF 'rIm CITY 01<' BOZEMAN LEVYINC AND ASSESSING A SPECIAL ASSESSl'.1ENT OP 'rAXES UPON ALL THE PHOPEHTY IN S'rHrmT SPRINKLHW DISTRICrrS OF 'I'HE crn:- OF DOZELIA_, COlnny OF GALLATIN, S'I'j\'1'E OF LlOH'I'ANA, TO DEF'HAY SEV'i:NTY-l"Ivll: PERCE1'IT OF 'rI-ill OOS1' OF SPRINKLING s'rREETS \H'I'HIN SAID STHEET SPRINKLING DIS'I'RICTS OF' THE CITY OF BOZElilAT'1 FOR 'I'}IE YK\R 1937. V'ffiEREAS, the City Gounctl and the Corrnniss:i.on of The City of Bozeman have he:r~Lofore buly and regUla.... rlYP'lssed. Cour.cil and COrt1:llission Resolutions creating Street Sprinlding I Districts wi thin The City of Bozeman and defining the b01mdaries thereof and providing for the assessment of the cost of sprinkling the same as set forth in Hesolutions here- inafter referred to; and WHEREAS, the streets within the boundaries of said Street Sprinkling Districts have been sprinkled during the yenor 1937 as contemplated in said Hesolutions, in accord ance with terms and conditions thereof; and WHEREAS, the Street SprinJding Districts and the Resolutions creating the same, the total frontage of the property within said district to be assessed, the total cost of said sprinkling within said districts and the proportion thereof chargeable to the prop- erty therein is hereinafter set forth. NOW, nmREFORE, -oursuant to the provisions of Sections 5272 to 5277, inclusive, Political Code, R.C.Y:1. 1935, and Ordinance No. 295, and said Council and Commission Reso-' 1utions creating said Street Sprinkling Districts; BE II' RESOLVED AND IT L:; HEREBY ORDEHED BY THE CC;.1r.nS~[ (IN OF THE CITY OF BOZEMAN, STATE OF MONTANA: Section 1. 'rhat for the year 19Y7, The C1 ty of Bozeman has defrayed the cost U~2700.70) of sprinkling streets in the several Street sp. rinlding Districts Dursuant I to Resolutions creating the same, and thD_t seventy five per cent 01' the entire cost thereof, ($2025.56) exclusive of the cost of sprinkling par}::s and public places, the total nunmer of linear feet of property to be assessed, and the rate per linear foot, is as follows, to-wit: SprinJding District No.1, created by Council Resolution No. 424t, Main Street from Wallace Avenue to F'ourtrl Avenue, a total frontage of 9362.4 feet, the sum of $1120.56, beins 757S of the entj,re amount, or at an approxlmate rate per front foot of $0.12053. Sprinkling District No. 130, created by Council Hesolution Yo. 765, I!lai~ Street from Fourt'!l Avenue to Eighth Avenue, a total frontage of 2612.5 feet, tlle sum of ;ip29.G9, bemS 757~ of the entire amount, or at an approximate rate per front foot of $0.011365. Sprinkling District No. 131, created by Council Resolution No. 766, South Bozeman Avenue from 1st alley south to Koch Street, a total frontage of 2399.1 feet, the sum of ~~15.56, being 75% of the entire amount, or at an approximate rate per front foot of $0.006486. Sprinkling District No. 132, created by Council Hesolution No. 767, South Black Avenue from 1st alley south to Olive Street, a total frontal3e of SB7 feet, the sum of $5.45, be:Lng 75 % of the enUre amount, or at an anproximate rate per front foot of $0.00614. Sprinld:ing District No. 133, created by Council Resolution Ho. 768, South Tracy Avenue from lst alley south to College Street, a total frontage of 4724.2 feet, the sum of $23.4....4, being 75%. Of. the entire amount, or at an approximate rate per front foot of I $0.00496. Sprinkling District No. 134, created by Council Hesolution No. 769, South Willson Avenue from 1st alley south to Cle,.celand Street, a total frcntar;e of 5921.37 feet, the sum of 4~59.21, being 75~& of the entire amount, or at an a'Jproximate rate per front foot of ~~0.01. Sprinkling District No. 135, created by Council Resolution No. 770, South Grand Avenue from 1st alley south to College Street, a total frontage of 4614.42 feet, the sum!~of ;~16~46, being 75% of the entire amount, or at an approx:tmate rate per front foot of ,;pO.003567. Sprinkling District No. 136, created by Council Resolution No. 771, 'Third Avenue from Ma:Ln Street to Babcock Street and from Olive Street to Cleveland Street, and Fourth Avenue from BabcocJc Street to Olive Street, a total frontage of 6160.45 feet, (}'J{) t f..J. the sum of $33.72, being 75~~ of the emre amount, or at an approximate rate per front foot of $0.0055. Sprinklin8 District No. 137, created by Council Resolution No. 772, North Wallace Avenue from Main Street to Tamarack Street, and 'l'amarack Street from Wallace Avenue to H. P. Station, a total frontage of 6458.2 feet, the sum of f81.37, being 75~ of the entire amount, or at an apnroximate rate per front foot of ~0.0126. SprinklIng District No. 138, created by Councll Resolution No. '773, Nort' Tracy Avenue from 1st alley north to Short Street, a tol~al frontage of 281';;,).5 feet, the st~m of I ~~24.20, being 75% of the entire amount, or at an approx:imate rate perfront foot of ~0.00()583. Sprin1B.in[~ Dlstrlct No. 139, created by COllDCl1 Resolution No. 774, '::>outh Sixth Avenue from Oli~e Street to Story Street, a total frontage of 1793.7 feet, the Sllm of $17.94, being 75~b of the entire amount, or at an apnroximate rate per front foot of $0.01. Sprinkling District No. 140, created by Counci_l Resolution No. 775, South Eighth Avenue from Main Street to Harrison Street, a total frontage of 5472.85 feet, the sU41 of $54.73, being 75% of th': entire amount, or at an aDproximate rate per front foot of :$0.01. Sprinkling District No. 14:1, created by Council Resolut:ton No. 776, Story Street from Tracy Avenue t(-; Third Avenue, a total frontage of 1727.5 feet, the sum of ;~11.90, be:"Lng 75Jb of the entire amount, or at an aDproximate rate per front foot of ~~0.00689. SprinklinG District No. 142, created by GO'.moil Resolution No. 7'7'/, Story Street and Koch Street between Six-t:.h AveLue and Eighth Avenue, a total frontage of 2140 feet, the sum of $21.40, being 75% of the entire amount, or 8.t an ap-oroximate rate per front t.h ".' - foot of .it'O.Ol. Sprinkling District l~o. 143, created by Council Resolution No. 778, Cleveland Street from Willson Avenue to Seventh Avenue, a total frontae;e of 3182 feet, the SU~il of $31.82, being 75% of the entire amount, or at an approximate rate per front foot of $0.01. Sprinkling District No. 144, created by Council Resolution No. 779, Olive Street from Grand Avenue to Sixth Avenue, a total frontage of 2262 feet, the 31_1.111 of :$17.69, being 75~G of the entire amount, or at an approximate rate per front foot of ip,0.00782. a80 Sprinkling District No. 199, created by Council Resolution No. 999, Button wood Avenue from Main Street to the Cemetery, a total frontage of 1940.2 feet, the stun of q~5.59, being 75% of the entire amount, or at an approximate rate per front foot of $0.00288. Sprinkling District Woo 204, created by COllnci1 Resolution No. 1000, Main Street from Wallace Aven11e to '~uttonwood Avenue, a total frontage of 1693 feet, the sum of $16.95, being 75% of the entire amount, or at an approximate rate per front foot of :~0.01. Sprinkling iJistrict No. 216, created by Council Resolution No. 1108, Mendenhall Street from Seventh Avenue to Wallace Avenue (paved portion), a total frontage of 2296 feet, the sttm of ~~15.93, beinG 75% of the entire amount, or at an approxim~te rate per front foot of $0.00694. 1 Sprinkling District No. 217, created by C01111Cil Hesolution No. 1109, Lamme Street from Seventh Avenue to Wallace Avenue (paved portion), a total frontage of 4081.7 feet, the sum of $30.80, being 75% of the entire amount, or at an approximate rate per front foot of $0.00755. ' Sprinkling District No. 218, created by Council Resolution No. 1110, North Seventh Avenue f;:,om Main Street to Beall Street, a total frontage of 1140 feet, the sum of $11.40, beinet, 75/; of the entire amount, or at an approximate rate per front f'oot of :$0.01. Sprinkling District No. 219, created b:y COlJ.ncil Resolution No. 1111, North F'ifth Avenue between Main Street and Beall Street, (paved portion), a total frontage of 1120 feet, the sum of' $5.33, being 7576 of the entire amount, or at an aDproximate rate per front foot of $0.00476. . , Sprinkling District No. 220, created by Council Resolution hO. 11:12, North Third Avenue f;;om Main Street to Peach Street, a total frontage of 530 feet, the sum of $3.25, being 75/0 of the entire amount, or at an approximate ra.te per front foot o~ ~~0.00613. . Sprinkling District No. 232, created by City Commission Resolution No.6, South Black Avel(ue from OIl ve S~reet to College Street, a total frontage of 22':,8.22 feet, the sum of $15.49, be1n[; 7Mb of the entire amount, or at an approximate rate per front foot.of ~o O~('n6 . ~TP . ",) ):::;) ). Spriru{ling District No. 233, created by City Coramission Resolution No. '7, South Third Avenue from Cleveland Street to Lincoln Street, a total frontage of 12JO feet, the snm of ~~8.J4, being 75% of the ent:tre amount, or at an approximate rate per front foot of $0.00745. Sprinkling District No. 234, created by City Commission Resolution No.8, West Babcock Street from Fift~ Avenue to Eleventh Averu~e, a total frontage of 3339.5 feet, the sum of $23.40, being 75% of the entire a:r::lOunt, or at a.n approxim.ate rate per front foot I, of $0.007. Sprinkling District No. 235, created by City Commission Resolution No.9, Dickerson Street from Tracy Avenue to Eleventh Avenue, a total frontage of 1735.7 feet, the sum of $12.26, beinrr, 75% of the entire amount, or at an approximate rate per front foot of $0.00706. - Sprinkling District No. 236, created by City Commission Hesolution No. 10, Alderson Street from Willson Avenue to Eleventh Avenue, a total frontage of 540 feet, the sum of $4.25, being 75% of the entire amount, or at an approximate rate per front foot of $0.00787. Sprinkling District No. 237, created by City Comnission Resolution No. 11, Harrison Street from Tracy Avenue to Ei,r~~hth Avenue, a total frontage of 10dO feet, the sum of $5.40, being 75?~ of t he entire amount, or at an approximate rate per front foot of :j~0.005. Sprinklinp; District No. 238, created by City Commission Resolution No. 12, South Church Avenue from Main Street to Story Street, a total frontage of 3457 feet, the sum pf ~~34.57, being 75JS of the ent:i.re amount, or at an apDro:;dmate rate per front foot of $0.01. Sprinlding District No. 256, created by City Commlssion Resolution No. 69, South Sixth Avenue, Cleveland to Garfield Street, a total frontage of 1362 feet, the S1:un of $11.91, being 75% of the entire amount, or at an approximate rate per front foot of $0.00875. Section 2. 'rhat to defray seventy-five (75) per cent of the cost of sprinkl:inr; streets within said street spr:i.nklinrs districts for the ye ~r 1937 there be, and there is hereby levied and assessed a tax upon all the property in front of and bordering on sald street sprinkling dis tricts as set for ~:h in Schedules One to Forty-three (43) :Lnclusi ve, hereto I, attached and made a part hereof; that a particuln.r deSCr:1Ption.of ea~h l~t and parcel. of land with the name of the owner and the sum assessed against lum or l t, lS set forth In assessments lists hereto attached, marl{ed, "Schedules One to Porty-three", and made a part hereof; thf:1.t the several sums set opposi te the names of the owners, and the described lots and parcels of land, be, and the same are hereby levied and assessed upon and against said lots and parcels of land; thllt the several sums b e collected from the respective owners of said lots and parcels of land described in the said assessment lists, Resolution No. 380 831 Schedules One to Forty-three inclusive, as required by law; that said sums shall be paid and the collection thereof shall be made in the maimer and in accordance wi th the ]a w governing the collection of special improvement taxes; that failure to pay such assessments when same shall become due and payable shall mal~e such person and such lots and parcels of land liable to the penalties provided by the law relative to delinquent taxes. I Section 3.. Tha t the regular sss si on of the Connnis s ion of 'rhe City of Bozeman to be held on the 24th day of September, A.D. , 1937, at the Commission Chamber, City Hall Build- ing, be, and the same is hereby designs. ted as the time and place at whic}l ob,j ectlon..s to the final adoption of thls Resolution will be heard by the Commission. Sect:t on 4. 'root the Clerk of the Commission ()e, am he is hereby ordered and directed to publish in the Bozeman Da:ily Chronicle, a daily newspaper, printed and published in the said Cj. ty of Bozeman, a notice si,cr,ned by the Clerk of the COTIlr;1ission, and s tatine~ that a resolution levying a special assessment of taxes to defray seventy-five (75) per cent of the cost of sprinkling streets in the said Street Sprinklinp; Districts for the year 1937, is on file In the office of the Clerl.~ of the Corrnnission, subject to inspection for a period of five days; thGt said notice shall state the tlme and place at which ob jections will be heard by the Commission to the final adoption of this Resolution; thp,t it shall be published at. least five days before the date set by the Commission for hear- ing of objections, and the final ado~tion of this Resolution. ProvisIonally passed and ad:;.pted 1)".7 the ComYl'Jso_;lon of the City of Bozeman at a rogl,lar 88::::810n o.i said Commission on the 17th day of September, 1937.. I ~z:6 //:4 " "', - // / - / . ../L.---t.----- -~ ~---- '33') t I~ STR EET SPRINKLING RESOLUTION AMOUl-Fl' OF DIS TRICT NO. NO. ASSESSMEN'r 1 424-k ~~ 1123.56 130 765 29.69 131 766 15.56 132 767 5.45 133 763 23.44 134 769 59.21 135 7'70 16.46 136 771 3~). 72 137 772 31. ;37 I 138 773 24.20 139 774 17.94 140 775 54.73 141 776 11.90 B3B --- State of ;,'lontana ) ) ss County of Gallatin ) I, L. G. Sl:.adolln, Clerk of the COlTh.'l1ission of the City of' Lozeman, do hereby certify that the foregoing Notice in Re, 00r:11n1ss10n Resolution No. 380 was "Ollbli3hed at length in the Jozenlan Daily Chronicle, a newspaper of General circnlation printed and published I in sald Oi ty in the iSSl:te of September 19th, 1937, and ths. t dr1.e proof of publication was made and filed in my office. IN WITNESS WHEREOF, I hereunto set my hand and affix the seal of my office this 20th day of September, 1937. ~t: ~ yJ .' . le~'~ j/---~~~?t-~n~~i on State of Montana ) ) S3 County of Gallatin ) I, L. G Shadoan, Clerl{ of the Commission of (The City of Bozeman do hereby certlfy . that the foregoing Commission Resolution No. 380 was published by title and number in the Bozeman Daily Chronicle, a newspaper of c;eneral circulation printed and Oltblished in said Ci ty in the j_ s sue of September 25th, 1937, and that due proof of publication was made and filed in my office. IN WITT!ESS Wm;;REOF, I hereunto set my hand and affix the seal of my office this 27th day of September, 1937. /J./' /:?//J I