HomeMy WebLinkAboutResolution 379 Lighting Districts No. 100. 284. 288. 289. 290. 295. 300 ...---.--... ----. .... --.. ...-. --... 'Y) r- , ,..~.) COMMISSION RESOLUTION NO. 379 1\ rU<20LFl.'IOiJ IJF LTE~ COT.n:iIS~;rON OF' THE CITY OF TJ,OZEI;IAN, L'10Nrl'ANA, LEVYING AID I\SSES;:;n~(; LI:3II'l'ING DISTInCT MAI1\"TENANCE AND ELECTHICAL CURHENT COSTS pon SPECIAL IT;WROVEMENT LI';-HTING DISTRICTS NUMBERS 100, 284, 288, 289, 290 295, AND 300 OF THE CITY OF BOZm.1AN, PURSUANT TO rrHE PROVISIONS OF . , SECTION 5266 R. C. Montana 1935. BE IT HESOLVED TW THE COWMISSION OF 'I'HE CITY o Ii' BO~I;:j,ftAN, MONTANA. I Section 1. That pursuant to the direction and by authority of the provisions of Section 5266, R. C. Montana 1935, and unon esti!11ates of such cost made by said City Commission as autrJOrized and directed by said Section 5266 R. C. Montana, 1935, to defray the cost of maintainiq?, and lighting systems and for electrical current in the several Special Improvement LightinG Districts of the City of Bozeman hereinafter specified, :32() the purposes herein stated, has been provisionally Dassed and adopted by the Commission of the City of Bozeman, is on file in the office of said Clerk and sl~bjoct to inspection dur:i.ng regular office 'nours, for a perlod of five days from and after the publication of such notice and at any time during such office hours and at or Drior to the regular meeting of the City Commission to be held on September 3rd, 1937, as stated in Section 3 hereof; that said ~otice shall be :0 pTJblished once:. and such PUbli~at:lon SroW11 be I made not lesf) than fl ve days before ~)entember 31'0., 1937, at time set lor hearlng and considering objections to the final adoption of this Resolution, 0.3 aforesaid. Prov1s:tonally passed and adopted 1)y the Comm:i.ssion of the City of Bozeman at a regular meetinc:, of said Commission on the 27th day of August, 1937. ;' /" ~.. J;/;f~Z:~ May~ Attest: ~t; /;{ ~ 61 e~~l{ V6t~th~----~<~~i ~ot-~.__/ Finally passed and adopted by the CO:rJ1JTllssion of the City of Bozeman at a regular meeting of said Commissipn on the 3rd day of September, 1937 0id/ tL i/ . . i......~.~ - -- T" C;.~i....,i -L ..- -., "layor Attest: ~~b~p-fi~~~/ Clerk of the Commission NO'I'ICE I OF 'l-'I~lr,'Ti: AIJl-" PI ^ ("-;' 1,IOt:.' 1--T!;' r\ q-,NG (')l)"JT7'cr.lnION(~ tT'O "'Tn" I';'I-l"-iAI, A,J)'opri'InIJ OF CO~;;~~I SS" IO""J-I , .L:. . \ "..I _" ..J..ri. J [..J. I. .. l ,:........".1..d 1......l....L\ , "n' ..j._.J.J .... h...I ...A.... ,J.. .,. ",LJ" . ....,t~ ~..... ~" j .\.'1 " RESOLiTTION HO. 279 OP ~rHE Cor.~~':ISSION OI" ~l: C I'l'Y (>F ZT,:~,/\,}i, TIC:i.!'rb.'1l\, LEVY-, ING AND AS,C;E:::;,'3H!G- P:'[(L'I01J C:O(j'j' or T'!IAn<'l'Ti:'::A>~-'- P... EU:C'I'EICAL cummNT }i'OR SPECT A1 I\'1"J:WVET'.TL~:~'n\ J,- C:-!I'I'ITJG rn:;THIC'J1S N::ICSEHS 100, 284, 2f:38, 289, 290, 295, AIm 300 OIi' 'rIIE CITY OF 30ZET:IAi:, 1\/iONT !U'TA :,.on 'rIm YEAR 1937. NOfl'ICE 1[:; FEHT-:BY GIVEN, That at a rG.~mlar meeting of the Commission of the City of Bozeman, ~;1ontana, .neld on the 27th day of A1J.gust, 1937, Commission He801ution No. 379 was nrovlsionally pRssed and adopted. Said resolution levies and assesses a special assessment upon all the property in Special Improvement Lightinc; j)istricts lh:nnbers 100, (Main Street); 284, (Cleveland Street); 288, (Tracy Ave.); 289, (N. Bozeman Ave.); 290, (So. Black Ave.); 295, (So. Willson Ave.); and 300, (N. Willson Ave.), to defray estimated cost of maintenance anG electrical current for each of said districts, Dursuant to the provisions of Section 5266, E.C. Mont. 1935. The portion of 31Jch cost assessed is 75% as to all of said districts except District No. 100 (Main Street) and as to such district the portion of the cost assessed is 50%. Notice is further fr;iv8n that said Commission Hesolution No. 379 is now on file in the office of the Clerk of the said City Corum.ission, C1 ty Hall,c--)ozemo.n, )',:ontana, and sub- I ject to inspection during the reF';lJlar office l'ours of said Clerk at any time ~rior to and at the regular meetlng of the said City Commission to )1e held on 6'r1c1ay, Ueptember 3rcl, 1937, at 7:30 0' clock P.M., at the Commission Chamber in the City liall Building, Bozeman, l,lontana, which is the time and nlace c1esignater1 in said r~e801ution No. 379 when and where the SGic1 Co;mnJ.sslon will consider and pass upon any and all or:jections to the final no.ssar:e and ado-otion of said Commission Hesolution No. 379. Heference is ~ '--j':'. .- Hesolution 379 ~ 827 mado to Counell Resolution 110. 647, and Commis sion Hes 0111 tions Nos. 214, 284, 28.5, -- 286, 305, and 316, creating the Special Improvement Lighting Districts above enumerated, which resolutions are on file and of record in the office of the Clerk of the City Commission and slJb.iect to plJblic insnoction durin? the ro,:-';ular office hours of said Clerk. I Dated this 28th day of AUGust, 1937. /} . ./ i/'-" L,/" .f.:. ...// (cl~~~;/~~{}~~-->~~;:~~~~ State of Montana ) ) S8 County of Gallatin ) I, L. " Shadoan, ~;lerk of the Commission of the C:i.tv of Bozeman, do hereby certify \.1 .. tlwt the foregoing 1\otico in He Comm:i.ssion Hesolu.tion No. 379 was published at length in the Bozeman Daily Chronicle, a newspaper of ,renoral circlJlation printed and pub lished in said City in the issue of August 28th, 1937, and that due proof of pub- lication was made and