HomeMy WebLinkAboutResolution 393 SID No. 315 a7a COMMISSION RESOLUTION NO. 393 A 1:1ESOLU'l'Im~ en_i' l':m cr-ne COI,:TII3SImr OF :,ClTE CITY OF SOZEI;IAN, T,IOI;'I'AlJA, DECLAlrLl'JG 1'1' '.L'O me: 'l'~i3 Iii'I'}:lT'l'rON OF 'L'HE CI'l":': 01-' BOZEMAN '1'0 CIE::ATE A SPECIAL n/lPROVEI.IEja' DIS'l'RICl' TO BE Ej~OVm AND DESIGEA'rED AS SPECIAL IM- PROVEMENT DISTRICT NO. 315 OF SAID CITY, FOR tIlE PUHPOSE OF P AVr,\jG LlENDENHALL STHE~/[' FROr.: 'TEIHD AVENUE, NORTH, '1'0 BROADWAY AIm BROADWAY FROM EENDET:HALL 3TE.EET '1'0 1.111.11'1 STREErr, 'iiITI-I ONE OF' 'l'IIHEE KINDS OF PAVEr.lEJ\j'I' AS HI '['IS HESOLU'I'rON SET FOE'l'H, AND ALSO FOE. I'EE CONSTHUC- I TION OF' C<)'NCRETE curms IN CONI:TEC'l'IOH HITI': SUCI-T p:\vn'JG AH]) 'linE ITJSrrAL- LNl'IOTJ OIi' s'rOHM. SErffiHS A',:]) SUCH OTHER DHAINAGE S'l'RUCTUHES AS r,IAY BE 'l'mc- ESSARY, ,:nTHIN SAID SPECIAL IMPFW'lEMEIFI' DI STRIc'r IJO. 315, AND fl'O SPECIALLY A3S}~SS 'THE COST OF E)AID IMPROVEI;TENT NJAnr:;'l' TITE PROp::R'l'Y 'XI'I'HIN THE BOUND;\l-U:r:<:S OF SUCH SPECIAL EIPHOVE:,TEXT DL~TIUCT NO. 315 Oll TI"m~ AREA 131\.31S, EXCE?rr AS TO STREET /\1'-)D ALI..EY nrfl'EHSEC':;"IO:JS, THE COST ()lii '\VIIICT.I STIj\.I~L T.3E I) .!\I~D BY 'r~-~E CIrll}~ 0111 130ZJ~~}.I.l~.1!. BE IT HESOLVED BY TIm crry COhlI.:L3SIOH 0Ii' TEm crry OF BOZEl.IAN: Section 1 Declaration of Intention It is hereby declared to be the intention of The City of Bozeman to create a speCial improvement district to be known and designated as Special ImproveJ'rlent District No. 315 of The City of Bozeman, for the purpose of paving Mendenhall street in said City from Third Avenue, north, eastward to LJO east line of Broadway and Broadway southward from l/iendenhall street to the north line of Main Street, wi tll one of three different kinds of pave~ent, as hereinafter specified, and also to install in connec- tion with said paving and as a part of said improvement, all necessary concrete curbing, storm sewers and other drainage structures; and to specially assess the cost of said ;374 eRst line of Ida Venue; TEENCE south 5 feet to the north line of East hlain street; 'l'}IENCE we s t along said north line of Eas t Niain Street; to a point 74.63 feet west of the east line of Block D, of Rouse s' Addition; 'rItE; ji C E nortil parallel with and 74.63 feet west of said east line of Block D to the north line of the alley in said Block; THENCE west along tho north line of said alley to the intersection of said line with the line between Lots 18 and 19 of said Block D; THENCE north 10 feet to a point 141 feet south of the south line of East lilendenhall street;TEENCE west parallel wi t::1 and 140 feet south of said S01;tth line of East iVlendenhall street to the center line of North Tracy Avenue; THENCE south along said center line of 'l'racy I Avenue to a point 140 feet south of the south line of West Nlenden11all street; 'rIlEIICE west parallel wi th and 140 feet south of said south line of West Mendenhall street, to the east line of Third Avenue, north; 'l'FiENCE nort'c1 along the east line of said Third Avenue, north, to the place of besinning. Section 3 Area of District '1'he total area of the land within said propesed Special Improvement District No. 315, w:i. th thri ty (30) feet on each s ide of Mender'hall street and t'lirty (30) feet on each side of Broadway street, within said district, computed at double the a c bJ. a I a1' e a , and exclusive of streets, avenues, alleys and ~;ublic place s, and which will be sub:iect to assess'nent to pay the cost of said improverrrent as hereinafter stated, ls one million two hundred and seventy-nine thousand three hundred c.ndthirty-seven ( 1,279,337) square feet. Section 4 .. ..__m.._.__'..._. _, ,. ~{7~ t-, t Section 6 Objections--Time for Hearing 'rha t the regular meeting of the city commiss ion to be held on Friday, the 7th day of January, 1938, qt 7:30 o'clock P.M. of said day, a t the rec;u_ln.r meeting place of said city commission in the Corrunisslon Hoom in the City Hall of '1'he City of Bozeman, I Iilont ana, is the time and place when and where objections to the creation of said Special Improvement Di strict ITo. 315 pursuant to this resolution and the adoption of a Resolution creating such distr:l.ct, will be heard and considered; and the City llianager is hereby directed to cause notice of this resolution to be served upon all persons havine; property within said proposed Special Improvement District No. 315 as herein- above in this resolution defined and also to give notice thereof by publication, all in manner and form as prescribed by Section No.. 5227, R. C. Montana, 1935. Passed and adopted by the Commission of The City of Bozeman at a regular meetins of said Connnissj.on held on the loth day of December, 1937. J!/;/~ . Ci,... , . -.' ..,: . AtteJt; 1'11ayor if,;:1 6i:;1~0t ;f;j:~~-i-'ff%~~ s f()n- NOTICE IN RE _._.._____..____._n___.'__ B7(j of the intention to creC!.te said Special Improvement District no. 315 is on file in the office of the clerIc of the lIi ty CO~'lmi"ss:'Lon of '1'11e City of Bozeman, is open to the inspec- tion of all interested parties, and is hereby referred to for a description of the boundaries of said Special Improvement District No. 315 which it is declared by said Hesolution No. 393 to be the intention to create. It is provided in said Reso lution of Intention ITo. 393 to create said proposed I Special Improvement District No. 315, that the psvin~ in said district shall be one of the three following described types of prl ving, to-wit: Warrentle-Bi thuli thic p'evement on a six-inch (611) crushed rock base, hereinafter referred to as "Type No. 1 pavement. II Warrenite-Bithulithic pavement on a four-inch (411) black base, hereinafter referred to as "Type No. 2 pavement. 11 'Two and one -half inch (2.~J') Penolithic pavement on a six-1nch (6") crushed rock base, hereinafter referred to as IItrype Ho. 3 pavement. II An approximate estimate of the cost of said improvement, exclusive of street and alley intersections, ( the cost as to such intersections being paid by The City of Bozeman as hereinafter provided) and including curbs, storm sewers and other necessary drainage strlJctures, enGineerinG, inspection and incidental expenses, as well as paving, :ls as follows: UsinG' 'l'ype No. 1 t ~7r 77~ 00 o r ;j~.058917 per square foot. City' s e s - i..) ., ~ P,",l vemen ,? ,), ,) ,). , timated share $11,418.00. Using Type No. 2 pavement, J' or $.057325 per s~lare foot. City's es- I 'j~73, 3;39.00, ,I tbmted sh~lre $11,1;39.00. Using Type No.