HomeMy WebLinkAboutResolution 396 Defray cost of construction, SID No. 314 884 COMMISSION RESOLUTION NO. 396 A HESOLU'l'ION OF THE COV!1.~ISSIOIJ OF' TIlT,; Cri'Y OF p,QZm.'IAl'T, I,WI'Fl'AEA LEVy''ING AND ASSESSING A SPECIAL A3SES::,:;:EN'I' OF TAXES UFO;) ALL ',I.TE PHOPEH'I'Y IN Sf'ECIAL IMPROVEL:ENT DISTRIC'r NO. 314 IN 1'1m CITY OF BOZE;,lAT'" COUN'I'Y OF GALLA'l'IN, STATE OF MONTANA, '1'0 DEIi'RAY ':CIm COST o I;' CONf;TRuc'rnw AND I,IAinUG 'rIIE IIiYHOVEMENTS wrrUUN SAID SPECIAL H1PROVEIi:EWr DIS'l'RIC'r NO. 314. WHEHEAS, the City C0111-1111s sian of 1'he City of' Bozeman, did on the 25th day of September, 1937, duly an.d reb1"ularly pass Commission Resolution No. 383, entitled: I A RE80L1Y':;'ICN OF TIlE COl:Il'il~-SSICnJ OF THE CI'TY OF BC}ZEI~[A1~, MONTANA, DECLARnm rr11 TO BE THE IN'rEN'l1ION 01" SAID COI;l)\;:ISSION '1'0 CREATE A SPECIAL IMPROVEi.IENT DISTRICT TO BE KJWV1\ AND DESIGNATED AS uSTJECIAL INiPROVE:1,lEN'l' DIE:i'l'HICT NO. -7;"314" OF SAID CI1'Y Fon THE Pl:JR~"O;m DF CCNS'I'TIUCTING A SAI:I'IAHY SE\';EH IX THE ALLEY IN BLOCK 43, P .4.RE ADDrI'ION, WI'I'JUN SAID CI'TY, AND 1'0 SPECIALLY ASSESS '['TrE EITTIHE COS'l' ANDE:XPEIJSE; OF COTiS'i'RUCTING SAID SE\VER AC~An.jS'l1 'rHE PROPER'l'Y '{n'l';'n:; SAID SPECIAL IMPROV1;~l:'E]I)''}~ DISTRIC'rS A~) CEJi;AT1TD l'NDE:H Al~D BY VIRTU!.:; OF Till~ PROVISIONS OF SECTIONS 5225 TO 5277, HWI,USTVE, REVISED CODES OF MON'l'ANA 1935, AND ANY A?IEND~,:ENTS 'rHEHETO. AND TIIEHEA1"'l'EH, after due and legal proceedings had, the Commission of The City of' Bozeman did on the 15th day of October, 1937, duly pass Commission Resolution No. 386, enti tled: A RESOLUrl'ION OF TI~m COl.TiIiIS:nON OF' 'n-IE CITY ()Ii1 30ZEIvli\N, STA'I'E OF I'flOI:rl'ANA, CnENrnm A SPECLU, nIPHC)"JEI\EEN'l1 DISTRIC'I' '1'0 BE IGW;'iN AND DESIGNATED AS "SPECIAL I1vIPROVm.lEl:rT DISrl'PIC::V riD. 314" OF SAID CITY pon 'TIm PUH?OSE 0Ii' C01TSTHUCTING A SANITARY SEVIER IN 'rUE ALLEY IN BLOCK 43, PARK ADDI'I'ION, WITEIN SAID CITY, AND 'ro SPECIALLY ASSESS TEE EWl'IHE COST AND EXPEl:rSE OF CONSTRUC- TnJG SAID SANITARY SEVillR AGAINS1l' TILl:!; PROPERTY 'Nl'l'IIIN SAID DISTRICT UlmER AND BY VIRrnm OF 'rUE rfW\TISICNS O~,' SECTIONS 5225-5277, INCLUSIVE, POLPIJICAL CODE, R.C.Ii::., 1935, AND ANY AMENDMENT S TEEHE'l'C. which Commission Resolutions Nos. 383 and 386, passed as aforeaaid, are hereby referred to and macle a part of this resolution for further particulars :i.n respect to the boundaries of said district, the character of the impI'ovem0 nt s to be constructed therein, the ex'" I tim.:'l ted cos t of said improvements and the metr:od of assessing the cost agains t the property wi thin said district; and VH-IEREAS, said improvements as contemplated in said Co:rrt.'11is sion Resolutions Nos. 383 and 386 have been cons tr'Llcted and completed in accordance with the terms and con- di.tions of Com:mission Resolutions Nos. 383 and 3D6, and the total cas t of said im/:rove- ments so constructed is the sum of Five hundred Forty-six. Dollars aJ:l.d Eight Cents, ($546.08). NOW, '1' IrEHE1I'ORE, pursuant to the provlsions of Sections 5225 to 5277.5 and 5485, R.C.M., 1935, and amendments ther::to, BE IT RESOLVED AND IT IS IillREBY OHDERED BY ~tHE COIilIU,SSION OF' 'rIIE Clrl'Y OF _........u.. _.......___ Q81"'- ~). a of land described in said assess:r.1ent list, Schdu1e II A'!, as required by law; that the pa:rment of said sums shall be made in seven installments and the pa~nl1ent of said in- stallments shall extend over a period of six years; th:~ the paynrent of the respective annual ins tallments shall be made on or before the 30th day of November of each year until payment of all installments together with the interest thereof, shall be made; that I said sums sha 11 be pai d and the collection thereof shall be lJk'ld.e in the manner and in accordance with the law Governing the collection of special improvement taxes; that failure to pay slJ.ch assessments 'ltlhen the same become due and payable sb.all make such persons and said lots and parcels of land liable to the penalties provided by law rel- ative to delinquent taxes; Section 2: 'l'hat the regular session of the Commission of The City of Bozeman to be held in the I.,;orrn~lission Chamber in the City Hall of said City on the 25th day of 1<;larch, 1938, at 7:30 o'clock P.~., be, and the same is hereby designated as the time and place at which objections to the final adoption of thl s Hesoluti 011 will be he ard b;T the . de' i sal Orr',,:llS~'! on. Section 3. Tllat tJle Clerk of the C0Yt1171ission of The City of Bozeman be, and lle is hereby ordered and directed to publish in the Bozeman Daily Chronicle, a daily news.- paper printed and D1J.blished in the .said Vi ty of BOZe1Jlan, a notice signed by tne Clerk of the Cormnission and stating that a resolution le'TIling and assessing a special assess- me nt of taxes to defray the cost and expense of constructing and making the improve- ments in the said Special Improvement Dis trj.ct Ho. 314 is on file in the office of the I Cler1-: of the COYi1Llis sian subject to inspection for a period of fi ve ---- -.-..-.. --...-----...---------- -----.-...- aSG V!aS provisionally passed and adopted; that said COlnmission Hesolution l'Jo. 396 levies and assesses a special a:;)sessnent of taxes upon all the property iE Special Improvement District rOe ~ 111' , 1 n. t to defray the cos t m-:.d expense of cOYl8tructin(; and mal:- o ~ ~n sa~( ~l y, lng the improvements wit~in said District; That, said Conrmission Resolu.tion No. 396, is now on file in the office of' the I Clerk of the Commission subject to inspection for a period of five (5) days by aEY persons interested. That Priday t!le 25th day of I.Iarch, 1938, at 7:30 o'clock P.~., of said day, at tlJ.0 regular session of the said COillL1iss:ion oi' '1'ne Cj..:-;y of Doze:inan at the Commission Chamber in tIle City Hall Building of said City, has been designated as the time and place '.'lhen af'.d where the said Cormnis sion will he ,'r and pass upon any and all objections tlw.t may be made to the final passage and adoption of said ttosolution No. 396 and th~) levying of said assessment, and that said Resolution will :..e finally passed and adopted at said regular 3e33:1.'n. All persons interested are referred to Co:',]]'ds~1ion rtesolution No. 383, declar- ing it to be the intention of the Cormnission to create Special Improvement District ]:jo. 3 lLJ, , and Corrnnission Resolution No. 386, creating Special Improvement Dis trict .i:1o. 314. Dated this 19th day of March, A.D., 1938. State of l::ontana ) I ) ss County of Gallatin ) I, L. G. Shadoan, Clerk of the Co:rnmis sion of the Cit,r of Bozeman do hereby .- certify that the foregoing Notice Commiss.ton Hesolution No. 396, was published at lengt~l in the Bozelnan D!Q ly Chronicle,